Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1714: : Huo Dexing Jun

Chapter 1714: Huo De Xingjun

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and directly pressed a handprint on the stone monument of this cave in the Shanmen Cave.

This stone tablet is common, so no matter whether it was Huangfu Nanshan, or Ling Batian and Huaguan middle-aged men, he did not pay attention to him.

But only Ye Xiaohu knows clearly that the stele can be noticed, and the guards in charge of this place can easily investigate what is happening in this place.

"Hey, the Fire Demon Gossip Array."

Ye Xiaohu had just touched the stele and immediately noticed a mysterious power, accompanied by a burning sensation of flame.

Ye Xiaohu couldn't be more familiar with this feeling, so Ye Xiaohu immediately judged the formation.

I saw Ye Xiaohu's mind constantly shining with different names, and finally determined the identity of a person.

It was actually the emerald fire, Ye Xiaohu could not help but laugh bitterly.

Originally, Ye Xiaohu thought that he could fish a big fat fish on this trip, but when Ye Xiaohu solved the puzzle, he found that the puzzle was not very thick, slightly disappointing him.

Because this emerald fire is not a smart person.

Even his master Huo Dexing, Luo Xuan, was actually not a ruthless man in ancient times.

"Actually Luo Xuan's site, no wonder there was some familiarity before looking at it."

Ye Xiaohu's contact with Huo De Xingjun is actually not very much, and he can only barely be said. Because of cutting off the gods, all of them are more arrogant and do not care about others.

Of course, this may also have the same relationship with the gods who cut off the religion, and all races.

So when they failed, they were completely suppressed by the fairy, and naturally they would not be willing to take care of human beings. But for Ye Xiaohu, it was nothing, and it was Ye Xiaohu who really made Ye Xiaohu not have a cold for Huodexing Jun Luoxuan.

Cold and arrogant, and do not take everything to heart.

Playing a fire from time to time makes it difficult to control.

I saw Ye Xiaohu recalled, and could not help but frown and cautiously said: "However, although the person of the Huo De Xing Jun Luo Xuan is not good, but the sky fire beads in his hand, but a terrible baby. He got it, and it is estimated that he will be able to take it to the next level in the practice of flame. "

And Huode Xingjun also has many famed artifacts. The fairy worlds that have been made today are all valuable treasures. They can also be taken out and given to Xiang Qingjie and others, so that they all have a handy hand. Fairy.

After thinking about this, Ye Xiaohu moved on.

Soon Ye Xiaohu came to the depth of the cut-off mountain gate in charge of Huode Xingjun. This place has a flame passage.

In this same flame, Ye Xiaohu quickly encountered obstacles.

This obstacle is a kind of life formed by flames. I saw them stopping Ye Xiaohu's way.


"Is the descendant of elucidation?"

"Kill, according to the memory left before the Lord left, we will kill all the descendants of the teachings and re-establish a supreme cut-off."

"Yes, kill, absolutely can't let them go to the place where Master Xingjun retreats."

Hearing the conversation of these fire-attribute life, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but be surprised, because he heard these fire-attribute life, he accidentally revealed a message that Huo Dexing Jun may be closed here, and Ye Xiaohu's arrival may be Wake it up.

If this is true, then for Ye Xiaohu, it is tantamount to a big trouble.

After all, Huo Dexing Jun is not an ordinary person. If he has lived from the ancient heaven to the present, then the fighting power is definitely the top group in the fairy world. Ye Xiaohu can't compete with it.

So Ye Xiaohu thought for a moment, and then said to those fire-attributed life: "Where is Huo Dexing Xingjun, I am his old friend, and I want to visit him."

Since it is impossible to compete with the enemy, Ye Xiaohu naturally wants to communicate through the mode of communication, hoping to let Huo Dexing Jun look at the face of the year, and do not care about Ye Xiaohu.

"Stupidly educating the descendants of the descendants, just because you also want Foolish Lord to give you the head of Xingjun's retreat?"

I saw one of the strongest flames, could not help but sneered, and said decisively: "After we capture you, we will naturally take your soul to meet Master Xingjun, so now you can die."

These fire-like lives roared angryly, and released a terrifying airflow, looming toward Ye Xiaohu.

"Good to come."

Seeing that there was no way to communicate, Ye Xiaohu was naturally not willing to be killed by the other party.

So when the fire-attribute life attacked, Ye Xiaohu's body immediately turned into a flame gold body.

Because only the gold body with the same type of attributes can make Ye Xiaohu more easily blend into this flame world.

So this time Ye Xiaohu did not retreat, because he knew he could only win the final victory if he mastered the initiative.

In such a situation, Ye Xiaohu killed him directly with one arrow, and punched the fire-attributed life with his head: "I'd like to see if your flames are powerful, or the flames on my body are powerful."

Ye Xiaohu was running the five-element golden body tactics and went all out with one punch.


Those fire-typed lives, one by one after a long period of cultivation, have reached a very terrifying point. But when they faced Ye Xiaohu, they were destined to have no way to win, because Ye Xiaohu's body carried a more terrifying flame.

Zi Zi.

When the two flames collide together, they immediately release a blazing light, allowing all life around to evaporate.

After this collision ~ ~ there are only a few flames left, and still maintain his own health.

"How can this be?"

"An ordinary educated fairy, but why would he have five elements of gold body, and it is so horrible?"

"I am not your opponent, but I still will not tell you where Master Xingjun is."

"No, I have a feeling of being assimilated. Who will save me."

At the beginning of those fire-type lives, they were relatively confident and felt that it was not difficult to deal with Ye Xiaohu.

But when he saw the energy in his body and passed it into Ye Xiaohu's body a little, he couldn't help but panic: "Damn, you actually refined the Phoenix's natal fire, no wonder your cultivation practice is now so Fast and difficult to see through. "

Hearing their previous conversation, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but smile lightly: "Now you still have the opportunity to choose to submit, or die."

(End of this chapter)

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