Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1822: : Upstart auction mode (repair)

? "Hundreds of thousands of years old ginseng, this is a rare treasure?"

"My God, I didn't expect to see it at this auction, and it was one of the top ten commodities. This is really big news."

"It seems that I didn't come in vain today, and I had a huge gain in the first place."

"I happen to be making a panacea, this thing must not be missed, I must take him down."

This time the auction was mainly for the Zongmen of the Hundred Battles.

Therefore, the immortals and rare treasures offered at the auction are all secret treasures that can improve cultivation, or talent and combat effectiveness.

Therefore, when the 100,000-year-old ginseng appeared before everyone.

All those who longed to use the 100,000-year-old ginseng to forge elixir to improve their cultivation, all held their breath.

"I believe everyone knows its role. One hundred thousand years old ginseng like this is not uncommon, even in history.

Whether he can be precious is simply connected to the city.

You buy it back, as long as you give it to your children and grandchildren, even if it is a baby, you can stand on the ground and become a fairy. There is no need to practice at all. "

The auctioneer in charge of the auction clearly knew a hundred thousand years old ginseng, so he opened his mouth and said a series of introductions about the old ginseng, and summed it up: "Okay, I wo n’t say more nonsense, The 100,000-year-old Laoshan ginseng has a starting price of five million yuan. If you are interested, you can now increase the price. Remember, every time you increase the price, you can't lower it than 10,000 elixir. "


When the auctioneer's gavel sounded, someone immediately quoted.

"I'm giving out 5.01 million."

"The poor ghost is a person who just raises the price of ten thousand elixir as soon as he opens his mouth, and he is also embarrassed to come to the auction house? Is there any one higher than Lao Tzu's five hundred and ten thousand elixir?"

"5.5 million, if you have the skill to speak, you might as well count the number of elixir in your storage magic weapon."

"Yes, six million."

In addition to the beginning, everyone is also very conservative.

The people behind are basically superimposed on top of hundreds of thousands

Soon this thing, directly skyrocketed to the amount of 30 million elixir, has reached a very horrible price.

Even a 100,000-year-old ginseng does not necessarily have this price.

After all, buying an elixir to improve your cultivation base is the price.

"31 million elixir once.

Twice. "

The auctioneer's gavel struck twice.

No one still raises the price. Obviously this amount is almost the same.

Just when he was about to knock for the third time, someone on the floor finally said, "I'm going for 40 million."

Forty million?


As soon as this number came out, everyone was immediately dumbfounded.

Obviously everyone never imagined that someone had auctioned this 100,000-year-old ginseng at a premium, and it still added 9 million as soon as it opened, which has created a small climax in this auction.

"Crazy, this must be a lunatic."

"Otherwise, if you are a wise man, you should know that although the 100,000-year-old ginseng is precious, but if you want to improve the cultivation of the fairy, you must also match many fairy medicines of the same quality, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the cultivation of the fairy. If at that time, each of the immortal medicines was sold at such a price, would n’t the price of Xiuwei be increased to one billion immortals? This is obviously not in the real interest, I guess this kid was deliberately Drive up prices. "

"Not necessarily, maybe this is a second ancestor, don't you have money to spend it?"

"If this is a second-generation ancestor, then after going back today, I guess his father will also kill him, otherwise his family will sooner or later defeat him."

Everyone glanced at the bidder just now and found that it was a box.

The people in this box naturally had no way of knowing it, so after glaring resentfully, everyone closed their mouths.

"40 million elixir once.


three times. "

The auctioneer also seems to know what value this 100,000-year-old ginseng has.

So when he found someone shouting 40 million, he immediately knew that this auction should be over, so he gave the mallet three times in a row, but it was faster than once.

After he shouted the last time, he immediately congratulated: "Congratulations to the gentleman in Box No. 46, who has obtained this 100,000-year-old ginseng. Now let our staff send the old ginseng and take it Come here for the next auction. "

The staff were all well-trained people, so he quickly came over and packed 100,000 years old ginseng and sent it directly to box No. 46.

When the 100,000-year-old ginseng was sent to the box, Liu Shenlong, who had just completed the statistics of the elixir, could not help but glared his eyes: "Tuhao, this is the real tyrant of the goddess, and the auction is auctioned."

Liu Shenlong is also a person who has seen big scenes, but this is the first time he has seen a person like Ye Xiaohu who does not put the fairy on his eyes at all.

I saw him swallowing foam, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Mr. Ye, I have already exchanged all the things you brought for you.

After our statistics and evaluation, we can now value you 7 billion. Do you think you need to sell it directly to our auction house, or do you take it back and sell it to other institutions? "

"Seven billion?"

Ye Xiaohu said a bit, and to be honest, this amount is not much.

Ye Xiaohu believes that if his things are sold on the black market, the price will definitely be higher than this. But Ye Xiaohu was too lazy to toss, and for those hundreds of millions, running back and forth on the black market was not worth it.

If Ye Xiaohu is really short of money, he can go to the Fulu store again and make money fast.

If the people of Fulu store know Ye Xiaohu's psychological thoughts at this moment, it is estimated that they will ask Silent Heaven silently.

Because they are also the first time they have encountered a person like Ye Xiaohu. They have no difficulty in refining Fulu, as if they were refining Fulu every day.

"Just sell it directly to your auction house."

Ye Xiaohu said to Liu Shenlong: "But I also hope that you know that I will continue to auction things next, so I hope that those immortals will arrive immediately and don't delay the auction behind me."

"Relax, I will prepare for you, and at the same time tell the person in charge of the auction that you can deduct the auction items you sell at the 7 billion elixir directly."

Liu Shenlong responded to Ye Xiaohu, and left Ye Xiaohu's box, ready to tell the next thing.

