"I finally arrived at the final auction, I have been waiting, and now I finally have a chance to sell."

"Haha, this time it was 5 billion. I want to see how many people can fight with me."

"The man in the box on the forty-sixth, even if he is rich again? How many auction items have been used up, it is estimated that his money has been used up, so this ruin of the ancient heavens, he estimates that even five billion Can't get it out. "

"Fortunately, he ran out of money early in the morning, otherwise if he took out 120 billion, the old man was really not his opponent."

For a time, everyone thought that Ye Xiaohu had lost his competitiveness.

So they set their eyes on the remains of the ancient heaven.

Of course, they also know that many people have given up shopping with Ye Xiaohu before, so they have not received any damage from their funds, and they are naturally staring at this thing. It depends on who can get to the end. .

Ye Xiaohu at this moment is quite complicated in his heart.

Because the funds currently in his hands have indeed consumed a lot.

However, Ye Xiaohu is not without the power of a battle, but he is thinking about whether he can fill the hole after taking out the money.

So Ye Xiaohu thought again and again, and once again called the staff of the auction house responsible for receiving himself and asked, "If I don't have enough funds for a while, can I liquidate and mortgage again?"


The staff of the auction house glanced at Ye Xiaohu after a glance.

In fact, like other contestants around them, they thought that Ye Xiaohu had consumed all the funds and had no power to fight anymore.

But now they hear Ye Xiaohu's words, they know how stupid they were before.

"That's good."

Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction, then returned to his box, and continued to observe the surroundings.

This time he did not bid at random, because he wanted to take a look at his opponent's competitiveness.

If the opponent's competitiveness is too strong, then he can only mortgage things, and then desperate. If the opponent's power is not so powerful, then Ye Xiaohu also wants to save some.

Because Ye Xiaohu estimated his capital all at once, basically, this time the auction ended, and it consumed seven, seven, eight, eight, so always plan for something in the future, and you ca n’t use up all at once.

"It seems that no one dares to bid first?"

When the ancient ruins of the ancient court were pushed out, the scene was still for a while, and there was no auction on the spot, because everyone was watching like Ye Xiaohu.

This continued for two or three minutes, and finally someone broke the tranquility.

I saw a middle-aged man sitting in the hall below and took a sip of the tea ceremony in his hand: "The old man has no money, and he has 10 billion elixir in his pocket. I will not spend it with you, and I will directly spend 10 billion. If you have someone who has a higher price than the old man, then the old man will quit the competition this time. "

Ten billion.

This directly doubled.

For a time everyone gave up breathing, because such a large capital flow is placed on things that were impossible in the past. But today, it really happened.

In addition to the previous capital flow, this auction conference has at least hundreds of billions of capital flows, which can be called a grand auction of anti-sky level.

"Who is this person, so why do n’t you go to the box to watch the show, but to bid with us below?"

"Hush, that person is not an ordinary person, but a strong man at the half-step Heavenly Emperor level. It's just that he comes from a bitter cold place with very limited funds, so he doesn't want to waste it."

"Yes, he is called Tianlang Tianjun, but those who know him agree that he will not be long before he can become a real world, instead of continuing to use Tianjun as his name."

"It turned out to be a blue wolf heavenly king, no wonder it was 10 billion elixir in one shot. However, according to today's situation, I am afraid that it is difficult to auction down the remains of the ancient heavenly court?"

Just as everyone in the lobby was discussing, soon after the voice of Tianlang Tianjun fell, there was a loud voice: "Well, you are a grey wolf, as soon as you exit, you will be our army."

"Mountain God Emperor, you actually came."

Canglang Tianjun glanced at the person who talked to himself, and couldn't help but smile lightly: "Since you are all here, it seems that the old man's auction is basically no more."

Canglang Tianjun laughed bitterly. He originally thought that this auction was not in the central area after all, and there were not many people who knew it.

Which Chengxiang thought he had just participated in the auction, he came to a large local tyrant, which let him know he was miscalculated.

Knowing this already, he might as well work hard with Ye Xiaohu, maybe he could bite off a piece or two of meat from Ye Xiaohu's hands.

But now it's too late to say this.

After all, Ye Xiaohu had already taken those auctions, and it was impossible for him to let them go.

Almost at the time when Tianlang Tianjun was disappointed, the mountain **** Tiandi who suddenly stood up couldn't help but laugh out loud: "If you know it, you know that the old man never came out empty-handed."

"Twenty billion."

Mountain God Tiandi raised **** directly and said a horrible number on the spot.

20 billion.

That's not 200,000, 2 million, but 100 million!

Such horrible figures, replaced by ordinary people, the general forces can not afford to subdue.

Even He Lanzong, where Ye Xiaohu is located, would not dare to take out 20 billion unless he did not want the martial arts to run. But this **** of the mountain god, dare to take out 20 billion at once ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And it seems to be at ease, no sense of pressure at all.

But when I think about it, there is indeed no problem. After all, the mountain **** Tiandi is a Tiandi!

Heaven and earth are in this fairy world, already a group of top people.

Even if they dare not do anything, go to a place for a lap, there will be countless people who take the initiative to send the elixir and have a good relationship with him.

Even many Xianmen forces are willing to attract gods such as the mountain **** Tiandi to join their side, so as to improve their level of Xianmen.

To put it bluntly, if He Lanzong has such a heavenly emperor, he can at least upgrade one grade. Even if you meet Master Nan, you don't have to be afraid like you used to.

Just when Ye Xiaohu thought about the importance of a heavenly emperor to a fairy gate.

In another box, a man with a sword came out: "Laoshan God, this time you want to be special in front of people, our Sword God Sect is willing to give 21 billion elixir." Shennong, who returned from Xiuxian

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