Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1861: : Intelligence of the Demons 1

"Want me to catch my hand?"

"Don't dream, I will never do that."

Saw the scout of the Tengu Demon Race, could not help but scream, and saw him turn away and leave at a super fast speed.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu did not chase the other person away.

Instead, standing directly on the spot and using his own power of the soul to build a simple and easy to control formation.

Under the control of this formation, Ye Xiaohu stood quietly with his hands on his back and waited.

A minute later, the Tengu Demon Scouts who had just escaped ran into Ye Xiaohu with sweat, and said with a frightened expression: "Damn fairy, I did n’t expect you to be so fast. But my Tengu Demon The supernatural powers are not so good to catch up with, otherwise my Tengu Demon Clan will not be the best scout. "

The scout of Tengu Demon roared, and then his body gradually collapsed, eventually becoming a **** dog. After he roared, he went through the search again.

This time the speed of Tengu Demon Scouts has increased by at least four or five times from the beginning.

However, Ye Xiaohu still stood on the spot, still quietly looking at the sky, still ignoring the escaped Tengu Demon Scouts.

Just like this again and again, after several times in a row, Tengu Demon Scouts finally gave up, only to see him fall to the ground in despair, showing a look of terror.

"What the **** is going on, why do I run, there is no way to escape, and I will always be caught up?"

The scout of the Tengu Demon stared at Ye Xiaohu, and asked with a staring look: "What the **** are you saying, even if you are a devil-level strongman, it is impossible to catch up with me so calmly."

"I'm just an ordinary fairy."

Ye Xiaohu looked at the other party jokingly: "Don't you find out that it's not that I'm catching up with you, but have you been standing still?"

If you look closely, the situation around me will find that since you started to escape, I have not moved my body, so I looked at you so quietly, tossing and turning like a monkey. "


Ancient strong, or lost.

The Tengu Demon Scouts at this moment finally understand what is wrong with them, why every time they cast their talents and secrets, they can succeed, but this time they failed.

It turned out that he was trapped in the formation and had never left this place, so no wonder he would always be caught up by Ye Xiaohu.

So Tengu Demon Scouts could n’t help but spit blood in anger and said with a very embarrassed face: “Asshole Fairy, when did you start the formation, why have n’t I noticed?”

"When I showed up."

Ye Xiaohu shrugged slightly, and then responded to him on the spot: "But you have been thinking about how to escape from my hand, so you have not noticed that I arranged the formation in secret.

Even when you start to flee, the special effects when I provoke the formation, you have not noticed, you have to say that you are too stupid.

People like you can actually be scouts. People who have to say that the demons are too serious about us immortals. "

After Ye Xiaohu said, he looked at the Tengu Demon Scouts lightly.

I saw that he did not give the other party the opportunity to think about it, and asked again: "I will ask you, how many people have you come from the Mozu this time, how many masters, if you answer in detail and make me satisfied, then I can Let you go, otherwise do n’t blame me for ruthlessness. ”


Tengu Demon Scouts glanced at Ye Xiaohu, and then looked around. The formation was like a ghost hitting a wall, and he could not help sighing.

Because he knows he can't escape anyway, what can he do under such circumstances?

Choose death?

The ants are still stealing, not to mention the excellent scouts born from his tengu demon clan?

Moreover, he gradually became the best scout from an ordinary Tengu Demon member, and paid too much, which made him reluctant to give up everything that is hard to get now.

So he wanted to live, so he stared at Ye Xiaohu.

As if I forgot my identity, I thought that I was trading with the demon: "The person we entered into the channel of the fairy demon this time is the Marshal of the Realm of Southern Realm sitting down the special reconnaissance team, the Tiger and Wolf reconnaissance team. The deputy captains are all powerful at the level of the big devil. Under them, there are ten more positive and negative teams, all of which have reached the level of the devil.

In addition to the devil-level strong, there are currently scouts like me, about 100,000 people, have poured into this fairy demon channel together.

However, after we entered the fairy magic channel, the fairy magic channel was blocked by a mysterious force.

Now we ca n’t reach the outside world, nor can the outside world reach us. We are now in a dilemma. "

The scouts of Tengu Demon Clan, this time was also out.

In order to survive, he told the information he knew to Ye Xiaohu one by one, which was completely unlike a evil demon warrior by nature.

This scene shocked Ye Xiaohu a little. After all, with his knowledge of the Demon Race, meeting the fairy was an endless life. According to what he understood, this situation would never happen.

Even Ye Xiaohu was ready, as long as the Tengu Demon Scouts in front of him refused himself, then immediately read his memory with the powerful fairy law before the other party did not die.

But now the other party took the initiative to move, but instead made Ye Xiaohu have a little cry: "Your Devil's words have never been very reliable, so what do you use to prove that what you just said is true?"


The scouts of Tengu Demon were a little stunned. He thought about what was really going on. After a while, he did n’t know how to excuse him.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sullenly said: "Forget it, I still kill you directly. Anyway, your words can't be confirmed, it's not credible at all."

"Don't, don't do it yourself."

Tengu Demon Scouts shivered when they heard Ye Xiaohu ’s words, struggling for a while, and defended themselves: “If you are not willing to elaborate, then you can fully explore my soul, I I am willing to let go of my soul and let you investigate carefully to make sure that what I said just now is true and that there are no tiny holes. "

"Do you want to let go of your soul?"


"How can I be sure that you will not do things in the soul, making me fall into it?"

"Adult, you are a demon king, what kind of means can I arrange to affect your body ..."

