Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1802: : Blue Dragon Shocked

"Is this South's?"

"How do you feel that this southern home is too luxurious, even more luxurious than the owner of our extremely northern fairyland?"

"It's normal, after all, our extremely northern fairyland is a barren and backward area, and naturally there is no way to compare with this core circle."

"This is the case. The Nantian fairy field where the Nanjia is located is very rich in resources, which is far from what our extreme north fairy field can match."

"We can be desperate for a thousand-year-old ginseng in the extremely northern fairyland. But in the southern-day fairyland, the thousand-year-old ginseng is nothing more than a big thing, it can't be a countertop at all."

The disciples of Heranzong walked forward step by step.

While walking, there was a lot of discussion. Obviously, they felt so new and so strange for Nanjia.


At this time, Li Xianfeng, who was at the forefront, couldn't help but cough his throat.

Hearing Li Xianfeng's voice, everyone became silent.

Immediately after they followed Li Xianfeng, they walked a few steps and came to a magnificent and magnificent place: "The extreme north of Xianyu, elder Li Xianfeng of Helanzong, brought his disciples and came to see the Nanjia owner.

Li Xianfeng knew very well what he said.

If he is in the extremely northern fairyland, then he can also pretend to be a pretend.

But in the Southern Celestial Realm, in such an ancient and advanced Celestial Realm, if he still wants to do it in the Extreme Northern Celestial Realm, he will definitely die without a burial place.

After all, he could feel that in this room, apart from the young ones, there was no way for him to see through the breath of anyone.

So Li Xianfeng calmly withdrew his own consciousness and did not look at the situation around him.

At the same time, he also secretly transmitted voices, so that disciples such as Ye Xiaohu and Helanzong should not observe the people around them, so as not to cause displeasure to the other party.

Hearing Li Xianfeng's words, Nan Shanyun did not speak, and his eyes kept sweeping on Ye Xiaohu and others.

Seeing this scene, the other immortal gates around thought about each other for a while, and then spoke one after another.

"No wonder you are dressed so old and outdated, originally from the extremely northern fairyland of that bitter cold place."

"But your cultivation practice is too weak, there are actually a group of cultivation practitioners who are at the level of the eight-star Xuanxian Immortals. If it is not now that there are already transmission stations for Immortal Domains between the major immortal domains, then this is your cultivation practice. There is no way to cross the enchantment of the fairy land, it is estimated that they will be eaten by those fierce monsters along the way. "

"Ultra Northern Immortal Territory, Herranzong? I seem to have heard this name. It seems that it was the last hundred battles, the last one? Isn't it like that person who fought ten battles in a row, but only one came out? Two moves, one move in five games, and the remaining four games did not come out, they were defeated, and finally left with serious injuries. "

"I have to say that the extremely northern fairyland is really too backward. You Heranzong is so bad, so few geniuses, and you can still get the qualification to participate in the 100 battles. This is really an insult to our central fairyland!"

Insult, joke.

I saw the people in the Southern Celestial Realm, pointing at Heranzong and others who were scornful.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Yiman and others, who have always dominated the king in the extremely northern immortal territory, suddenly had an anger rushing to their hearts.

Just when they could n’t control their hearts and were about to explode, they found that Ye Xiaohu in front of them released a force of cold soul and completely extinguished their angry anger, which made them see To Ye Xiaohu's gaze, there was an intriguing gaze.


Although Ye Xiaohu's movements are very secret, there is still no way to escape, standing in the Nanshan cloud opposite him.

I saw Nanshan Yun smiled slightly, and then said to Li Xianfeng and Ye Xiaohu and other people: "If you are coming to my father, I am sorry, I am expected to disappoint you, because my father is on a business trip, not in our south home. The mansion rests. And even if he is at home, then he will not care about your affairs, because his father and his elders have already handed over the affairs of the family and the affairs of the hundred battles to me, Nanshan Yun. "

Nanshan cloud?

Suddenly hearing the name of Nanshan Yun, Ye Xiaohu and others froze for a moment, and then compared the appearances of Nanshan Yun and Nanshanchuan all at once.

