Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1760: : Strong pressure

? Evil Tiger Alliance, Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, Golden Dragon Gate ...

One after another, they came to Helanzong one after another.

Although these sects are in a competitive relationship with Heranzong, in the face of the prince's invitation, they think again and again, they still enjoy the invitation and come to see them one after another.

Because they want to inquire about the truth and reality, and explore the bottom of Heranzong.

"What is the situation, we have waited for two or three days, why have the people of Heranzong not yet appeared?"

"What the **** is the Prince? Last time, didn't he say that he has broken through and reached the level of the horror heavenly king?"

"This news should be true, because some of our people are at the scene, seeing the crown prince completed the breakthrough and reached the level of Tianjun."

"Since this is true, then this time we have to take a good look, after all, this time it is related to all of our sect's future things."

I saw one after another who cultivated the Immortal Sect, and introduced them to what they learned.

After everyone exchanged information, they could not help but take a breath, feeling the importance of this matter.

For a time everyone's expression was very solemn and worried about the prince's manner.

It was around this time that a special fairy music was born. Then, accompanied by a group of fairies, the prince, with the support of everyone, came to the place where the Helanzong inner door conference was held.

"Prince is here."

"Sure enough, it's unfathomable. At a glance, I feel that cultivation is deep."

"It seems that the legend is true, the crown prince of the Heran Sect is really lucky, and crowns the ancestors around us."

"There is a prince, we dare not say that the world is first, but I don't know what purpose he hastened us over."

Under everyone's attention, the prince wandered to the scene.

Saw the prince smiled slightly and attracted everyone's eyes to himself.

"Welcome you to participate in our meeting of the disciples of the Herlanzong inner disciples. This is our honor."

Prince reached out his hand and pressed the noisy sounds around him, and then the prince calmed down all around. The people of all major gates said solemnly: "If there is a place where entertainment is not good, then please forgive me."

"Prince, you're welcome."

Hearing the words of the prince, a disciple of the Golden Dragon Gate smiled slightly and said with respect and respect: "We are friends, and if there is something unsatisfactory, we will naturally not forgive."

Hearing the words of the disciples of the Golden Dragon Gate, the prince smiled slightly and responded to the disciples of the Golden Dragon Gate.

Then the prince briefly communicated with everyone for a while, discussed about cultivation, and exchanged questions that he could not understand.

After this continued for a while, the prince saw that no one had any problems, so the prince gently patted his palm, and then announced: "If there is wine and vegetables, then naturally we can't do it without help."

At the summons of the prince, two members of the Crown Prince Herlanzong party immediately entered the field, and the two sides began to discuss.

Both people are at the level of the Nine Saints Xuanxian, and each of them exhibits the familiar fairy law.

Both sides played very lively, and everyone watched very lively for a time.

One game, two games.

After a few battles, everyone was satisfied.

But at this time, a representative of the Evil Tiger League went directly to the court and faced the prince said: "Prince, this is all pediatrics. There are similar people in our respective schools. The reason why we come to this The place is mainly to see your cultivation behavior and skills of Brother Prince. "

Everyone heard these words and responded one after another.

Hearing their conversation, the prince could not help but smile slightly: "So what do you want?"

"Somehow, but I want to teach Brother Prince how to do it."

I saw the people of the evil tiger alliance, stood up alone, and looked at the Prince provocatively on the spot: "I don't know Prince, can you enlighten me?"


Prince knew that this time the banquet would not be so easy.

So the prince had done a good job early in the morning, only to see him take a step forward, and said directly to the disciple of Heranzong: "I don't know how you want to learn?"

"Listen to your brother, your cultivation practice, has reached the level of terrifying Heavenly King."

Evil Tiger Alliance, after glancing at the crown prince, said cautiously: "The younger generations are not talented, and they have barely reached the level of the peak of the Nine Saints Xuanxian. I think they should be able to barely compete with Brother Prince.

"You can not."

Prince smiled slightly, then shook his head, and said responsibly to the people of the evil tiger alliance: "To deal with you, I only need one hand to solve it."

"Rampant, dare to underestimate me."

The representative of the evil tiger alliance, after hearing the contempt of the crown prince, could not help but yell on the spot. Immediately after he stomped directly, his body went straight forward, came to the prince's side on the spot, and punched the prince's face directly: "Today I want to let you know that my evil tiger alliance is powerful."

Howling Sirius.

I saw the people of the evil tiger alliance, on the spot showed a ruthless killing trick, and murdered the prince brutally.

This trick is very cruel, at least most of the princelings have no way to follow.

Just when they wanted to see how the prince should greet him.

Saw the prince sigh slightly, and then stretched out his hand and flicked a snap towards the front.


With a soft sound, a wave of energy flew directly from the crown prince's hand to the representative of the Tiger Alliance.

In the next moment, the prince's fairy spirit collided with the evil move of the evil tiger alliance.


Only heard a soft sound, and everyone felt a soft sound in their ears.

Immediately after the representative of the evil tiger alliance, it was as if he was hit directly in the chest by a sledgehammer.


I saw the representative of the evil tiger alliance, took a deep breath on the spot and flew out directly.

After landing on the ground ~ ~ A mouthful of blood was directly sprayed out, and the whole person's expression instantly fell down.

Has no demeanor, obviously his body has been hit hard.

"Too weak, people like you, if I want, I can spray you to death in one breath."

Prince shook his head and said disdainfully: "I will ask, everyone in the room, who else is dissatisfied, wants to learn my skills."

Nine Saints Xuanxian one move second, the elders present sighed, as those ordinary disciples bowed their heads and dared not look at it.

Seeing this scene, the prince couldn't help laughing, and looked very proud.

I saw the Prince ’s eyes glanced over everyone, and then he was satisfied: "If you have no other ideas, then I want to announce something."

(End of this chapter)

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