Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1867: : Demystifying

? Sister Simon is very lucky.

He had just flown out not far away, and he encountered Ye Xiaohu who was inquired.

So after the two met, they briefly told the story, so Ye Xiaohu directly took Sister Ximen's hand and came to a void.

So Ye Xiaohu quickly came to the location identified by Sister Ximen, and found Brother Zhang Yiman and others.

Simply when Ye Xiaohu came, Zhang Yiman and others did not show any damage.

Although the body is destroyed, for the fairy, as long as the soul is not hindered, it can still reshape the body.

However, in order to find themselves, these people did those things, and made Ye Xiaohu feel sorry for the fellow students in the same room.

After all, they admit that they are damaged, and even their souls are destroyed, and they are unwilling to tell their whereabouts. This is the greatest affection for Ye Xiaohu.

"Brother Ye Xiaohu, run quickly."

"That man is the arrogance of the Nine Serenity Realm, and Xiu Wei has reached the triple heaven of Tianjun. You are not necessarily his opponent."

"Yes, it's no big deal for us to die. As long as you can live, then we have hope for revenge. If you also die in this place, then no one can do it even if we revenge."

"Hurry up and leave us alone."

They had no desire to survive at first, but when Ye Xiaohu came, they suddenly felt full of hope.

However, they also knew that Ye Xiaohu was too dangerous to come. After all, in this place, Zhao Renyi, who is the strong man of the Tianjun triple sky, also had many people who had a Tianjun or a double sky.

Ye Xiaohu can resist Zhao Renyi by himself, but there is no way to stop the attacks of others, so he will fall sooner or later.

Just when they shouted loudly to persuade Ye Xiaohu to leave this place.

Standing at the opposite side, Zhao Renyi finally saw Ye Xiaohu.

I saw that Zhao Renyi had looked at Ye Xiaohu. After a closer look, he could not help frowning: "I thought Ye Xiaohu, the big disciple of Xianyu in the Northern Territories, was such a great character. But even then, you don't have What a big deal. "



Just like an ordinary person, there is no color.

If they met Ye Xiaohu in a mess, or if Daxian met Ye Xiaohu, they would not take Ye Xiaohu in their eyes.

However, from their information, they can know that Ye Xiaohu is a strong man of Tianjun triple sky, and the fighting power is still quite powerful.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Renyi, the strong man in the mid-three days of the Tianjun, did not deal with Master Nan, but came to deal with Ye Xiaohu himself.

Under such circumstances, he stared at Ye Xiaohu carefully after a moment, and continued to add a sentence: "Boy, I heard about your talent and I know your situation. Now I also give you two options, one It's you and Zhang Yiman who joined me in the Nine Serenity Realm and gave up your extremely northern fairy realm. The second is that you and all of them went to **** together.

Don't doubt, believe me, I have enough ability to keep you in this place forever, unable to return to the fairyland. "

At this time, Zhao Renyi released his breath.

When his breath was released, the people in the Nine Serenity Territory were okay, because Zhao Renyi could control the spread of his breath.

But others will not work, they have no shelter from Zhao Renyi.

Especially Ye Xiaohu is the main target of Zhao Renyi's attack.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu could feel a tremendous pressure. He was overwhelmingly oppressing himself, causing Ye Xiaohu's bones to tremble at this moment. feel.

However, Ye Xiaohu still did not react, so he stared at Zhao Renyi with a sharp eye.

It wasn't until Xi Sister, who was standing next to Ye Xiaohu, finally couldn't bear the huge pressure, so that after a few steps back, her body was relatively stable.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but snorted on the spot, and also released a strong breath on his body.

The atmosphere released by Zhao Renyi was separated on the spot, and Ye Xiaohu walked forward step by step, and said to Zhao Renyi: "This is like a child's play, so don't take it out of the way.

If you really have the patience, don't tempt there, tentatively go, fight me upright, let me weigh your skills. "

"Interesting, I didn't expect your cultivation to be so powerful."

Zhao Renyi glanced at Ye Xiaohu. Although Ye Xiaohu cracked his breath very easily, only he knew that if he didn't have enough practice, he couldn't do it.

At this moment, Zhao Renyi finally put Ye Xiaohu on the same level as him, not the wild boy from the country.

"A few of you first watched the disciples of the Helanzong, and waited for me to take down Ye Xiaohu and then deal with it together."

Zhao Renyi instructed the disciples of the Nine Serenity Fairy Fields, and then walked directly towards Ye Xiaohu: "Since I entered the Fairy Demon Channel, whether it is a fairy or a demon warrior, you are the strongest Big one, I hope you do n’t let me down. "

"I may not be the most powerful person in the fairy demon channel, but Zhao Renyi is more than enough to deal with you."

I saw that Ye Xiaohu was carrying his arms, and there was no breath of fighting on the spot: "Hurry up and wait for me to solve you. After I have settled Brother Zhang Yiman and others, I will go to Lu Bu Er's traitor to settle the account."

Ye Xiaohu didn't hate the Nine Serenities so much ~ ~ Because the two parties were originally hostile camps, this has been destined since Ye Xiaohu promised to help the young master Nan.

But Lu Buer, who shocked the fairyland, sold out Ye Xiaohu and others to Jiuyou Fairyland for his own self-interest. This was an unbearable betrayal for Ye Xiaohu.

So he desperately wanted to find Lu Buer, and he was exterminated on the spot to let him know the end of betrayal.

"Isn't Lu Buer the master of Nan Shao?"

Zhao Renyi glanced at Ye Xiaohu and could not help frowning, "Why do you deal with him?"

"Enough is enough, no need to continue acting in this place."

Ye Xiaohu snorted, apparently dissatisfied with Zhao Renyi's pretend appearance, so Ye Xiaohu reprimanded him on the spot, and said directly: "I have already investigated clearly, knowing that you Jiu You Xianyu bought the shocking sky Lu Bu Er Tian Jun of Immortal Domain, and obtained our intelligence from him, so you Zhao Renyi will lead a group of men specially to come and arrest me Ye Xiaohu. "

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