But at this time, Ye Xiaohu directly said in the box: "I'm paying a hundred million."


Seven billion, the number is really big.

But it is seventy times of one hundred million, but Ye Xiaohu just asked for one hundred million just now, which is too much to take money seriously.

So Liu Shenlong looked back, he wanted to see what Ye Xiaohu had to bid for this time.

It didn't matter if Liu Shenlong looked at it, he was shocked.

Because Ye Xiaohu's auction was actually a Ganoderma.

Although the vintage is longer than Laoshan, the medicinal properties are better. But opening the mouth is 100 million, which is completely beyond the price of Ganoderma lucidum.

"A prodigal son, it's a proper prodigal son!"

After Liu Shenlong vomited Ye Xiaohu, he was too lazy to continue to watch Ye Xiaohu bid here, and went directly to the auctioneer to deduct Ye Xiaohu's elixir from the account.

"No. 46 again?"

"Where did he come from, how could he be so rich? Even if tens of millions are not taken seriously, why are tens of millions not taken seriously now?"

"Will that kid be the trust of the Holy Emperor Auction House, and it is estimated that we want us to bid at a high price?"

"It's possible, otherwise a few people will be in front of the lot, and spend tens of millions, hundreds of millions of elixir? Even if there are mines at home, shouldn't such a big auction?"

For a time everyone questioned Ye Xiaohu's identity, and the auctioneer who got Ye Xiaohu's identity at the same time couldn't help but cough.

Then he knocked his gavel, attracting everyone ’s attention to himself, and then invited the guests to announce: "Do n’t make noise, I can take the credibility guarantee of our auction house. People, it is definitely not the trust that we our auction house invited. After the end, we will personally settle the elixir with him. If you do n’t believe it, you can wait for the capital verification after the auction. "

Hearing the auctioneer, everyone looked at each other.

The reputation of the Shenghuang Auction House has always been good.

So everyone nodded involuntarily and did not continue to struggle.

So the auctioneer knocked on the hammer three times in a row, and announced in public that the Ganoderma lucidum belongs to Ye Xiaohu.

In this way, after he announced the completion, he successively bid for several things.

There are some things in it, which are not the things that Ye Xiaohu is interested in.

But there are also some things that are of interest to Ye Xiaohu.

Ye Xiaohu who is not interested will naturally not shoot, but those who are interested in Ye Xiaohu are basically under his name by Ye Xiaohu.

In this way, the number of Ye Xiaohu's elixir continued to decline, and after a while, there were only two or three hundred thousand elixir.

"Below, what we are going to bid on is an ancient rune."

I saw that after drinking a sip of immortal wine during the auction, the whole person radiantly announced to Ye Xiaohu and others: "This Fulu is said to be the power of the ancient Tianting period. The special forged 箓 has too many mysterious effects, but we have not studied it. Now his master, because of some special reasons, wants to auction him for an elixir. If you are interested, you can With a starting price of 100 million elixir, each price increase cannot be less than 10 million. "

The starting price has finally reached hundreds of millions, which means that finally there is a valuable good.

And this thing is actually a good thing in ancient times.

A well-known thing is that everything that is ancient in the time of heaven is more precious. On the one hand, its efficacy is not ordinary, on the one hand, it is also the material for that matter, which is far more precious and scarce than the current materials.

Even a lot of things have long been in the long course of history, and gradually help people consume everything.

So there are many things that future generations have no way of finding, let alone refining him into rungs.

"That auctioneer, I want to ask for a moment, is he a complete fulu? And what specific material is he made of?"

"I do n’t know the specific effect, but the master of our auction house believes that this seems to be a special ancestor, which can evolve a lot of Tao. If you have a companion, you can definitely guarantee that you will be in the future. In the realm of Heavenly Emperor, it is much smoother. As for what material he is made of, I have no way to discern it at the moment, but I can be sure of one, that is, there is an innate magic bamboo in the material of this thing, I believe everyone knows What am I talking about. "

"Is he a semi-finished product?"

"No, he is a complete product. Although there have been some injuries in the past, it has reached a very high level."

"We understand, thank you Master."

Everyone took a deep breath, and they simply asked for a moment to know the value of this thing, which is definitely something they must take down.

So there are many things that future generations have no way of finding, let alone refining him into rungs.

"That auctioneer, I want to ask for a moment, is he a complete fulu? And what specific material is he made of?"

"I do n’t know the specific effect, but the master of our auction house believes that this seems to be a special ancestor, which can evolve a lot of Tao. If you have a companion, you can definitely guarantee that you will be in the future. In the realm of Heavenly Emperor, it is much smoother. As for what material he is made of, I have no way to discern it at the moment, but I can be sure of one, that is, there is an innate magic bamboo in the material of this thing, I believe everyone knows What am I talking about. "

"Is he a semi-finished product?"

"No ~ ~ He is a complete product. Although there have been some damages in the past, it has reached an extremely high level."

"We understand, thank you Master."

Everyone took a deep breath, and they simply asked for a moment to know the value of this thing, which is definitely something they must take down.

So there are many things that future generations have no way of finding, let alone refining him into rungs.

"That auctioneer, I want to ask for a moment, is he a complete fulu? And what specific material is he made of?"

"I do n’t know the specific effect, but the master of our auction house believes that this seems to be a special ancestor, which can evolve a lot of Tao. If you have a companion, you can definitely guarantee that you will be in the future. In the realm of Heavenly Emperor, it is much smoother. As for what material he is made of, I have no way to discern it at the moment, but I can be sure of one, that is, there is an innate **** bamboo in the material of this thing. What am I talking about. "

(End of this chapter)

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