Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1738: : Ye surname here

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A member of the Crown Prince Party came out from all around and surrounded Ye Xiaohu.

These people are all arrogant and arrogant, without taking Ye Xiaohu and Liu Guanyue into consideration.

And they stared at Ye Xiaohu, as if staring at their prey.

"Brother Xiaohu, let's go!"

Liu Guanyue glanced briefly and found that the people in front of him were basically in the same state as themselves, and there were a few people who could not see through him.

Obviously, the cultivation of those people should be far above him.

In such a situation, Liu Guanyue was really guilty, so he glanced at Ye Xiaohudao: "This place is one of the crown princes' camps after all, not that we can come to the wild."

"It used to be one of the crown prince's base camps, but this place will not be from the next moment."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly and was very satisfied with the current environment, so he reached out and patted Liu Guanyue ’s shoulder, and then turned to the members of the crown prince party: "You listen to me, from now on, your mountain, officially I Ye Xiaohu collected it. From now on, this mountain is not the site of the Crown Prince, but my Ye Xiaohu. "

Ye Xiaohu's words did not control her voice.

I saw Ye Xiaohu's voice, as if it were equipped with a loudspeaker, and it was continuously passed out in all directions, and soon passed to the entire mountain.

For a time, all the members of the crown prince party noticed that Ye Xiaohu was climbing and wanted to grab the mountain.


I saw one sitting on the top of the mountain, and there were just some proud Qin Shanchuan, who couldn't help but look angry: "The surname Ye is too rampant. I didn't trouble him first, it was already a gift to him." He didn't know how to repent, and he took the initiative to hit Laozi's mountain to seek death. Is it true that Qin Shanchuan is a bully? "

"Brother Qin, this person is too crazy, please ask your brother for your permission, let me go down and teach him a meal."

"Kill the chicken with an ox knife, let my brother let me cook him."

"A newcomer who doesn't practice well in the inner door, but repeatedly provokes my crown prince, is it really true that my crown prince is nobody?"

"That is, this is not an outside door after all, not that group of idiots, who can enter the inside door, not a peerless genius in the outside door? This surnamed Ye, but dare to find the door so wildly, is absolutely dead. "

People who accompany Qin Shanchuan at the top of the mountain look at Qin Shanchuan one after another, and ask for help one by one.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shanchuan thought about it and announced on the spot: "You, this matter is not only related to the reputation of Qin Shanchuan, but also to the reputation of my crown prince party, so I also invite you to work together with me to go to On the mountainside, take down that arrogant Ye Xiaohu. "

Everyone has been preparing for a long time, so when they heard Qin Shanchuan's words, they directly controlled the immortal air and flew directly to the mountainside position.

When they were flying, the person who planted the fairy medicine for Qin Shanchuan on the mountainside looked at Ye Xiaohu with a look of embarrassment.

Long time.

One of the older members of the princelings could not help but proactively put his little finger down and buckled his ears. After confirming that there was no problem, he only said in disbelief: "Is it wrong that you are alive and dead Guy, actually want to forcefully occupy the mountain of my brother Qin Shanchuan? "

Each of the top ten disciples in the inner gate has an exclusive mountain, which is their representative and symbol.

So if you want to **** the other party's mountain, it means to declare war on him.

Under such circumstances, the elder member of the Prince's Party couldn't help but look black: "Boy surnamed Ye, my Qi Yunlong will look at you today. What skills dare to challenge Brother Qin Shanchuan."


I saw Qi Yunlong gently waved his hand, and a few people immediately fell from the top, directly at Xiaohu.

"Kill, die!"

"Boy named Ye, this place is not the place you should come."

"We dare not take action against you outside. That is because of Zongmen's rules. But now that you have broken the rules and arrogantly forcibly grabbed the mountains, then even if your master, Elder Li Xianfeng, comes forward, there is no way to protect you Safe, so you die for me! "

"Well, when I wanted to wait for the inner door conference, I was looking for a chance to kill you. But now that you have delivered it to your door, then don't leave!"

I saw that Qi Yunlong's subordinates cast their own immortals and came towards Ye Xiaohu.

"Brother Ye Xiaohu, let the person on the left hand over to you, and the person on the right hand over to me."

Liu Guanyue felt deep pressure, but in order to protect Ye Xiaohu, in order to live, he still came forward and said: "Don't be too rampant, want to kill me Brother Ye Xiaohu, then step over from me first. "

"Since you want to be angry, then I will fulfill you."

I saw one of the members of the Crown Prince Party, saw Liu Guanyue unrestrainedly blocking Ye Xiaohu, and could not help but snorted on the spot: "Last time in your dormitory, because of Zongmen's rules, so I Only one of your arms was abolished, and this time I will never be merciless again ~ ~ Hearing this person's words, Liu Guanyue's face could not help changing, recalling the previous fear.

Just when he didn't know how to deal with it, the person on the opposite side had already prepared his own killing trick, and directly volleyed a trick to kill Liu Guanwan.

"Don't, don't counsel, believe in yourself and believe in me."

Ye Xiaohu gently pushed Liu Guanyue, and then said to Liu Guanyue: "Remember, you and I are the arrogants of heaven, and no one is worse than others. Not to mention that both of you are in the same state, Why do you want to overthrow him for fearing him instead of going up? "

I don't know why. When encouraged by Ye Xiaohu, Liu Guanyue was full of fighting.

So he snorted, and condensed the fairy magic that Ye Xiaohu had taught him before, while holding the fairy sword in his hand, and said fiercely toward the man who once broke his arm: "Last time, I was careless and injured by you. Arm, I wo n’t be careless this time. "


Liu Guanyue snorted and raised his hand with a sword to kill him.

The person on the opposite side was naturally unwilling to be struck by Liu Guan, so he launched a fierce counterattack at the same time, and collided with the sky above, and each exhibited his own unique learning.

But it was just a collision, but it made Liu Guanxiu shine, and was surprised to find that the gap between him and the other party was not as big as he thought at first. ) Book friends, pay attention!

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