Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1819: : Earned back

"That kid didn't know how?"

"Five thousand immortals have been taken out, it is estimated that some symbols can be refined anyway?"

"Yes, you can refining Fulu, but it also depends on the value of Fulu, after all, not all Fulu is a precious magic weapon."

"I don't think it is necessary. After all, he is so young, and his cultivation is not very high. It may not be able to refine any special and powerful Fulu."

"If the refined fusi are all simple and worthless fusi, then not only waste materials, but also waste immortals!"

Because the auction is approaching, many people who come to Nantian Daochang to participate in the event have gone to the auction, so the number of people in the place of Fulu Store has decreased a lot from the beginning.

Therefore, the employees of Fulu Store had the opportunity to be lazy, so they gathered together in twos and threes, and looked at the location of Tianzi No. 1 Room, wanted to see if Ye Xiaohu came out.

After all, Ye Xiaohu only has one day, and now more than ten hours have passed.

While they were observing, the big housekeeper of Fulu store also slowly walked down the stairs.

At this moment, he is in a good mood, because the original suppressed heart has been completely released by him.

When he came to the lobby, he heard the discussion of the employees, and he could not help but ask, "That boy is still making Fulu?"

"It's such a big housekeeper."

"He really is still refining Fulu."

The employee saw him and immediately reported what he knew.

The big housekeeper of the Fulu store couldn't help but stunned slightly: "What's the situation now, has the kid come out from the inside? Have you ever asked the masters of the fortune?"

"No, after the kid in the big housekeeper entered the room, there was no action anymore, as if it disappeared."

"Yes, we have been looking at him in this place, he has not been moving."

"If it is not Tianzihaofang, if we are not allowed to enter casually, I want to enter and take a look."

"Well, I always feel that the kid has some weirdness."

Not yet out?

Hearing the employee's conversation, the big housekeeper of Fulu store couldn't help but frown.

Obviously, this is the first time he has seen it.

In the past, people who rented Tianzi size rooms, although there are such maniacs, but they occasionally come out to breathe, or ask the master in the store to improve their skills and avoid problems with their own refinement.

But Ye Xiaohu had no problems in this respect, which made the big housekeeper of Fulu store feel that something was wrong.

He remembered again that he had discovered that Ye Xiaohu might have followed the man in white robe.

This made him unable to worry, so he first returned to his room and used the communication equipment to contact the man in the white robe Li: "How are you, have you reached your destination?"


The man in the white robe named Li, opposite, could not help but stunned: "You suddenly contacted me just to inquire about this matter?"

"Yes, I need to make sure you arrive safely."

"You are becoming more and more cautious, but such cautiousness is obviously superfluous in the outside world."

"Be careful for thousands of years!"

"Forget it, I am too lazy to continue talking nonsense with you, I am going to enter the fairy demon battlefield, I will contact you next time."


After a response, the man with the surname Bai Bai cut off his contact information alone.

Seeing this scene, the big housekeeper of the Fulu shop couldn't help but sighed, and then walked down the hall again: "He hasn't moved yet?"


Fulu store staff looked at him puzzled, apparently felt that he had some abnormalities today.

But the big housekeeper of Fulu store, no matter how employees think of themselves.

Saw him take a deep breath, and took the initiative to walk to Tianzi No. 1 room, and stood at the door continuously Ye Xiaohu said: "Sir, do you have any services you need?"

The formation method has a certain effect, which can isolate the attack, but it cannot isolate the sound.

Ye Xiaohu, who made Fulu in the room, heard a question from the big housekeeper, but could not help but stunned slightly: "I have already refined it, and there is no need for this at the moment."

"Since this is the case, then I will leave first."

The big housekeeper of the Fulu store, after confirming that Ye Xiaohu was still in the room, was finally completely relieved, so he walked back to the lobby of the Fulu store: "What are you still doing cold, hurry to attract the guests to Laozi, watch him refining in this place What does the character grate do? "

Seeing that the big housekeeper was angry, the crowd quickly moved and began to solicit their guests.

It was another quarter of an hour, and people from the auction often came over and sent an invitation letter to the big housekeeper of Fulu store, inviting him to participate in this auction.

How did the big housekeeper of Fufu store miss such a meeting, naturally nodded and agreed.

So he simply commanded his deputy: "I will go to the auction soon. When I leave, Bai Zihan, you must not be lazy, otherwise, if you catch me, then you will be punished severely."

"Relax, butler, we will never continue to be lazy."

Bai Zihan, the deputy of the big housekeeper, gave a serious report: "I will definitely urge everyone to work hard."

"Hope you can do this."

The big housekeeper of Fusuke Road glanced at him, and after not saying much, he packed up his suitcase and left the Fulu store directly to the auction site.

"Wow, aren't you also a part-time worker? Didn't you come to the Fulu store some years earlier than me? Just **** on my head and taking care of Lao Tzu every day, I'm so angry."

The big housekeeper of Fulu store left, and his deputy Bai Zihan stood up and said: "Sooner or later, I will find a chance to ride directly on your neck and shit."

Such a big Fulu store is actually a product of the ancient heaven.

But people in ancient heavens are inconvenient to appear in today's fairyland.

After all, they are people who have passed away or disappeared, so they need some agents to manage.

For example, the Fulu store where Ye Xiaohu is located, in fact, except for the big housekeeper, everyone else is the agent he selected, the purpose is eye-catching.

Otherwise, the people in the store are all people without any background and household registration, and they are repaired one by one to be strong, so it will definitely make people feel that something is wrong.