Through this comparison, Ye Xiaohu and others were surprised to find that they actually have five or six points of similarity. Obviously, the two of them are brothers.

Just as Ye Xiaohu and others thought, as the representative and leader of He Lanzong, Li Xianfeng completely ignored the mockery of the surrounding Xianmen, facing the Nanshan Yundao on the spot: "Hello, Master Nanshan Yun, our Helanzong represents the extreme north Xianyu came to participate in this hundred battles, and there are still many things I do n’t understand, so the master of Nanshanchuanyu will let us come to visit you and want to inquire about specific information from you. "


Nan Shanyun smiled slightly and looked quietly at Ye Xiaohu and others: "But if you want to get information, you always have to pay a certain price. I can't tell you the information for no reason? After all, the information is also the cost of my Nan family. At a price, clues from various sources. "

Hearing Nanshan Yun's remarks, everyone was a little stunned.

Ye Xiaohu and others frowned, they thought it was a very simple thing, but they got such a result, which was obviously different from their previous predictions.


The ancestors of the Southern Celestial Realm also felt a little weird.

At first, they were hostile to Ye Xiaohu and others, that was because Ye Xiaohu and others had divided their cakes. But when they learned the identity of Ye Xiaohu and others, they knew that Ye Xiaohu and others did not come to share the cake.

So they were puzzled, why Nanshan Yun had to target Ye Xiaohu and others.

After all, Ye Xiaohu and others, but got the token of the master of the extremely northern fairy domain, came to visit Nanshan Cloud.

Under the circumstances of everyone's thoughts, Li Xianfeng, on behalf of Ye Xiaohu and others, solemnly asked: "Please ask Master Nan, what price do we have to pay to obtain this information? Is it a resource, a fairy law, or ... something else? "

"What resources and immortals can you have in such a desolate place as the extremely northern fairyland?"

Nan Shanyun looked disdainful, obviously he couldn't look down on the origin of Heranzong, then he thought for a while, and tapped his brain with his finger: "If it were not for you, you have my cheap brother's personal token , I will not invite you in at all. "

I saw Nan Shanyun paused for a while, and then said again: "Exactly, I am feasting on my geniuses in the Southern Celestial Realm, and I lack some singing and dancing to help. Since you want to get information, then assign your disciples to come and follow them. After a while, if you perform well, then I do n’t mind sharing the information of my Nan family's painstaking search for Tao. "

Actually, we were the dancers on the spot, which made Heran's disciples one by one very angry, even Ye Xiaohu himself was a little unhappy.

However, in the face of such a situation, Li Xianfeng remained calm.

I saw that he took a deep breath and pressed down the anxious heart: "Since Master South, you have this kind of Yaxing, we Heranzong will naturally be willing to cooperate, and also just know the skills of many Taoists in the Southern Celestial Realm."


Nan Tianyun glanced at Li Xianfeng. In fact, if Li Xianfeng did not agree, then he would not force Li Xianfeng to agree to his request, and the information would still be given to the other party, but the information was definitely a truncated version.

But now Li Xianfeng agreed, then Nan Tianyun was naturally very happy, so he turned around and said: "Let out a place, first let guests from afar sit in, and then clean up a place where you can learn."

Hearing Nan Shanyun's command, everyone immediately acted.

After a while, Ye Xiaohu and others were seated.

Immediately afterwards, the masters of Nanjia came forward and personally arranged a learning space for everyone, to ensure that when the two sides learn, they will not affect the surrounding visitors.

After completing this series of arrangements, Nan Shanyun smiled and said: "This elder Li, you are a guest, or let your disciples challenge you first."


Li Xianfeng thought about it and finally agreed to Nan Shanyun's request.

In the first battle, he wanted to make achievements, and to play out their heroic names, so after thinking for a while, Li Xianfeng pointed to Zhang Yiman and said: "You go first, and discuss with the Taoist friends in the Southern Celestial Realm. Your cultivation and skills. "


Zhang Yiman is not stupid, otherwise he will not contend with the prince for so many years within Zongmen.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Yiman took the initiative to stand up and came to the venue of the discussion: "I don't know which Taoist friend of the Immortal Realm on that day, I am willing to enlighten me."

