Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1777: : Sister Ximen's shyness

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Helanzong inner door.

A mountain full of femininity unlike other mountains.

A group of fairies are striving to fight against each other.

Outside the mountain, a group of immortals were hiding in the dark, observing the situation of Fairy Peak, and from time to time uttered a sound of appreciation.

"Look, look, that is Sister Langya Fairy, she is more beautiful now than in the past."

"There are fairies over there, although they can't call out their names, but they are really so beautiful. Let me glance at them and feel that my mind is attracted to him."

"My God, what the **** is going on, and why the fairies on Fairy Peak have become so beautiful."

"I heard that Sister Simon is forging a special elixir, I am afraid that the elixir has been successfully refined, so these fairy elder sisters will be so beautiful and hooked."

Beauties like handsome guys, and handsome guys naturally like beautiful guys.

Whether mortal or immortal, then it is inevitable.

Therefore, every male fairy present was full of desire and admiration for the fairy above the fairy peak.

For this scene, the fairies on the fairy mountain are naturally clear to the chest.

When the male fairies gathered together, the fairies who flew from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain naturally gathered together to discuss.

"How about Sister Chitose just now, how much personal attention did you attract?"

"I can't do it, only attracted a dozen people."

"Yes, I just attracted the attention of seven or eight people, but this has increased several times than my previous results."

"The effect of this skin-retaining beauties is really amazing, no wonder Sister Ximen is so dedicated to refining this immortality that he has paid so much for it."

"I don't know Sister Ximen, what is the situation now?"

Is when many fairies compare and discuss one after another.

On top of the fairy mountain peak, the door of one of the most gorgeous halls was finally pushed away from inside.

Immediately after a woman with bare jade feet and white gauze wrapped around her, she walked out slowly from the inside, giving a feeling of trance.

Seeing this scene, a fairy swallowed and said: "Sister Xi, Simon, you are so beautiful, even if I am a woman, I admire you."

Seeing this scene, sister Ximen with bare feet couldn't help but smile lightly, and didn't take this matter to heart: "Sister, you are actually very beautiful, but you are not confident. As long as you are confident in yourself, then home You will be as pretty as I am if you are called. "

After being encouraged by Sister Simon, the fairy immediately tranced and said, "Can I do the same?"

"Certainly possible."

Sister Simon walked over and patted her shoulder to encourage.

Immediately afterwards, she stepped into the crowd and exchanged ideas with other fairies for a while, especially the situation after they had taken Zinjian Baiyan Dan to make sure that their body did not have any side effects due to taking the pill. .

After all, this resident Muyan Dan, but his sister Ximen personally refined it, if something really goes wrong, then she is also responsible.

However, she asked about it, but she did not encounter any problems, which made Sister Ximen sigh slightly.

In fact, with his initial means and recipes, even if he succeeded in refining the Paragon, the effect would not be so ideal.

Really let her refine the resident muscle beauty to such a level, it is entirely relying on Ye Xiaohu's means.

If Ye Xiaohu is not there, then he dare not imagine the consequences.

After all, when refining the Elixir, she almost encountered the situation of the fryer, but fortunately, she used the method taught by Ye Xiaohu to avoid them one by one.

After seeing him with emotion for a while, he asked curiously the fairy around him: "During the time when I was retreating to take the panacea, what interesting things can be said within the sect, let's listen."

Seeing what anecdotes Ximen wanted to listen to, so many fairies immediately stepped forward and described the anecdotes they knew one by one.

Under their narration, Sister Ximen also smiled.

But at this time, a fairy stood up and said with a serious expression: "But there is one thing, but it is not an interesting thing, but you have to know Sister Simon."


Sister Simon was slightly surprised: "Something big, you sister, but you can say anything."

"This big event is the inner gate conference that was just held. Not only did it recruit many representatives of Xianmen to negotiate future cooperation, but also staged a whole martial arts act."

Under the narrative of this fairy, Sister Ximen gradually became curious.

At this time, Xianzi continued to introduce: "The younger brother who helped Sister Simon refine your Baiyan Dan actually challenged all the members of the Crown Prince directly, and a war broke out on both sides. In this war, Next, the core members of the Prince's Party were basically wiped out by Ye Xiaohu. "


Sister Simon looked at the other party in surprise and said, "You can't tolerate this matter."

"Sister, although I am very carefree on weekdays, I don't joke about this issue."

The fairy said seriously: "And the younger brother named Ye not only defeated the core members of the crown prince party, but also challenged the prince above the inner door assembly and won the battle with one fight. Inwardly, even the patriarchal master had no way to stop it, only to watch the crown prince being slaughtered by Brother Ye Xiaohu. "


If I said the front words, Sister Simon was only surprised, then the words behind completely shocked Sister Simon.

Apparently he did not expect that the prince would die, and he would die in Ye Xiaohu's hands.

"Congratulations sister ~ ~ At this time, another fairy suddenly said:" Now that the prince is dead, then you will no longer have to sing for the sake of completion. "

"Yes, now that the crown prince is dead, our Helanzong will never have a mountain above his head."

Another fairy, said with joy: "And even if you must marry, then marrying brother Ye Xiaohu is better than marrying the overbearing prince."

Marry Ye Xiaohu?

This is the fate of every fairy. If you can marry Ye Xiaohu, it is indeed a good choice. Sister Ximen can't help but blush.

At this time, a fairy came hurriedly and said: "Sister, Sister, Ye Xiaohu came to visit."

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