Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1817: : Tianjun Invisibility

Within room 1 of Tianzi.

Ye Xiaohu closed the door and used the power of his soul to sense the situation around him.

After all, this is an unfamiliar place. Even if Ye Xiaohu is bold, he must be careful.

Not to mention the outside of the room, there is at least a half-step Heavenly Emperor who is watching.

If the other party really looks for opportunities and rushes in to pit himself all at once while he is practicing alchemy, would n’t he outweigh the gains?

Of course Ye Xiaohu also knows that this possibility is not very high.

But the possibility is not high, it does not mean that it cannot happen, so Ye Xiaohu must be careful to deal with it.

"Interesting, actually arranged a chain formation."

"Each room is a separate small formation, and then each space has a large defensive formation. In the end, the No. 3 room of the earth and the earth condensed together to form a combination of offensive and defensive formations, so that people do not have Way to invade this place, so as to make the best efforts to protect everything on site. "

"It seems that the owner of this Fulu shop is also a person with ideas, otherwise it is impossible to arrange such a powerful formation."

"I am afraid that a strong man from Half Step Heaven Emperor has come, and there is no way to break in suddenly, not to mention that in this Fulu shop, there is at least one strong man from Half Step Heaven Emperor sitting in town."

Ye Xiaohu carefully observed and found that this place is very safe. There is no need to think about life safety at all, and no one monitors himself around.

So Ye Xiaohu was relieved, and then Ye Xiaohu walked around the room again.

This time, Ye Xiaohu did not check the security of the house, but arranged a formation for himself in every corner of the house.

After all, the defensive formation of the Tianzihaofang room, the staff of Fulu store also have similar control power, if they want to come in, they will not encounter any obstacles.

So before that, Ye Xiaohu needed no more than a defensive formation to ensure that the opponent could find it when he entered, and blocked the opponent's grid.

After a brief observation, Ye Xiaohu decided not to change the defensive formation of this room, but to use the leads of this formation to also arrange the formation in the room.

After having an idea, Ye Xiaohu soon began to arrange.

When Ye Xiaohu arranged it, the strong guard in the Tianzihao room could not help looking up at the tossing from Ye Xiaohu's room, and could not help but frown, "The interesting boy, actually took the array to our store. The combination of formations not only prevents people from discovering at random, but even if it is found, then if you crack, you must first crack the defensive formation of the entire Fulu store, so that you can be invincible.

I don't know who the kid is, so clever.

Forget it, as long as it does not affect the entire defense, I am too lazy to manage. "

The strong man in charge of guarding the room of Tianzihao, after thinking for a while, closed his eyes again and let some of the surroundings return to tranquility.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu in Room 1 of Tianzi finally arranged the formation smoothly, so quietly in the room to check the materials he currently has.

These materials are the materials originally placed in the first room of Tianzi, which can be used to refine many different types of rungs, even some rare rungs on the market.

But among these characters, there are still some materials that Ye Xiaohu lacks.

So Ye Xiaohu picked up the nearby communication rung and activated it gently: "I am in Tianzi room one. Those who trouble you will send me some star leaves, invisible insects, sacred branches of Qianye, hollow **** stones ..."

Ye Xiaohu named a series of materials, and the staff on the opposite side recorded them one by one.

Then Ye Xiaohu ended the communication and waited for a while in the room.

After about three or five minutes, the formation of his own array came to sense ability.

Ye Xiaohu knew that the staff of Fulu store had come, so he actively opened an entrance and let the other party come in and said: "It's enough to put things on the table."


Fulu shop staff, naturally know Ye Xiaohu's identity and honor.

So he looked at Ye Xiaohu curiously, and found that Ye Xiaohu was a normal person, and there was nothing special about it.

Just when he was slightly disappointed, he saw Ye Xiaohu take out a material, and in his face, he refined the material on the spot, and it was refined in one go.

People who can work in Fulu stores naturally have good attainments in Fulu, otherwise they do n’t know all kinds of Fulu, and there is no way to sell and transport materials.

It is precisely because of this that they have a certain degree of vision, only to know Ye Xiaohu empty hand-made materials magazine, and how difficult it is to do in one step.

"Is there anything else?"

Ye Xiaohu sorted out the materials and found that the person who came to send the materials had not left, so he frowned: "If you don't have anything else, then I'm going to start to make Fulu."

"No, I have nothing to do, you are busy first."

At this moment, the employees of the Fulu store have already determined that Ye Xiaohu is a strong man ~ ~ will not offend Ye Xiaohu naturally.

So when he heard Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, he immediately turned around and left.

After he left, Ye Xiaohu shook his head, sighed, and then walked to the position of refining Fulu: "The first one, refining the invisible symbol of Tianjun first."

The competitors in this hundred battles are basically the strong of the Tianjun level, so it is a very crucial thing to be invisible in front of the Tianjun strong.

Of course, it is impossible to completely stealth, but at least it can prevent them from being discovered, which is also a good symbol.

After making up his mind, Ye Xiaohu immediately took out the materials for refining the Tianjun stealth amulet, and began to orderly refine it according to different procedures.

For Ye Xiaohu, refining Fulu is not difficult at all.

Because Ye Xiaohu was in the heavenly court at that time, an important and responsible task was to even help Daomen refine all kinds of rungs. Because of a lot of work, Ye Xiaohu himself can't be busy alone, so he needs Fu Mi to help.

For example, cleaning the rungs, drying the runes, clearing the runes ... and so on.

It is precisely because of the accumulation of these experiences that when Ye Xiaohu refines Fulu, he basically holds a drill in hand, which is a few minutes of effort. Ye Xiaohu has already refined the first Tianjun by his own means Incognito.

(End of this chapter)

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