The immortal gates of the Southern Celestial Realm looked at Nanshan Cloud one after another.

Nan Shanyun grumbled dissatisfiedly: "Look at what I am doing, whoever wants to accept his challenge, then go up and fight on your own."

"I come."

Nan Shanyun's voice has just fallen, and he hasn't waited for others to respond.

I saw a Southern Celestial Realm, not a very strong Xianmen disciple, and jumped directly on the venue of learning and happily, and then faced Nanshan Yundao: "Young Master, how about letting the villain come first in the first battle?"

Nanshan Yun nodded and did not express any opinion.

Seeing this scene, other elders of the Immortal Gate in the Southern Celestial Realm laughed bitterly.

They were cautious for a while, but as a result, they lost the first opportunity to make contributions to Nanshan Yun and gain Nanshan Yun's face.

Under such circumstances, they can only gritt their teeth secretly, waiting for the next game.

Because they believe that this round of discussion will definitely not end in a simple one, and must be followed up.

"He Lanzong, Zhang Yiman."

"Yunmian Immortal Gate, still slaughtered."

When the two met, they informed each other about their situation.

Although the two sides have some anger, this is a discussion after all, so on the surface it is still necessary to maintain harmony, so the two sides first notified each other of their names.

After the name announcement was completed, Yun Ke of Xianmen Xianmen moved his neck and said first: "Boy, you come from the backward and resource-poor extreme Northern Fairy Territory, and I come from such a high standard and multi-resources in Southern Celestial Realm Xianyu, so you can shoot first, lest I be defeated without a chance. "

I saw Shang Ketu carrying his hands and scorning the world.

However, according to his understanding of the extremely northern fairyland, it is indeed the case.

After all, he was a master in the early days of Tianjun, and his opponent Zhang Yiman reached the level of a half-step Tianjun. From the perspective of cultivation, he is not his opponent at all.

"Since this is the case, then I am disrespectful."

Zhang Yiman sneered in his heart. He is also a party overlord on the boundary of the extremely northern fairy field. When did he encounter such contempt?

Even his old rival, the Prince, dared not talk to him like this.

So at this moment, Zhang Yiman has made up his mind.

You can lose, but you must not let the other party win too easily.

So he took a deep breath and released a big move directly.

Instead, he summoned his own fairy spirit, a seemingly simple machete, and then he placed the machete's tip on the ground, and dragged the machete, step by step toward Shang Ke.

"Interesting, actually imitating the immortal method of ancient immortals, do you want to play a kill?"

"This is a life-and-death immortal method. If Shang Ketu can see this trick, then this person named Zhang Yiman is estimated to be bad luck."

"But this kid also has the courage, and under the eyes of everyone, such an immortal method was exhibited. It seems that there should be some confidence!"

"There is courage, but unfortunately the talent is too bad, and too much time is wasted in the extremely northern fairy field, otherwise it is not without the plasticity of cultivation."

Many bigwigs in the Southern Celestial Realm, when they saw this scene, talked about it one after another.

But Shang Ke Tu standing in the battle, when he saw Zhang Yiman's actions, directly mocked and mocked: "This trick you can deal with others, but it is useless to me."


When the words fell, Shang Ke Tu Nu screamed, and a hot glow was released from his body ~ ~ Immediately after that, Shang Ke Tu punched a punch directly in the air and chiseled to Zhang Yiman on the spot: You have the same reason. When confronting people, you must not let the other party notice your way of doing things, otherwise you will definitely lose. "

Almost at the time when Shang Ke Tu's voice fell, Shang Ke Tu's attack was like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, striking Zhang Yiman's body continuously from the air.

Bang Bang Bang.

After being attacked continuously, Zhang Yiman's body showed various degrees of potholes, which shows how severe his body has suffered.

However, under such circumstances, Zhang Yiman still did not change his own style and changed his immortal law, as if he was not going to die, and still walked fiercely forward.

One step, two steps, three steps ...

In this way, I don't know how many steps he took and how much damage he took, and finally let him come to the front of Shang Ke, about 10 meters away, so Zhang Yiman roared loudly: "Qinglong is stunned. "Shen Nong, who returned from Xiuxian

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