Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1804: : Am I dead?

vent. Mobile terminal

Lu terminology is very depressed, especially when looking at his buddies, when he dies in front of himself, but he is helpless.

Lv terminology is full of negative emotions such as inferiority, cowardice, fear ... etc., Which makes him almost breathless.

So he wants to fight, he wants to release, he wants to change the current situation.

So when the two sides began to discuss, Lu terminology has been tempering his spirit.

After one person ended the challenge, Lu Terminology finally seized the opportunity and could continue to challenge the disciples of Heranzong to use it to discover some negative emotions inside.


Seeing that Lu Yuming vented his inner dissatisfaction, Elder You reassured him a little: "This is the Nan family, how can you make nonsense and arbitrarily, and come back quickly."

Although the mouth is persuading the disciples under his door, Elder You does not have any actual movements.

Obviously, he also hoped that he could take advantage of the opportunity of Lu ’s terminology to give some colors to the Xianmen present so that they would not go too far.

After all, their ancient Chinese immortal gate is currently the first immortal gate in the Southern Celestial Realm. If you really want to do anything, most of the immortal gates present can't hold back.

"Nothing, this is normal discussion. After all, as a fairy, when casting spells is full of uncertainty, so it is normal to have such a situation."

Nan Shanyun didn't blame Lu terminology, instead he laughed and continued: "Since you don't feel tired, then if you want to continue to challenge, naturally there is no problem, you can safely challenge."

Nan Shanyun was not angry because he knew the situation now.

He needs a person, a touchstone.

And Lu terminology is the touchstone, he wants to take a look at Heranzong's ability and qualification through Lu terminology.

If Heranzong is unable to enter his dharma eyes, then he naturally has no obligation to help his famous brother to protect and help Heranzong.

At that time, he thought of a way to send Ye Xiaohu and others away.

If Herranzong really has some skills, then he naturally does n’t mind. Hering Herranzong, after all, their southern family also needs to grow, and they need stronger allies.

But it is a pity that even if the person just died, he still hasn't inspired the masters inside Heranzong, which makes Nanshan Yun a little disappointed.

"Wu Qiao has just started, and should continue to meet the difficulties, instead of playing a round of withdrawal, so much boring."

"I know Lu terminology, but you are an excellent disciple of the ancient Chinese immortal gate. You have used such a terrible trick to deal with a small worm from the extremely northern immortal territory. This is unreasonable. In my opinion, you should use some simple Xian Fa, can kill that person, why waste so much Xian Li? "

"Lu terminology, you represent our Southern Celestial Realm fighting. If you continue to fight and lose the game, don't blame us for being rude to you."

"Yes, the battle should be a fierce duel, not a run, that's a coward's performance, so Lu terminology, I am optimistic about you, continue to fight!"

Each of the immortal gates in the Southern Celestial Realm constantly agitated Lü terminology.

Obviously they also want to let Lu Terminus block the gun and go find a way for them.

Lu Termina knew this, but he did n’t give up the opportunity to challenge him. He saw him sneer and continued to stare at He Lanzong and others: "Since Master South has agreed, do n’t you come from the backward fairyland? There is no one who even challenged me in a shopping mall? If so, then you can leave this place and I can take back my challenge. After all, a genius like me is going to bully a weak person like you. Suitable."


Lu Lu's remarks were a little bit contemptuous, at least the disciples of Heranzong who were present were very angry.

Even Ximen, who had already participated in the exhibition before, had some anger and even wanted to rush over to fight him for a while.

But she was about to leave, and was stopped by Zhang Yiman on the side: "Let me go! If you go, it is estimated that at most, you insist on one or two rounds, and there is no hope of defeating him."

"Fart, old lady has no hope of victory, do you have it?"

Sister Ximen glanced at Zhang Yiman and couldn't help sighing: "In the previous battle, you paid a lot of money. Now you have lost at least 30% or 40% of your combat power. What can you continue to fight?"


Zhang Yi sighed helplessly, as Sister Ximen said, his situation is not good now, it is difficult to continue to fight Lu Lu terminology, not to mention revenge for the dead fellow.

When they were tangled in their faces, Ye Xiaohu, who had been silent, finally opened his eyes, and then stood up from the chair and said: "Okay, don't argue, give him to me!"

"Brother Xiaohu?"

"Brother, you can't go, now you should recuperate, and wait for a hundred battles."

"Yes, you must not receive any damage at this time, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve results in a hundred battles."

"Brother Xiaohu, it is better for you to stay by the side, we can hold it."

Ye Xiaohu is the hope of He Lanzong, so before the last resort, He Lanzong did not want Ye Xiaohu to come forward.

Therefore, when he saw Ye Xiaohu standing up, Zhang Yiman and others reached out to stop Ye Xiaohu, and did not want Ye Xiaohu to fight.

But in the face of their obstruction, Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said helplessly: "If possible, I am willing to continue to close my eyes and raise my spirits, but the current situation has not allowed me to continue to close my eyes and raise my spirits, unless you are one by one. Everyone wants to die, after all, the other party is a ruthless man who is a heavenly king. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Sister Ximen and others took a breath.

They are all people of the half-step Tianjun level. If they are allowed to fight against Tianjun's early stage, then they can also win by lucky means and fairy means.

However, in the face of a Tianjun person who has a big time, they have no hope of winning.

For a time everyone had a choice. They knew that Ye Xiaohu had to shoot, so they sat back decadently and did not stand up and compete with Ye Xiaohu.

As for Li Xianfeng, he nodded and agreed with Ye Xiaohu's idea, but gave Ye Xiaohu a cautious look. He didn't want Ye Xiaohu to be too Meng Lang, and thus died.

Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and then stepped towards Lu terminology step by step.

Seeing this scene of the Nanshan cloud, one can't help but shine.

Because he knew that Heranzong could not bear it at last, and began to appoint powerful players under his door. Ye Xiaohu hadn't spoken before, so Nan Shanyun hadn't put his eyes on him.

However, when Ye Xiaohu acted, he set his eyes on Ye Xiaohu's body, but found that Ye Xiaohu's body had a strong fairy power, but it was difficult to observe Ye Xiaohu's true cultivation practice, and what level he reached. .

"Interesting, it seems like a good opponent."

After Nanshan Yun grunted, he didn't open the mouth to remind Lu Terminology, but instead looked at Ye Xiaohu with a playful look. He wanted to see what Ye Xiaohu wanted to do.

"Hey, is there no one in Jibei Xianyu?"

"Yes, otherwise how to appoint a young genius with a bone age of less than 100 years? Shouldn't a genius like this be cultivated in the sect? Why take it out and die?"

"Little Doll, I advise you to go home quickly. Let's go home. The Lu term opposite you is not an ordinary person, a murderous and non-winking character, don't worry about him!"

"Listen to me to persuade, it is better to admit defeat, otherwise once opened, even our old bones, I am afraid there is no way to take you out completely."

The disciples of Xianmen in the Celestial Realm of the Southern Heavens began to mention Ye Xiaohu, and they were also looking at what Ye Xiaohu would do.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu finally came to the opposite of Lv terminology, and took a deep breath: "Originally we first arrived, there is no hatred with you, so we started with cooperation, or worship, I came to see you. But it is a pity that you, the tall people, have no such thoughts, but instead gave us those from the countryside a shock.

If it ’s a simple thing, then I can bear it, but you should n’t have to do it. You should kill our disciples on the spot. This is a provocation against us, this is on Ye Xiaohu. Provocative, so I can't just sit back and ignore. "

"It seems you are their trump card?"

Lü Terminus clasped his ears and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "You don't want to sit and ignore them, what can you do?"

"Kill you, revenge for my peers."

Ye Xiaohu stretched out his hand directly and pointed at Lu Terminology with a serious expression: "Besides, those of you who have the same tone are not good, so you have to pay a price for it. Only in this way can you relieve my hatred and let me share the same feeling Huang Quan will be relieved when he knows it underground. "

Either do not stand up, or stand up to get everything back.

Before maliciously targeting the people of Heranzong, no one could run away. This is Ye Xiaohu's real thought at the moment.

When Ye Xiaohu said this, everyone on the scene was dumbfounded. Obviously they never thought that Ye Xiaohu, a man from the country, would say such harsh words.

However, when they were shocked, Lu Terminus, who was standing opposite Ye Xiaohu, said calmly: "Boy, you are very confident in yourself, presumably you are in the extremely northern fairyland, and within the Helan Sect. It has a status, and no one even dares to disobey you in the past, so it will cultivate unparalleled domineering like you, defying all beings in the world, and what you want to do.

But I want to tell you that it is because you are in the extremely northern fairyland, such a backward place, such a backward Zongmen.

Let me tell you the truth, your cultivation base is nothing in our Southern Celestial Realm. Just a random genius can kill you. "

Lu terminology is not angry because Ye Xiaohu is a dead man in his eyes.

Hearing Lu ’s rebuttal, Ye Xiaohu could n’t help but sigh: “Maybe I ’m not a strong man, there are many people in this world who can pose a threat to me. But I also hope you understand one thing, that is, I never fight without Grasp the battle.

And a person like you who has been lying on the ground forever has become a pile of dead bones. And his cultivation behavior is not that you are weak, so you are the next him in my eyes. "

Isn't the prince strong?

Of course strong.

Even the crown prince can be ranked in the entire Southern Celestial Realm.

However, after the contempt of Ye Xiaohu was finished, Ye Xiaohu was later killed by Ye Xiaohu, let alone a group of people of the same age, then Ye Xiaohu was naturally fearless.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu could not help but take a deep breath and said: "It seems that your last words have been finished, then you can die."

Ye Xiaohu was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Lu terminology, so Ye Xiaohu directly used immortal energy and killed him towards Lu terminology.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's actions, Lu Yu couldn't help but sneered: "You folks ~ ~ Never know the respect for the strong. Since this is the case, I will kill you with your prestige today. Know the power and horror of my Lu terminology. "


I saw Lu Terminus snorted, and then quickly rushed forward, and soon came to Ye Xiaohu, and cut across the head.


This knife hardly encountered any obstacles, and cut Ye Xiaohu in front of him.

The blood was sprayed from inside Ye Xiaohu's body, which made Lu Terminus feel very comfortable, as if he saw the most beautiful thing.

"Be careful behind."

When Lu Yumin thought that this battle was completely over, he suddenly heard Elder You's reminder, which made Lu Yuyi slightly surprised.

Elder, what's wrong with this, why remind me to be careful?

Did someone sneak attack me?

So Lu terminology looked at Heranzong, and he found that Heranzong's expression was normal, as if nothing had happened.

Did you hear it?

Lu terminology still didn't understand, so he turned to look at his teacher, and he saw his fellow students and elders, reminding him to be cautious and cautious, which made Lu terminology completely intimidating.

At this time, he felt a cold killing in his ear, followed by a hot stream of water, flowing down from the top of his head.

This made Lu Terminology very uncomfortable, so he stretched his hand in confusion and stroked the flowing liquid, and found that the liquid was actually blood.

I saw that Lu Yuming simply smelt for a moment, and his face paled instantly: "This ... this is my blood, don't ... me, am I dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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