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Chapter 1772 Weird

"What he said just now is the truth?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the head of the Helan Sect could not help but carry his hands and turned to look at the other survivors present.

These people were glanced at by the head of the Helan Sect, but they felt that they were all icy cold.

These people, only low level of Xuanxian.

Someone who is a little bit taller is just a level with Ye Xiaohu. How can he be the opponent of Helan Sect?

So they faced the attention of the Helan Sect, suddenly shivering one by one, and finally understood how powerful Helan Zong's true peak fighting power was.

Under such circumstances, they took a deep breath one by one to adjust their state.

At the same time, they were also shocked in their hearts, shocked that Ye Xiaohu did nothing just now, and resisted the coercion of Helan Sect.

"Return to Sect Master, Ye Xiaohu said nothing wrong."

"This is indeed the case. The prince sacrificed himself and became enchanted. At the same time, those of the princelings still have to protect him. They have completely abandoned the idea of ​​the immortal and the devil's Taoism.

"Prince princes deserve to die, and Brother Ye Xiaohu is also forced to protect the dignity and identity of Herranzong."

"Also ask the suzerain not to blame him."

No matter whether it was the staff of Helanzong or the people who came to attend this conference, he responded to the suzerain of Helanzong.

Under such circumstances, Sect Master Heran glanced at the people carefully and found that when they talked, they did not have any trance in their eyes. Obviously they were all talking and did not lie.

This made Sect Master Helan sigh slightly, and at this moment he became somewhat decadent.

The genius he finally cultivated, but it fell so inexplicably, let his years of hard work and dedication, overnight.

But now that things have happened, he has no way to change if he wants to change, he can only let it go.

"Very good, your kid is better than blue."

Sovereign Helan took back his mind, and then carefully looked at Ye Xiaohu.

He wants to see what makes Ye Xiaohu different, and his soft feet can overcome the prince he has tried his best to cultivate.

But Ye Xiaohu was destined to disappoint him. Under his watch, Ye Xiaohu's expression did not change, nor did he show any special highlights, just like an ordinary person.

Under such circumstances, Helan Sect Master could not help but announce on the spot: "Although you make me uncomfortable, but from now on, you are my first disciple in Helanzong's inner door, and also the only core disciple."


When the Sect Master Helan announced this statement, everyone present was stunned.

They originally thought that Helan Sect Master would be furious, and furious, and taught Ye Xiaohu a meal to avenge the prince.

But now the Sect Master Helan actually lifted up and put down the matter gently, which made them a little unclear for a while, even Ye Xiaohu looked at the Sect Master Helan in surprise, wanting to take a look What is the mystery in this?

When they were feeling one by one, they saw the Sect Master Helan continued: "From now on, all the resources of our Helan Sect can be tilted like you Ye Xiaohu, but I hope you can help me achieve one. Thing. "

"whats the matter?"

Ye Xiaohu looked at the Sect Master curiously: "As long as I can do what Ye Xiaohu can do, then I will try my best to complete it."

"Very good."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s response, Helan Sect Master could n’t help laughing: “It ’s time for the empire to rate our Sect, so in order to maintain our ranking, I hope you can represent me Join the battle and get a good ranking. After you return, not only can the resources within the sect gate be freely used by you, but even the lordship of the Helan sect also belongs to you, and I will abdicate directly to let the virtue. "


The Prince's heyday did not happen.

Even the beginning of this meeting was the chance for the prince to fight for this promise.

But now that the prince is dead, such an opportunity is left to Ye Xiaohu. I have to say that this is the sorrow of the prince and also the luck of Ye Xiaohu.

Just as everyone was shocked, Sect Master Helan said solemnly, "Can you accept it?"

"He will."

Ye Xiaohu hadn't answered yet, he saw Li Xianfeng flying from outside.

He and Sect Master Helan discovered a special situation, but his cultivation practice was not as good as Sect Master Helan, so he came a little slower.

However, he finally hurried to catch up with the last scene, so he grabbed Ye Xiaohu before he started, and he agreed to help Ye Xiaohu: "My apprentice will definitely lead us to Helanzong, go higher, A farther road, instead of leading us as a prince like a prince. "


Slap naked face, this moment Li Xianfeng was in a good mood.

When he lost to Helan Sect Master, he had the same expression as Helan Sect Master today.

But Feng Shui took turns, and finally it was his home this year.

I saw Li Xianfeng proud, looking provocatively at Sect Master Helan, wanting to see what he thought, would he vomit blood.

"Very well, I have peace of mind if you have your brother,"

But Sect Master Helan didn't play cards according to common sense, and he smiled and responded to Li Xianfeng with a smile, which gave Li Xianfeng a feeling of eating shit.

Immediately after the Sovereign Lord Helan turned around, he and the forces such as the Tiger Alliance said: "I am Helan Zong ugly today, and I wasted a lot of your hard work, but you can also rest assured that we have already prepared some Bo Li, you can take it back when you start to return to your own lineage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The people of the evil tiger alliance were a little surprised. But let them leave, which left them stunned for a few seconds.

But soon they reacted, and nodded on the spot, thanking Helan Sect Master, they turned around and left.

Seeing this scene, the Helan Sect Master could not help but laugh, and then looked at the unpredictable amount of basketball.

Seeing this scene of Li Xianfeng, his brows were tightly frowned together, and he keenly felt that there must be something greasy in it, but he couldn't think of any kind of greasiness.

So he turned and called Ye Xiaohu, and told Ye Xiaohu: "Go, you go with me to a place."

(End of this chapter)

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