Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1747: : Infuriating Qin Shanchuan

"What did Elder You look for us?"

"I don't know, but it looks very mysterious."

"Let's just follow it and see."

"Anyway, we have just joined Heranzong, and we don't know anything about it, so we can talk to Elder You for more."

Erzongzi and Longyi looked at each other, and they couldn't help frowning, obviously they were experiencing this for the first time.

Thirty people, but only seven or eight people.

Among them, Erzongzi and others thought a little, and then they could notice that something was wrong.

But they still didn't show any performance, so they kept up with the crowd, because they also wanted to see what Elder You wanted to do.

Soon they followed Elder You and came to a particularly large space.

In this space, there is another person standing there.

Very young, the age should not be very big.

But when he stood in that place, he gave people a special breath, and when people looked at it, they could notice that the other party was unusual.

"Qin Shanchuan tells you who you want, I have already got it for you."

I saw that Elder Yu simply arched his hands and smiled: "As for whether they can join your princeling party, it depends on your means."

Qin Shanchuan, the man who had just been scared by Ye Xiaohu, inherited the decision made by Huangfu Nanshan before, so he came to Waimen personally to recruit new talents from outside.

The reason why Elder You invited Er Leng Zi and others, on the one hand, Er Leng Zi and others would not refuse Elder You, on the one hand, it was because Qin Shan passed on as an inside master to personally attract geniuses from outside, it was an illegal operation, normal The situation is not allowed, so Qin Shanchuan will cooperate with Elder You.

"Thank you Elder You. I will definitely report it to my brother after the prince is out of customs in the future. Let him thank you very much."

Qin Shanchuan thanked Elder You for a while, and then stared at Erzongzi and said: "I don't know where you come from, but I believe you must know that there is a party called Prince's Party within my Helan Sect. I am the leader who opened the door. Now that our prince party wants to expand the outer disciples, so you are recommended by the elders, and you have the opportunity to join my prince party and become an outside member of my prince party, and get the support and training of my prince party. "


It was actually a high-ranking party of the Crown Prince. Everyone except Er Leng Zi and Long Yi were all excited for a time.

Because Erzongzi and Longyi didn't understand the situation of Herranzong, they didn't know the power and horror of the crown prince, but others knew the crown prince well.

"Brother Qin Shanchuan, can we really join the Crown Prince?"

"Brother Qin Shanchuan, after we joined the Crown Prince Party, can I see Brother Prince?"

"Great, I joined Herranzong just to join the Crown Prince Party."

"I join. Please also ask Brother Qin Shanchuan to go through the formalities for me."

Some people choose to join on the spot, and of course some people are hesitating and hesitating.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shanchuan smiled and responded to those who promised on the spot, and then said to Erzongzi who was still hesitating and other people: "Brother Prince, but he will soon become heir to the suzerain, so you want to join my prince Then the party must be early, otherwise the prince will become the suzerain, then you are not eligible to join. "

"I join."

"And I."

Upon hearing that the prince was about to become the heir to the suzerain, the remaining hesitant people nodded and agreed.

Only Er Leng Zi and Long Yi did not express their opinions, which made Qin Shanchuan slightly dissatisfied: "What do you two mean?"

"Thank you, Brother Qin Shanchuan, for your appreciation, but I do n’t like to join any party. I want to rely on my own ability to fight within the Helanzong."

"I'm used to traveling alone, and I'm not used to accepting any restraints."

After exchanging some opinions with Eryizi and Longyi, Qin Shanzhuan was rejected.

This made Qin Shanchuan, who was not very happy, sneered on the spot: "The two of you don't think that your talent is amazing, the blood is complicated, you can ignore the invitation of Brother."

While speaking, Qin Shanchuan released the aura of the Nine Saints Xuanxian, oppressed Erzongzi and Longyi, making them both groan, and their faces suddenly became difficult to look.

"I will give you a chance at the end. If you change your initial response, then I can blame the past, otherwise ..."

Qin Shanchuan snorted, then pointed at Elder You standing beside him: "Otherwise I will deal with you now if I don't understand."

"If Brother Qin Shanchuan wants to teach me something, then I'm grateful. But if you want to threaten me, then I don't eat dry food."

"Does Brother Qin Shanchuan really think that he can be lawless within the sect?"

Er Lengzi's refutation made Qin Shanchuan's face look ugly. Obviously he never expected that under the pressure of his aura, Er Lengzi could still answer right away.

Just when he was hesitant to punish Er Leng Zi and Long Yi, Elder You on the side could not see it anymore.

He looked down on Qin Shanchuan with his heart, and if it was replaced by Huangfu Nanshan, then the situation would certainly not be such a stalemate.

But it is a pity that Huangfu Nanshan has been killed, so Elder You can only cooperate with Qin Shanchuan to stand up and say: "You two don't think that you can join us outside the Helanzong outside door, you can be stable. I tell you, as long as I In a word, then you will be severely punished and face a very difficult cultivation career. "


Er Leng Zi could not help but take a deep breath and said: "But I pursue a worthy conscience ~ ~ and everything is at ease, rather than succumbing to someone's hand, become his beater and running dog."


Qin Shanchuan heard the words of Lengzi and knew that he was coming towards himself.

So Qin Shanchuan screamed on the spot and wanted a hard lesson.

But when he was about to shoot, he was stopped by the elder Yu beside him.

I saw Elder You shook her head and motioned Qin Shanchuan not to be too reckless.

"Except Ye Xiaobao and Long Yi, everyone else went back to practice. Later, the Crown Prince will provide you with a part of cultivation resources, which is regarded as the welfare of joining the Crown Prince."

Elder You gave a simple command, and then added: "As for Ye Xiaobao and Long Yi, because they collided with Elder Ben, Elder Ben decided to close your cultivation practice and temporarily fine you to work in Xian Yaoyuan for one year.

(End of this chapter)

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