Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1735: : Dao on the broken arm

噺 ⑧ 一 中文 网 ωωω.χ⒏òм 固 幺 赽 捌 ㈠Fiction 蛧

"Look, who is that?"

"Isn't the person headed by Elder Li Xianfeng? If I remember correctly, he should go to carry out this time to intercept the mountain gate inheritance plan."

"It turned out to be him. No wonder Huangfu Nanshan and others will die. It is important to know that there are contradictions between them, so it is no surprise that Huangfu Nanshan died."

"Shut up, that's not something like our little shrimps, you can talk about things casually. If you want to die, I don't want to die."

When I saw my friend, I talked aloud and ignored the eyes and ears of the princelings around me. The clever inner disciple quickly reached out his hand and covered his companion ’s mouth, and took the companion to leave quickly. stay.

"Huh, a group of ants, and dare to deliberately discuss the affairs of my princeling party. After I am busy with this matter, I must pull you out and teach you a hard meal to let you know what it means to say nothing. End. "

After they left, a group of members of the Prince's Party came out and saw one of them, snorted sternly: "The boy with the surname Ye is back, but unfortunately within the sect door, I can't shoot him directly, otherwise I really If you want to rush up, take revenge for Brother Huangshan Nanshan now. "

"Don't worry about that moment, anyway, Brother Prince will be able to get out of the customs soon."

I saw a member of the crown prince headed by a punch on the wall next to him, and added angrily: "Not to mention that when he came home and saw the pile of loess, he was probably angry, haha, haha . "

"Yes, that's just interest. After the prince is out of customs in the future, he will definitely teach the kid named Ye."

"Let's go and continue to carry out the task explained by Brother Prince."

"Yes, you can't delay what the elder prince explained."

"Let's just stop here, you go to get what the Prince Prince wants, and we will invite those who participate in the Prince's Exit Hall."

The members of the Prince's Party turned around and left.

After they left, a person came out cautiously from the shadows and stared at those people with hate: "I will not let you continue to persecute Brother Ye Xiaohu, you abominable princelings."

After the words fell, he quickly rushed into the mission hall and shouted loudly: "Brother Ye Xiaohu, Brother Ye Xiaohu."

"Who calls me?"

Ye Xiaohu, who was handing over the task, suddenly heard someone shouting at himself, so he looked back and suddenly saw a familiar person.

So after completing the task handover, Ye Xiaohu walked directly to the person who shouted, and extended his hands, giving the other a big hug: "Liu Guanyue has been away for a long time."

"Brother Ye Xiaohu has been away for a long time."

Liu Guanyue grinned and then stared at Ye Xiaohu quickly: "Brother Xiaohu, how did you come back? Last time you left, didn't you say you want to come back later?"

"The mission is completed, so I will return with Elder Li Xianfeng."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, just when he was about to take back his arms, he suddenly found that Liu Guanyue had lost an arm.

His right hand is gone, which is a very strange thing for a fairy.

Because the fairy can evolve his own body at will, the lack of an arm is not a big deal at all.

But Liu Guanyue's arm was not simply missing, but was cut off by a powerful fairy with his own fairy road, and left his own way at the position where Liu Guanyue's arm was broken.

This way, like a tarsal guts, prevents Liu Guanyue from repairing his own arm, while constantly swallowing the fairy qi in Liu Guanyue's body, leaving him covered in pain all day long.

Aware of this, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but change his face as one of them: "Liu Guanyue, you have been sealed with arms by the Tao, why don't you find the elder Zongmen to repair the arm and expel the Tao?"

"My arms don't matter."

When Liu Guanyue heard Ye Xiaohu's words, his face changed, and then quickly changed the subject: "Brother Xiaohu, you know that you are very dangerous now. The princelings are like crazy recently, looking for you everywhere. Trouble. So before the prince does not leave the border, you should leave this place early and find a place where the Helanzong power dragon cannot find.


Ye Xiaohu's eyes lit up, only to see him staring at Liu Guanyue carefully.

Found problems from some subtle changes and tone of voice, so Ye Xiaohu said cautiously: "Is the prince abolishing your arm?"

"No, not a prince."

Liu Guanyue heard Ye Xiaohu's words, but said with horror: "Brother Xiaohu, don't guess wildly."

"That's not a prince, must be a master of the princeling party?"


"It seems that I guessed right, but this time the crown prince party intercepted the mountain gate inheritance, it can be said that there are countless deaths and injuries, should there be few masters left?"

"Brother Xiaohu, listen to me, my body is not important, but you are in danger now, and you have to leave this place as soon as possible.

"I understand."

Ye Xiaohu can roughly guess that it must be the ghost of the Crown Prince Party.

I dare not find the trouble of Ye Xiaohu, so he vented his anger on Liu Guanyue ~ ~ I saw Ye Xiaohu directly released an immortal force and wiped the marks on the position of Liu Guanyue's arm fracture It fell, and immediately said: "Okay, now you grow a new arm yourself."

"Thank you Brother Xiaohu."

Liu Guanyue glanced at Ye Xiaohu gratefully, and then directly used the immortal method to regenerate an arm. After a simple activity to confirm that there was no problem, he was pleasantly surprised: "Congratulations Brother Xiaohu, Brother He Xi Xiaohu, your cultivation behavior It has increased a lot. "

Ye Xiaohu nodded, then read to Liu Guan: "Go, follow me to the princeling party, we go to the princeling party to ask for a statement."

"Brother Hu, don't go. Although you have made great achievements, you are definitely not an opponent of the Prince's Party."

Liu Guanyue shook his head, and then dragged himself to his death, saying: "And the Crown Prince was recently killed because of Brother Huangshan Nanshan and other people, and the Brother Prince closed, so the Crown Prince Gongxing Mountain Peak was directly closed, so even if Brother Xiaohu wanted There is no way to go to the door to find the trouble of the Crown Prince, unless you want to be the enemy of the entire Heranzong. "

Is hostile to the entire Helan Sect, that is not what Ye Xiaohu wanted.

Moreover, Ye Xiaohu cannot do this even with Li Xianfeng, so when Ye Xiaohu heard what Liu Guanyue said, he could not help but sigh solemnly: "Since that is the case, then wait for the prince to leave the customs, I'm fighting him to death, hum. "

) Book friends, pay attention!

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