Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1716: : Strong collision

No use value?

Ling Batian couldn't believe it would be the result. Before he cooperated, he always thought he was an important person.

He even thought he was an indispensable person, but he never thought that it would be such a result now.


Ling Batian could n’t believe what he saw, and sternly asked Huaguan Middle-aged man to say: “Before you promised me, after the success of the future, let me become the master of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate and join the Empire Guards. ? "

"Haha, that's just to catch you for a while, you won't be naive to believe it?"

The Huaguan middle-aged man looked at Ling Batian with disdain, carrying his hands on a stone stele covered with words in front of him, and said with excitement: "Waste like you, how can He join our empire?" Guards. "

At this moment, Ling Batian felt that he was completely abandoned and showed no mercy.

Under such circumstances, Ling Batian couldn't help but sneer, and then stared at Huaguan Middle-aged man with a dead eye: "Maybe you are right, but you think you can stand the upper hand steadily, then there is some wishful thinking. You only have four people. I ’m afraid you ca n’t eat so many of us? ”

Ling Batian directly hit a ring finger in the sky, and the disciples of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate immediately followed the regular route and arranged in different directions.

At this moment, the disciples of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate formed a strange formation.

When Ling Batian saw the success of the formation, the whole person became more reliable.

I saw that Ling Batian looked at the Huaguan middle-aged man with a smug face, and said calmly: "If you were not so rampant before and directly shot us to kill us, then maybe we have been killed. But when we clothed After the success of the battle, even if you come from the empire and are a member of the Imperial Guard, then I will be fearless.

Ling Batian is confident at this moment and has no fear at all.

However, the middle-aged man of Huaguan didn't worry at all. He saw his eyes turned back, and then he carried his hands on his back, looking at Ling Batian from far away, as well as the formations arranged by the spirit bird fairy gate and others, but he didn't worry at all. : "Is it finished? If you are ready, then I am ready to send you on the road."

"It's a big talk."

"I'll see how you send us on the road."

"Is it true that our disciples of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate all eat dry food? I tell you that our disciples of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate are not ordinary people. If we really want to work hard with you, even if you are imperial guards Army men, you also do not want to kill us. "

"Come on! Those of you who are rebellious, those of our Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, will not succumb."

The disciples of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate are not willing to be used by middle-aged men in Huaguan one by one.

Under such circumstances, they stared at the Huaguan middle-aged men full of fighting spirit, and almost swallowed them.

"Yes, you may have some abilities in the place, but in front of our imperial guards, you are a group of weak chickens, which is nothing."

The Huaguan middle-aged man reached out with a finger and gently pointed to the disciple of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate: "It seems that you can't tell any flowers. Since this is the case, I will send you directly to the road."


I saw the Huaguan middle-aged man lightly flicked a finger, suddenly ejected with a force.


That force was direct, and the volley ejected into the formation arranged by the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate.

Immediately after this disciple of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, before he had time to react, he felt a huge fluctuation of immortal power around him.

The powerful fairy power fluctuations directly change the surrounding world.

The disciple of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, the closest to the fluctuation, had not yet understood what happened, but was hit by this huge force, and directly paid the price of his life.

One by one, in the blink of an eye, the disciples of Lingniao Xianmen killed or injured four or five people.

And of these four or five people, none of them are the core positions of the spirit bird fairy gate formation.

In this blink of an eye, the formation of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate was destroyed on the spot.

"Damn, how could he be so powerful?"

"What the **** is going on, what is his finger flicking, why is it so powerful, and can directly penetrate the protection of the formation."

"How exactly did he do it, and why can he be so powerful, is this the strength of the Imperial Guard?"

"How to fight this? Do we just fail like this?"

The disciples of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate looked bitter one by one. Obviously the situation is now very bad, so they do not know how to face it.

Therefore, they can only look at Ling Batian quietly, after all, Ling Batian is their main backbone.

"Everyone don't have to worry about ~ ~ to abandon buying and selling arrays directly, and directly change the array to the spirit bird fairy array.

Ling Batian was a little disappointed because the formation they had arranged before was a very powerful formation. It was also an accidental opportunity for Ling Batian to obtain the formation by accident from a ruin.

But now this formation is not working, so they can only give up the previous formation and choose the mountain guard formation of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate.

In this way, the defensive ability is much reduced from the beginning, but it is better than no formation.

Upon Ling Batian's command, the disciples of the Lingbird Immortal Gate immediately acted according to his command.

For a time, the disciples of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate immediately formed a brand new formation, which made their morale improve a lot.

But the middle-aged man of Huaguan didn't seem to care. I saw that he withdrew his eyes and told his right and left: "Did you see? Their strength is weak, so in order to maintain the fighting power of our imperial guards, Allow you to let go of any disciple of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate and leave alive. "

The companions of Huaguan's middle-aged men glanced at each other, then they nodded one after another, and then they went straight to the side, leaving the place where they started standing in an instant.

At the next moment, they appeared directly within the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate Formation, followed by their release of their Immortal Act, and enveloped toward the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate disciples.

Faced with such a situation, the disciples of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate launched their defenses and surrounded the middle-aged men such as Huaguan.

Looking at this scene, Ling Batian wanted to help his mentor to fight in the past.

But when he was about to act, he found himself locked up.

This made Ling Batian couldn't help moving his eyes and looked at the Huaguan middle-aged man who was not far away: "Ximen Yihe, even if I die today, I won't let you feel better."

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