The scouts of Tengu Mozu could n’t help but respond to Ye Xiaohu. If he really had the ability to deal with Ye Xiaohu, he would have already started.

It was because he could not handle Ye Xiaohu that he would be soft and accept Ye Xiaohu's persecution and interrogation.

Ye Xiaohu thought for a while, but did not believe in the scouts of Tengu Demon Race, because he knew his identity and his ability.

Maybe he can ignore the other party's attack, but if he is injured for this, it will be more than worth the loss.

What's more, the Demon Clan also has some special means. If you do your hands and feet on your own soul, then you will lose the gain.

So after comprehensive consideration, Ye Xiaohu arranged a special method directly on the soul of the Sky Devil Clan, and then invested his own soul to copy the other party's memory.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Ye Xiaohu completed the copy of the memory, and read the memory in a flash. Basically, the Tengu Demon Scouts said that it was generally the same.

Of course, Tengu Demon Scouts also concealed some content, such as the identity of the two big devil kings, and what they are good at.

Didn't care about Ye Xiaohu, so he was satisfied withdrawing from the soul of Tengu Demon Scouts.

Then he looked at the Tengu Demon Scouts and said, "Although you have concealed something, you have also said what I asked, so I am still very satisfied. Now you can leave."


The scouts of Tengu Demon Clan glanced at Ye Xiaohudao with joy: "Are you really letting me go?"

"of course."

Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I Ye Xiaohu is not a killer, so now that you have completed the task, you can leave at any time."

"That's great."

Tengu Demon Scouts were delighted, so they turned around and left.

But he just walked a few steps, and then came back and said: "You immortals are kind-hearted, but in such a case, if you encounter our Demon Race, you will definitely suffer a big loss."

"As long as there is absolute force, then there is no fear of losing money."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said that he didn't take this matter to heart: "Go away! Otherwise, it will be seen by others later, so don't say I didn't let you go."

"I will go, but I want to remind you to leave this space as soon as possible."

The scouts of Tengu Mozu looked at Ye Xiaohu and could not help but take a deep breath: "I came out to investigate this time, in fact, it was an adventure and a death. I believe you can also explore this part of the memory from my memory. .

But that part of my memory is incomplete, I can tell you the truth, all the fairies you entered here have been surrounded by us.

As long as we have determined your cultivation behavior, your identity, and your position, then the attack will be launched, and then you will all be killed. "

Tengu Demon Scouts looked at Ye Xiaohu and said solemnly: "Now you and I are in the stage of exploration. Once the exploration at this stage is completed, then the action of liquidation will be launched. By then, we The two great demon kings of the devil will shoot. How many of you immortals can you contend with?

Ye Xiaohu glanced at each other and said, "What kind of cultivation practices are the two big devils you mentioned?"

"The Cultivation of the Giant Demon King is slightly worse, but it has also reached the level of the Sixth Demon King."

After thinking for a while, the Tengu Demon Scouts responded faithfully to Ye Xiaohu: "As for the Blue Magpie Lord, his training has reached the level of the Seventh Grade Demon King. Such a terrifying Demon King can definitely kill all of the scene. People, so you immortals can't contend with the two of them. "

The sixty-seven products of the demon king is equivalent to the sixty-seven days of the heavenly king.

And this time they are novices of the hundred battles, basically all of them are one-two-three-fold heavens. Only a few people have reached the four-fold heavens, and more people have not even reached the level of the heavenly kings.

So if Tengu Demon Scouts are telling the truth, then the situation is indeed very detrimental to them.

So Ye Xiaohu thought for a moment and said: "I know, if the situation is not right for a while, I will leave here immediately."

"Recognize yourself early!"

Tengu Demon Scouts glanced at Ye Xiaohu, he was also kind-hearted, so he reminded Ye Xiaohu.

Now that the reminder is over, it is Ye Xiaohu ’s own thing to leave without leaving, so Tengu Demon Scouts left the place directly.

But when he left, Ye Xiaohu saw a rainbow appear in the sky, followed by a fairy, at a super fast speed ~ ~ chased in the direction of the Tengu Demon Scouts leaving, obviously he The scout of the Tengu Demon has been locked.

Ye Xiaohu who saw this scene did not stop the attack of the fairy.

Because he knew that the other party would not listen to himself, not to mention Ye Xiaohu could help him for the first time, but he could not help him everywhere in the future, after all, they were opponents.

"There are some troubles in the situation. This time, there are actually two demon-level devil heads, so I can't continue to fight alone. I have to find the young master South earlier. Only with them can I form a strong protector. Shield, even if you meet the Demon King of the Devil Race, you can struggle for a while without catching your hand. "

After thinking clearly, Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction, he planned to find the atmosphere of Nan Shaozhu, and rushed over to gather with him.

But while Ye Xiaohu was acting, there was a sound of footsteps around him.

As soon as he heard the footsteps, Ye Xiaohu knew that it was not the footsteps of the demons, but the footsteps of the fairy.

After hearing this, Ye Xiaohu did not act immediately, but stood quietly and observed it.

Because Ye Xiaohu noticed that the other party was approaching him carefully, he didn't know that Ye Xiaohu had found him.

This made Ye Xiaohu so far away that the other party took the initiative to get closer to himself this time, which didn't seem to be as simple as it seemed on the surface.

But the speed of the other party was too slow, which gradually made Ye Xiaohu lose the waiting time, so Ye Xiaohu directly kicked a stone toward their invisible place: "Who is in that place, I advise you to start early Come out inside, otherwise do n’t blame me when you are the opponent, just kill without amnesty. "

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