"You see what's going on there?"

"Someone seems to be setting up cards."

"That's it. Look at the side. Many disciples of the Daemonists have been caught one by one, and they have sealed their cultivation practices."

"This situation is a bit wrong, and everyone will take care of it later."

I saw a small school of disciples, walking forward in groups.

When they came to the person who set up the card in front, they could not help but cautiously ask: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"As you can see, set up a card."

The person in charge of this level is Xue Shanling.

I saw Xue Shanling glanced, and came to ask his little disciples: "Which disciples are you?"

"The Seventeen Gates of Beiling."

I saw the disciples of the small school, and immediately reported to me that I was born: "Dare to ask Brother which school you are?"

"Me? I am also a child of a small school."

Xue Shan responded calmly, which made the disciples of the seventeen gates of Beiling feel a little more at ease.

But at this time, Xue Shanling added: "However, I now turn to Brother Helanzong Ye Xiaohu, so you can also consider me as a disciple of Helanzong."


If it is a small school, then it is enough.

But the name of Herranzong, those people have heard.

Herranzong was not a major force they could provoke, so they swallowed and said: "So, brother, how much do I have to hand over?"

"Five percent of Xianzhen harvested this time."

Seeing that the other party spoke very well, Xue Shanling didn't embarrass the other party, so he said directly: "As long as you don't lie and give up sincerely, then you can leave."


That's half.

The disciple of the Seventeen Gates of Beiling opposite, suddenly looked a little ugly.

"Even if you are a disciple of Heranzong, you should not be so arrogant?"

I saw an unwilling disciple of the seventeen gates of Beiling, and suddenly jumped up and said: "These immortals are all we have worked hard for, and we have obtained them from those monsters and dangerous places in our life. Give you half? "


"You are right, let me tell you now, why should we charge you half of Xianzhen."

I saw Xue Shanling snorted coldly, and immediately took a big handprint on the spot and shot it to the seventeen disciples of Beiling: "The fairyland today is a world respected by the strong, as long as I am stronger than you, then I speak Well, you have to obey, otherwise there will be only one result, then die. "

With Xue Shanling's words, the overwhelming large handprint directly chiseled the disciple of the Seventeen Gates of Beiling.

"not good."

"That's the eighth heaven of the Nine Saints Xuanxian, before they can play the big handprint."

"Hurry away, Brother Wang."

"Damn, Brother Wang, you are not his opponent."

I saw the seventeen disciples of Beiling who had questioned Xue Shanling before. At this moment, they seemed to be scared and stupid. They stood blankly and didn't know what to do.

He didn't organize an effective defense until Xue Shanling's big handprint came to the top of his head.

But that defense was completely vulnerable to Xue Shanling.


With only a soft sound, Xue Shanling's big handprint cracked the brains of the seventeen surnamed disciples of Beiling on the spot and beat him into a blood cake on the spot.

The soul fled from the inside instantly, and the disciple of the seventeen kings of Beiling made a frightened voice, and eager to escape.

Seeing this scene, Xue Shanling did not have any supplementary means. Instead, he stood quietly on the spot, gazing at the escaping soul with a face of tyranny.




I saw Xue Shan whispering a few numbers in a low voice. The soul of Wang's disciple, who was watching the 17th gate of Beiling, who was about to escape, exclaimed, and then shattered directly in the void.

Seeing this scene, Xue Shanling turned around with satisfaction, and looked at the other disciples of the seventeen gates of Beiling, saying, "You guys, what are your plans now, if you want to avenge your own disciples, then I am someone Xue Willing to accept your challenge. "

Now Xue Shanling, it is not ordinary people.

Especially after getting the advice of Ye Xiaohu, Xue Shanling is many times more powerful than the people of the unified realm. This is Ye Xiaohu's experience value.

"We are willing to do what you said before."

"Brother Wang's relationship with us has always been bad, and his arrogance and arrogance are not worthy of our sympathy, so we will never commit a crime for him."

"Brother Xue please rest assured that we will not avenge him, and we will even bury this matter in our hearts forever, and we won't say it."

"Brother Xue, I am willing to turn over 60% of the harvest, I just ask you to let me go."

"me too."

Behind the seventeen disciples of Beiling, one by one looked at the flesh and blood that could not be seen in the distance, but lost the one who continued to fight, so they took the initiative to turn in the Xianzhen they got, and let Xue Shanling choose it by herself.

After Xue Shanling simply glanced at it, he randomly selected 50% of them, and didn't take one more point.

Because he followed Ye Xiaohu's words, a ant can watch the sky, not to mention people?

So in order not to provoke strong enemies for himself in the future, Xue Shanling will do anything in accordance with Ye Xiaohu's regulations, and will definitely not add fuel to it.

So soon he Xue Shanling completed the final seizure, and left the seventeen gates of Beiling to leave, and then they continued to perform the task, guarding this important traffic road.

"Brother Xue ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are really fewer people now."

"When we met the seventeen gates of Beiling, we hadn't met people for three or four days. Now that they are gone, it is estimated that it will take another three or four days, or even longer to see people?"

"This job is so boring, it makes me bored."

"Shall we have some fun?"

I saw the people brought by Xue Shanling one after another, asking Xue Shanling one after another, wanting to change the previous working mode at once, which made Xue Shanling shake his head after thinking for a while.

"It can't be messed up. We just turned to Brother Ye Xiaohu, and we still have to behave better so as not to cause dissatisfaction with Brother Ye Xiaohu."

Xue Shanling rejected the proposal of his teachers and brothers, and then he looked at the surroundings and briefly looked at it for a while, then said: "But you are right, now there are fewer and fewer people Xianzhen has become less and less, and it does n’t make sense to continue this way, so I ’ll go back and report to Brother Ye Xiaohu now to see what we should do next. ”

(End of this chapter)

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