Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1790: : Where to come and go

"Woo, we have been cleared out."

"Damn Helanzong, **** Ye Xiaohu, how can they do this?"

"We are not reconciled, not reconciled!"

"They are so abominable, how can they be cleared?"

Outside the pyramid, a group of Xianmen disciples who had just been driven out by Ye Xiaohu made dissatisfied voices one by one.

Obviously, they felt very suffocated, and felt that they had been unlucky when they entered this pyramid space.

First encountered that special sand, followed by a terrifying beast.

After finally escaping, he met He Lanzong headed by Ye Xiaohu, letting people not compete fairly, letting people participate in the battle of one hundred cases?

When these eliminated people were awake, they looked at the elders of Xianmen who were watching the battle on the high platform one by one.

So they went directly to the people in anger, and then said to those people: "Master Nanshanchuan, you elders of Xianmen, we are not convinced, we pray to go back and continue to fight."

Nan Shanchuan glanced at them and did not send any opinions.

He doesn't speak, and others are naturally embarrassed to speak, because in this place they are just participants, not rule-makers.

Seeing this scene, the person in charge of Xianmen looked at his Xianmen's predecessor, and said, "Elder Wang, are you saying a word for us!"

After seeing the name, the elder Wang surnamed smiled awkwardly.

How did he answer?

He Lanzong can stand, but you can't stand?

Now that it is cleared, you still want to go back and continue to struggle, so how is it possible?

When the elder Wang surnamed was embarrassed, the Nanshan River watching the battle next to him finally sighed, and then pointed to himself behind him: "If you want to know the result, go back and see for yourself.

"Uh ... behind?"

The disciples of Xianmen who were cleared did not understand the meaning of Nanshanchuan dialect.

So they looked back one after another, and went to the direction of Nanshanchuan fingers.

When they walked over, they saw the Xianmen disciples bowing their heads one after another.

"This is the brother of the bronze sword fairy gate."

"Sister Nixian Xianmen, why did you come back so early?"

"My God, there are people from the Xiyue Alliance."

"Strange, what the **** is going on?"

I saw the dissatisfied Xianmen disciples, inquiring curiously.

Those Xianmen disciples who were questioned by them, bowed their heads one by one, and were unwilling to raise their heads to respond.

Just when they stood in embarrassment and did n’t know what was going on, their elder Wang, the elder surnamed Wang, came over and said with a sigh: "Do n’t feel unwilling, do n’t feel that Helan Zong Fraud, in fact, they are all within the rules, use all the rules that can be used. Not to mention you are not the first, these people are all the Xianmen disciples who were eliminated by Ye Xiaohu and others, so they will be one by one. Ashamed to introspect in this place. "


Hearing the elder Wang's explanation, the unconvinced Xianmen disciple couldn't help but utter a voice in surprise: "Han Zongzong is crazy, he not only dealt with one of us Xianmen, but against everyone?"

"Yes, maybe they are crazy."

Elder Wang surnamed with a wry smile, and then walked back to Nanshanchuan, he wanted to see where the limit of Ye Xiaohu and others were.

As a result, on his way back, he saw a team of Xianmen disciples cleared.

This has been the result of Ye Xiaohu and others' clearing operations.

At the beginning, Nan Shanchuan and others felt the ideas of Ye Xiaohu and others were fantasy.

After all, there are so many disciples of Xianmen. If they really fight hard and tear apart a disciple of Helanzong alone, then Helanzong can't bear it either.

But Ye Xiaohu and others made them look at each other.

After the return of Sister Ximen, they thought of using the help of devouring the mythical beasts to keep those Xianmen disciples out.

Pyramids are safe, and devouring beasts cannot enter the pyramid.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu and others arranged the injured Helan Sect disciples in every area around them, and released the fairy power continuously, gathered those devouring beasts together, forming a natural barrier, and helping them to protect those later New Amen disciples drove out.

Such a scheme was very successful, which made Ye Xiaohu and others pay less and completed the clearance operation at the fastest speed.

"Everyone pay attention, they are about to enter the pyramid."


Nanshanchuan, who has been watching the battle seriously, reminded loudly: "The last fairy gate has been cleared by them. Ye Xiaohu does not seem to intend to continue to wait."

After being reminded by Nan Shanchuan, everyone quickly walked over.

When they came over, they immediately saw the picture, and Ye Xiaohu summoned everyone up again: "It's much worse ~ ~ How much fighting power do you still have?"

"I can still fight."

"Later, by devouring the mythical beasts, our losses are very small, and we still have 90% of our fighting power."

"So do I."

"I have to say that our plan this time was very successful."

When Ye Xiaohu inquired, he briefly checked it, and the result was similar to what everyone said.

So Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Zhang Yiman and others: "I have been observing the situation of the pyramid before I cleared the field. As a result, I found that there are about two roads inside and outside the pyramid. Go to the top of the pyramid. Now that they have reached the second level, I believe they will soon enter the last level.

So I suggest that we immediately split into two parts now. I went up from the left side, you went up from the right side, and also took the clearing action, and finally met at the top of the pyramid. "


Zhang Yiman and others also felt this way, and found that this method was very good, so he nodded and said: "But can you be alone?"

"Relax, there are fewer people on the left, and I have only one person, so I can get out at any time."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly: "And I don't believe that those who have been fighting for a long time have enough fairy power to fight against me, Ye Xiaohu."

Zhang Yiman and others glanced at Ye Xiaohu, and could not help nodding slightly, obviously approving Ye Xiaohu's words.

After all, Ye Xiaohu is the most powerful person of the Helanzong generation, so Zhang Yiman accepted Ye Xiaohu's mission and said: "Brother Ye is assured, we will never let you down, we will break through from the right and grab Before the Blood Sea Immortal Gate, stand firmly at the top of the pyramid and let them go back and forth. "

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