Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1731: : Leave safely


At this moment, Zhao Houye is not suppressing his cultivation behavior.

When he released with all his strength, there was a terrifying airflow all around him.

As soon as the airflow passed, the surrounding creatures shattered instantly.

Seeing this scene, many people with relatively low levels have taken a breath.

They can see that the fairies under the Nine Saints Xuanxian, as long as they touch this airflow, will turn into ash ashes. This is Tianjun's ability, which is why Tianjun can't cause trouble.


Just when Zhao Houye wanted to go further and won Ye Xiaohu.

Elder Li Xianfeng who had come to Ye Xiaohu finally couldn't help it. I saw him coming out from behind, and the hard steel Zhao Houye said: "If the surname is Zhao, if you want to pass, then I am Li Xianfeng willing to accompany me. "

"court death."

No matter who Li Xianfeng is, Zhao Houye directly punches Li Xianfeng in the air.

Li Xianfeng was not polite with him, and also fought back.

The iron fists of the two sides collided together, this time unlike the previous confrontation between Ye Xiaohu and Lord Zhao Hou.

Because both sides are immortals at the level of the heavenly king, and the confrontation between them uses the way of the heavenly king, which is the way beyond the nine holy xuanxian.


When they attacked and collided fiercely, Li Xianfeng's body did not change at all, except for a grunt.

However, Lord Zhao Hou was once again blown off. I have to say that today is Lord Zhao Hou's disaster day. He was defeated twice in a row, which made him very embarrassed.

So when he landed on the ground steadily, he couldn't help staring at Li Xianfeng, saying: "Who the **** are you, why have I never heard it."

"Li Xianfeng."

Li Xianfeng said from his door: "I am just an ordinary elder within the Helan Sect."

Although Li Xianfeng said so, his father did not dare to carelessly.

So he kept recalling in his memory.

Soon he found the memory of Li Xianfeng, which made Lord Zhao Hou look at Li Xianfeng with surprise: "It is you, the younger brother of the current Helan Sect Master who once competed with the Helan Sect Master? "

"it's me."

Li Xianfeng nodded calmly and admitted on the spot: "But that is already a thing of the past. Now I am just an ordinary elder within the Helan Sect, so I want to maintain the safety of the lives of my Helan Sect disciples. Lord Hou, if you insist on continuing to shoot, then I ca n’t say you and I have to fight a few rounds. "

Li Xianfeng said it was easy, but it gave everyone a cold feeling.

Because Li Xianfeng's identity is too high, and he can compete with the master of the Helan Sect in that year, then his cultivation practice on behalf of him was already at the level of the Tianjun, otherwise he would not be qualified to compete for the big position.

Now that so many years have passed, no one can predict the level of Li Xianfeng's cultivation practice, but there is one thing that everyone can calculate, that is, his cultivation practice is definitely higher than that of Lord Zhao Hou.

Under such circumstances, Lord Zhao Hou pondered for a while: "My cultivation is not as good as you, but I need to remind you that the Ximen Yihe beheaded by Ye Xiaohu is more than just a soldier of my emperor's department. It is even within my empire, the well-known children of the Simon family, and highly valued by the Simon family. If you let the Simon family know what is happening today, it is not as good as your Helanzong. "

"That's my Hranzong affair, so don't bother you Hou Zhao Hou to remind."

Li Xianfeng waved his sleeves, and then said, "Not to mention the dangers everywhere in this tradition of teaching and inheritance. Every day, people are dying. He died in a Simon's crane. Isn't our Helanzong genius Did you die inside? So if the Simon family wanted to discuss it all at once, I would like to ask Heranzong why they wanted to kill my genius Huangfu Nanshan.


Seeing Li Xianfeng's appearance of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, Zhao Hou could not help but sneered: "Forget it, I am not your opponent. Since you insist on protecting him, then I will not speak."

"You have self-knowledge."

When Li Xianfeng saw Lord Hou Zhao, he was no longer entangled with himself, so he turned to Ye Xiaohu and said: "Since you have all returned, then let's go back to Shanmen now."


Without this experience, Ye Xiaohu would never return to Shanmen.

But with this experience, Ye Xiaohu's cultivation has been promoted, and naturally will not refuse to return to the mountain gate, so Ye Xiaohu agreed to Li Xianfeng in person, and boarded the flying monster that is exclusive to Heranzong, directly Fly to Heranzong.

After there was no more excitement to see, other sectarians also turned around and left.

For a while, only Zhao Hou was left.

At this time, Ye Hou's men came from thousands of miles away, and said to Mr. Zhao Hou: "Hou Ye, where is the murderer who killed Ximen Yihe? Now, the Ximen tribe asks us for a list. "


Originally I wanted to sell it to the Ximen clan, it might be useful, but now, besides the chase, Zhao Houye can only sigh helplessly and then say to his hand: "You go back and tell the people of the Ximen clan He said that their family genius Ximen Yihe was killed by Ye Xiaohu of Helanzong in the inheritance of Shanmenshan Gate. If they want to take revenge, they can go directly to Helanzong and I am willing to testify for them. "

"According to ~ ~ Lord Zhao Hou's men were stunned for a while, but he knew that Lord Zhao Hou had just rushed out just to catch the enemy who had killed Ximen Yihe.

But now, not only did Zhao Houye win the enemy, but the people of the Simon family went to find the murderer himself. Obviously this meant that Zhao Houye failed.

This made Zhao Houye's subordinates have a strong interest in the man who could make Zhao Houye eat dumb and lose Ximen Yihe.

But he didn't show it, so he turned around and left the place directly, responding to the Simon family according to what Zhao Hou said.

After he left, looking at the sky for a long time, Zhao Houye could n’t help but carry his own hands and flew a little above the sky, and looked at the direction of Ye Xiaohu and others leaving, the corner of his mouth was so lightly cracked, It makes people feel very cold and terrifying at a glance.

I saw the proud look of Zhao Hou, ghostly said: "It seems that you will face the overbearing Simon family in the future, how to resolve today's grudges."

(End of this chapter)

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