Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1721: : Another 1 heritage

Half step Tianjun!

This is the current fairyland, the top group exists.

At least with Ye Xiaohu's current knowledge, he hasn't seen a few of Tianbu Tianjun, and Tianjun is even less.

But Ye Xiaohu believes that Half Step Tianjun is not his ultimate.

Although masters above half-step Tianjun are already very rare, Ye Xiaohu is bound to become one of Tianjun's members.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and let himself return to the calmness at the beginning.

"It's worthy to be Huoxingxing Jun Luoxuan, but it's just the legacy of the original source of fire, which has made me reach the level of a half-step Tianjun. If I can get more sources, then it should be so good."

Ye Xiaohu sighed, slightly disappointed.

However, Ye Xiaohu's mentality was very good, so when he knew that he could no longer continue, he began to observe other things.

Under Ye Xiaohu's observation, Ye Xiaohu found that inside the source of the flame, there was actually a platform with a fairy.

This is a jade seal, but it contains huge fairy power.

This thing, Ye Xiaohu often played with it when he was in the heavenly court, so he recognized it at a glance, so he exclaimed: "Huo De Xingjun, this time, it's really a **** one, and he actually took himself close to heaven Yindu stayed, as his inheritance. "

Huodexing Jun Luoxuan has a total of three magic weapons, one of which is placed inside, which shows how much he values ​​this matter

Ye Xiaohu originally thought this was just an ordinary place of inheritance for Huo De Xing Jun. As a result, he never thought it was a cornucopia.

So Ye Xiaohu happily used the immortal power and began to refine Zhaotianyin.

Zhao Tianyin was under Ye Xiaohu's refining, but was easily refined. This made Ye Xiaohu slightly unexpected: "It seems that Huo Dexing Jun Luoxuan really died, otherwise His personal fairy is impossible to be refined easily. "

What exactly happened?

What made Huode Xingjun Luo Xuan, had to leave his famed fairy, and then took other fairy to die?

Ye Xiaohu did not know, but this greatly aroused his curiosity.

"Is it the devil world?"

"Or heaven?"

"Or is it an unknown force?"

Ye Xiaohu stood alone and guessed for a long time, but there was still no way to guess.

After making Ye Xiaohu sigh for a while, he decided to give up and continue to speculate.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and continued to move forward.

Under the advancement of Ye Xiaohu, Ye Xiaohu gradually passed on the entire inherited land, and it was clear that he could not help but feel emotion.

Because this place of inheritance is full of countless inheritances of all sizes.

These inheritances are singular, and they are a whole. They are superimposed on each other before, making people indestructible without affecting exploration.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu locked another lineage, but when Ye Xiaohu planned to obtain that lineage, he found that no matter how hard he tried, there was no way to obtain this line of inheritance. There is no way to touch the same.

This made Ye Xiaohu feel powerless, so Ye Xiaohu tried again and again, and gradually got some speculation: "Perhaps, some conditions must be met before they can enter the corresponding inheritance."

After guessing this, Ye Xiaohu was slightly disappointed.

However, after disappointment, Ye Xiaohu could only sigh: "You wait, sooner or later I will come back one day, Ye Xiaohu will get you back one by one."

Ye Xiaohu shouted and was about to leave the place.

But just as Ye Xiaohu was about to leave, he heard a cold voice and said: "Your surnamed Ye, you dare to come back and inherit my master's origin?"


Ye Xiaohu was taken aback, and quickly turned to look at it.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu saw a horse, and stood alive in that place.

Ye Xiaohu glared at the spot and said: "Chi Yanju, are you still alive?"

"That is the kindness of the master."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Chi Yanju could n’t help but sigh: “The Lord could n’t bear to let me die, so I stayed here and waited for someone who was destined. Man, you are actually a deserter. "


When Ye Xiaohu heard Chi Yanju's words, he couldn't help but refute on the spot: "If I were a deserter, then I wouldn't show up now. What's more, I didn't know what happened to the fairyland and how to respond? "

"You really don't know?"

"If I knew it, then I would not return."

"Also, after all, you were just an ordinary fairy at that time."


Chi Yanju sighed and fell into silence.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but ask curiously: "Chi Yanju, what happened in that year, why did such a big change happen in the fairyland?"

"I do not know either."

Chi Yanju smiled bitterly: "I was retreating to the level of Tianjun. When I retired, I was already in this place. Only from the mark left by the owner, I probably knew that they would organize a group to ask for something . It ’s basically nine deaths, but they have no complaints and no regrets.

"Where is the battle?"


"Magic world?"




"Is it ..."

Ye Xiaohu thought of a possibility, and then cautiously said: "Will it not be the forbidden places in the legend?"

"I do not know either."

Chi Yanju smiled bitterly: "If you know it, then I accompanied the master to kill it ~ ~ instead of chatting with you in this place."

"Also, you have stayed in this place for tens of millions of years, and it is estimated that I don't know much about it."

Ye Xiaohu spit out and asked again: "So what are you going to do next?"

"Leave this place."

Chi Yanju hesitated: "I'm going to find my master, even if he only has a pile of dead bones."

"In this case, then I can help you."

Ye Xiaohu rolled his eyes and said, "I'm also exploring the cause of the destruction of the ancient heaven, so I can just explore it together, so you can leave with me."


Chi Yanju glanced at Ye Xiaohu, and without thinking much, he agreed directly: "Just, you inherited my master's inheritance, then I have to supervise your daily cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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