Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1836: : Angered Liuli Xianzong

? Luli Xianzong residence hotel.

A group of Liuli Xianzong people, accompanied by local partners, celebrated warmly.

Obviously, they are in a good mood, one after another.

"This time our Liuli Xianzong, with Qingli Tianjun leading the team, we can definitely go to a higher level."

"Yes, Zili Tianjun is the pride of our Liuli Xianzong, and also the top strong in the future. This hundred battles can definitely reach the top 50."

"At that time, our Liuxianxianzong is the first 50 ancestors, and even if we return to the fairyland, we will not have to fear the parties."

"Qingli Tianjun and Zili Tianjun are worthy of being the masters of the resurgence of our Liuxianzongzong. If he is there, our Liuxianzongzong can definitely go to a higher level.

I saw Liuli Xianzong's disciples and partners, one after another patting Qingli Tianjun's ass.

At the same time there is a humble but still proud man.

That's Zili Tianjun, who is about to represent Liu Lixianzong in the war this time.

When everyone looked at him, Zili Tianjun, who had just left the border, could n’t help but grin and smiled slightly: “Everyone can rest assured that this time I wo n’t let everyone down. I ’m going to complete the task for everyone and get the top 50 record. . "

Zili Tianjun has this self-confidence because his cultivation practice has reached the triple heaven of Tianjun.

Of course, he is not the genius of the veteran Tianjun Mietian, but a person who has just reached the Tianjun Mietian, even later than Ye Xiaohu.

However, such cultivation can already give him full confidence in the future.

Just when everyone is happy and celebrating Liuli Xianzong.

Suddenly someone walked in from outside and carefully reported: "Qi Tian Qingli Tianjun, Zili Tianjun ... Someone just sent a post."

"What post?"

With Lili Tianjun in it, Zili Tianjun will naturally not make any remarks.

So Qingli Tianjun, who is in charge of specific affairs, said with a frown, "And read to listen."

"Master Qingli Tianjun, you better avoid listening around."

Liuli Xianzong's servant responded cautiously: "Because there are some problems with this post."

"Fart, everyone present is the backbone and ally of my Liuxianzongzong, what can't you listen to?"

Qingli Tianjun wanted to stand up for Liuli Xianzong and also want to consolidate his power and prestige for himself, so he reprimanded the servant and said, "Don't miss it."


Liuli Xianzong's servant, seeing Qingli Tianjun allowed, naturally would not continue to fight against him.

So he took a deep breath, and took out a post, saying in public: "A group of bereavement dogs in the Blood Sea Immortal Gate, you listen to Lao Tzu, and quickly come to my Helanzong apartment to die, otherwise I will be killed. All killings are clean and will never leave one person alone.

There is also the Liuli Xianzong who is standing behind the Blood Sea Immortal Gate and supporting them. You are too arrogant, and you dare to fight against my Helanzong, really looking for death.

If you do n’t want to be destroyed by my Helan Sect, then it ’s best to quickly return my detained Helan Sect disciple and kneel on the ground, apologizing for my Helan Sect disciple in public, or wait for me to kill the door , Then no matter who you represent and how many geniuses, my Holanzong will kill you, and it will never be light. "

This is not an invitation or an apology post, but a provocative post.

When he heard the words of Blood Sea Immortal Gate, Qingli Tianjun had already predicted something.

But he was not angry because he thought Herranzong should not have dared to provoke himself.

After all, the Liulixianzong he represents is much stronger than the previous Helanzong.

But he never imagined that, under circumstances he hadn't expected, he let everyone present hear the mockery of Helanzong and despise their words of Liuxianzong.

This made Qingli Tianjun, who was still pretending to be forced, have a dull face, and even Zili Tianjun looked at Qingli Tianjun with a face, trying to wait for an answer.

"Damn it, dare to disturb my military, and talk nonsense."

Qingli Tianjun scolded the servant angrily, and released an immortal energy directly, and went directly towards the servant.

"Do not……"

"Master Qingli Tianjun, don't kill me ..."

The servant was taken aback, but he did it according to Qingli Tianjun's instructions, and it was not a post he wrote. It should be reasonable to blame him.

But he did not know that now the angry Qingli Tianjun needs a vent, and he is the best candidate.


An immortal spirit passed by, and the servant of Liuli Xianzong knelt down on the spot, turned into a pool of black blood, and the dead could not die anymore.

After solving this person, Qingli Tianjun's face was black and stinky: "You guys, today's night banquet is over. Forgive us for our inadequate hospitality. After the end of the hundred battles, I will treat you well."

Hearing Qingli Tianjun's words, other Liuli Xianzong's partners could not help but glance at him, and then left the scene one after another.

They desperately want to leave this place, and investigate all at once, the Helanzong in that post, and the relationship between the two parties.

After they left, no outsiders were present.

So, Lili Tianjun couldn't hold back, and asked Qingli Tianjun: "Brother, what the **** is this, why would anyone challenge us? And who is that Helan Zong?"

"Helanzong is a small school, from the extremely northern fairyland."

Qingli Tianjun briefly introduced the situation, and then called the survivors of the Blood Sea Immortal Gate: "Blood Sea Tianjun, I need an explanation."

"Qingli Tianjun ~ ~ This has nothing to do with us!"

I saw him bitterly, and then said cautiously: "However, we feel that this should be the method of the Helanzong's poor donkey, intentionally to anger us."

"Intentionally anger me?"

Qingli Tianjun's eyes flashed for a while, then he could not help but sneered: "But I have to say that he has angered me completely."

"Go, let's go to the site of Heranzong, I want to see what they have skills, and dare to arrogant in front of us."

Qingli Tianjun now has only one thought in mind, that is, killing the past and killing all the people of Helanzong, in order to restore the previous reputation that was provoked by Helanzong and lost.

Hearing Qingli Tianjun's words, Zili Tianjun moved aside, and then said to Qingli Tianjun: "Brother, I just had a breakthrough, and I need a good training partner. Since He Lanzong is also a hundred battle Of the selected sect, let them practice with me first. "

(End of this chapter)

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