"Second housekeeper, you are ill again. Be careful when the big housekeeper comes back, and teach you a hard meal like the last time."

"Yes! The boss has been gone for a long time, and after he disappeared, he has already delegated all the rights of the store to the big housekeeper. It is not polite to say that if the boss does not come back in a lifetime, then the big housekeeper is our boss. . "

"Second housekeeper, if I am you, I will stop for a while, don't do daydreaming."

"People like us still have to be down-to-earth and do their job well and feel at ease. Don't even think about anything that overturns the big housekeeper. After all, the big housekeeper is actually not bad for us."

Hearing the words of the surrounding employees, the second housekeeper Bai Zihan couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

He just said it casually, and wanted to pretend.

In fact, he is very clear about his ability, so he never thought about the things he replaced.

So he lipped the corner of his mouth and looked at the left and right employees, then he was busy with his business.

Just like this, the Fulu store returned to tranquility. After about ten minutes, Ye Xiaohu in the No. 1 room of Tianzi finally consumed the last Fulu material and refined a perfect Fulu.

So Ye Xiaohu collected Fu Luo and walked out of the room.

"Thank you senior for asylum."

After Ye Xiaohu came out, he first glanced at the half-step Tiandi strongman who was in charge of guarding this place.

Because when he was making Fulu, he could obviously feel that Fulu touched the alternative Tiancai. That kind of heavenly catastrophe, although not as fierce as the immortals crossing the catastrophe, is also a big trouble.

Because of this Sky Tribulation, he will upgrade his level according to Fulu's rank.

Fortunately, those Heaven Tribulation were stopped by people, so Ye Xiaohu could rest assured to make Fulu, and he made more bad Fulu.

"This is what I should do. After all, you come to our Fulu store to refine Fulu, so we will naturally bear all the consequences."

Half-step Heaven Emperor strong responded briefly to Ye Xiaohu, the scene was restored to tranquility.

Ye Xiaohu also knew that the other party would not speak anymore, so he went directly to the lobby of Fulu store and said to the staff of Fulu store: "How many hours have I spent now?"

"Eighteen hours."

Fulu store employees are always counting time.

Therefore, when Ye Xiaohu approached him and asked, he immediately responded to Ye Xiaohu.

In such a situation, Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction: "Then I have six hours left. Can I refund the money?"

Ye Xiaohu felt that it was enough, so he did not intend to continue to refine Fulu.

Under such circumstances, the extra six hours are precious.

"If you ca n’t refund your money, our Fulu store is a fixed price. Once the lease is booked, it will end, but we can block the time for you. You can continue to refine Fulu when you come."

Employees at Fulu store responded briefly to Ye Xiaohudao: "Of course, if you must return, you can also resell it at a low price. I believe that six hours of Tianzi No. 1 room still has many people buying it.

An hour, almost two million elixir.

Six hours is 12 million elixir.

This number is still very large, so Ye Xiaohu frowned and asked, "What is the low price?"

"One million elixir."

Fulu store employees hesitated and said: "Someone has sold this price in the past."

one million?

What kind of joke?

"Forget it, you still help me seal up the time, I will refine the Fulu next time."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, gave up the question of continuing to resell the hour of Room 1 of Tianzi, and then asked: "Oh, I made out the extra Fulu, your store is responsible for recycling, right?"


Fulu store staff quickly said: "Sir, are you selling Fulu now?"

"Not bad."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and then summoned the fulu that he had refined one by one, and placed it directly in front of him: "These are sold, please trouble your store to give me a valuation."

"You, please wait."

Fulu store staff, took a closer look.

A good guy has at least a few hundred thousand characters, and such a strong number is definitely not for him. So he quickly ran out, and called the depressing second-home son Bai Zihan.

After Bai Zihan came over, he saw those Fulu and also said with a headache: "Sir, are you sure you sell it all?"


"The price of our shop will be lower than outside."

"How much lower?"

"We can only get up to 9: 5."

"A low 0.5 point? Then I can accept it. You can count it now."


Bai Zihan took a deep breath, and then called all the staff on the left and right to make them count in Ye Xiaohu's face.

The people immediately acted, took out one after another, and carefully compared the ingredients, effects, effects ... and took out the things in the store as labels to determine his price.

After all the way down, the inventory was finally completed.

So Bai Zihan walked to Ye Xiaohu and said kindly: "Mr. Ye, a total of 5 billion elixir. Do you think you want elixir card or elixir? But if elixir cash, then our store may not be able to mobilize So much ~ ~ That is the elixir card. "

Ye Xiaohu was not afraid of such a big Fulu store running away, so he directly accepted the elixir card they sold.

Bai Zihan did not hesitate, he directly marked Ye Xiaohu, and moved the amount of 5 billion elixir from the elixir card.

After doing this, Bai Zihan said to Ye Xiaohu: "Mr. Ye, the transaction is now completed."

"Very good."

Ye Xiaohu used the power of the soul to briefly check the content and determined that there was no problem with the amount of elixir, so he said with satisfaction: "Happy cooperation next time."

Spent 50 million yuan and passed 5 billion yuan back, which is worth to Ye Xiaohu.

So Ye Xiaohu walked out with a cool body, but as soon as he went out, he found that a group of people in front were walking in a hurry.

Looking at their anxious colors, Ye Xiaohu was slightly surprised.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was surprised at what happened, a fairy passing by Ye Xiaohu could not help but whispered to his companion, saying: "Come on, this auction site, it is said that an ancient The fairy, and it is a very complete fairy, if you can get him, you might be able to find a complete ruins of the ancient heaven and the fairy law. "

(End of this chapter)

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