Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1788: : The cost of death

Chapter 1788 Death Price

Those who attract the attention of devouring beasts should not be too high or too low.

If it is too high, it will directly scare away the devouring beast and let him find other enemies, so it is easy for them to catch up with the footsteps of Ye Xiaohu and others.

If it is too low, then it will not be able to absorb enough devoured beasts, and then run away one or two, then the trouble is not small.

So in order to annihilate the nearby devouring beasts, Sister Simon decided to sacrifice herself.

After all, he is the highest on the spot, and will not scare away those who devoured the beast.

Sure enough, when Sister Simon broke out with a powerful enough fairy, the nearby devouring beasts immediately rushed to Sister Simon like crazy blood of chicken blood.


I saw that they kept releasing, and only they understood the language.

At the same time they launched fast breaks time and again against Sister Simon.

In order to survive, Sister Simon was not willing to be outdone, so she exerted her means to counterattack and continued to attack the devouring beasts.

"Sister Simon ..."

Seeing this scene, some soft-hearted fairies could not help but whispered.

Fortunately, most fairies are relatively calm.

I saw one of the fairies and sighed cautiously: "Don't worry about being sad, now Sister Ximen can still barely support the column, so we must finish as soon as possible what Brother Ye Xiaohu explained, so as to kill those devouring beasts Sister Simon is protected from injury. "

Hearing this man's cry, all the fairy of Helanzong quickly connected.

I saw them follow Ye Xiaohu's instructions, volley arranged one after another, and after united, formed a huge formation.

When this formation was formed, he immediately went towards Sister Simon, and enveloped him and those devouring beasts inside.

Seeing this scene, the fairy said happily: "Sister Ximen is now, you come out soon, we can work together to suppress these devouring beasts."

"good chance."

Sister Simon did not want to die, so when she found out that her fellow students had already completed the formation of the formation, she immediately breathed a sigh of breath. After a brief response, she immediately leaped up and left the devouring beasts as soon as possible.

But obviously, they underestimated those devouring beasts.

Although their IQ is relatively low, they are after all devouring the beasts, and it is naturally impossible for the world of Xianmen to escape at will.

So when Sister Simon started, they caught up at all costs and wanted to keep Sister Simon in the sand, and there was never a way to escape.

"Damn, these devouring beasts have good IQ."

"Can't wait any longer, otherwise Sister Simon will be caught up and killed."

"Yes, immediately start the formation, even if only half of the effect, I believe so many of us join forces, it is enough to make those devouring beasts eat a big loss."

"No, as long as these devouring beasts are killed, we will be much safer."

Numerous fairies, when they saw that Sister Simon was being chased, immediately released the formation, allowing the formation to continue to kill those horrible devouring beasts.

Zi Zi.

Those who devour the beasts naturally have no way to resist these formations.

Because these formations were taught by Ye Xiaohu to these fairies, helping them to kill devouring beasts, so they immediately received a lot of rewards when they shot.

"Do they seem to be the same?"

"I knew it was so easy, we didn't have to arrange so many people to guard at the beginning."

"That is, it made me nervous for a long time, and I thought it would be dead today. It is so easy to think about what to think, because it has become the task of this time."

"Let's go and collect some loot. Let's catch up with Brother Ye Xiaohu's footsteps and tell them the good news."

There are some bold fairies who grinningly walked to the devouring beasts, preparing to collect some loot.

After all, it is a beast, and it must have something valuable.

But just after they passed by, they heard Sister Simon screaming: "Be careful, leave that place."

But Sister Simon ’s proposal was obviously slow.

Almost at the time when she started to remind, the original engulfed corpse of the beast was completely scattered at this moment, and the cohesion was successfully completed.

That's right, they are like they can't die. Their bodies are shredded and they can still reunite and become a brand new devouring beast.


The fairy before, who wanted to collect the loot, didn't understand what was going on, and found that there was a terrifying devouring beast in front of him.

Immediately after his body, he was bitten by the devouring beast on the spot and swallowed directly into his stomach, completely becoming a pile of feces.

"damn it."

Sister Simon couldn't help but complain, and he knew that things should not be violated.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohu and others have already taken the lead and left for a few minutes. Counting the time, compared to the things that have begun to plan to log in ~ ~ Under such circumstances, Simon turned back to his companion. : "Don't be stunned, let's quickly release our immortals and escape quickly from this place."

"But Sister Ximen, Fairy Grass Fairy is eating the beast."

"Yes! Are we staying, save them first?"

Everyone travels along the way, even a stranger has feelings, not to mention they have been practicing together for so long.

It is a pity that this time is not a trial field, but a real life-and-death competition.

Therefore, Sister Simon could not watch more people die, so she flatly refused: "I said to withdraw immediately, that is, withdraw immediately. If you are not reconciled, then you can stay here after the death."

Sister Simon did not care about three, seven, twenty-one, and when he knew what he should do, he immediately ran toward the edge of the sand.

Seeing the actions of Sister Ximen and others, the fairies who were still devouring the gods and beasts knew that they had no hope of escape.

Because they were surrounded by devouring beasts, the fairy power passing by their bodies was too heavy, while the devouring beasts on the opposite side were constantly increasing.

"Since you want to kill us, then die with us!"

These fairies love beauty on weekdays, but at the critical moment, they do n’t admonish them at all, because they are also disciples of Heranzong, and they are naturally not a weak person.

So they detonated their bodies one after another, and shattered the devouring beast in front of them again.

When seeing this picture, Sister Simons couldn't help but shed tears in the corner of her eyes: "Wait for me, wait for my help to play with Brother Ye Xiaohu, I will come back to revenge for you and take your bones home."

(End of this chapter)

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