Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1875: : Turn sharply

The young master Nan is very smart, he knows that the opponent's lineup may be very good.

But because of this, they will attract too many outsiders.

This will make their lineup not as invincible as iron plate.

Therefore, while fighting, Young Master Nan planned to split the Nine Nether Fairy Domain from within.

After all, the reputation of the Nine Nether Fairy Territory is not very good. The Nine Nine Fairy Territory of the self-talking evil faction is closer to the Demon Race, not the Immortal.

"Master Nan Shao is right, as long as you are willing to go against each other, then our Nan family is willing to accept you, even for you below the Nine Serenities."

"Trust us, believe in the Nan family, because the Nan family is not an ordinary family. They now control the two immortal domains. This kind of graciousness is not something that the ordinary family can enjoy."

"Return quickly, and only then can you escape from birth and gain hope of life. Otherwise, once the Southern Master Lord solves the ghost You Tianjun, then all of you will die without a burial place."

"Did you die in this place, or return to Xianyu safely, I believe you must have a fixed number in your heart and know what you should do."

"Lin Guangxiao, don't you want to protect your Lin family? Don't you forget that your Lin family is closer to the Southern Celestial Realm, not to the Nine Serene Immortal Realm. Once the Southern Young Master wins, then you And do n’t think about how serious the consequences are? "

The people of the Nan family still have surplus power. Naturally, they know the purpose of the young master Nan, so they open up one after another and persuade the people of the Nine Serenity Fairyland.

In particular, some people who knew allies of the Nine Serenities Realm all launched emotional cards at this moment.

Although on the surface, these people did not immediately mutiny.

But psychologically, their allies have taken some precautions against them.

After all, once they betrayed, they would immediately turn their guns and start targeting them.

Being warned by his own people, those allies of the Nine Serenity Realms laughed bitterly.

At this moment, they really don't know whether they should continue to fight, whether to quit, or to fight back against Ge.

But no matter how, because of their hesitation, their suspicion and being questioned, they all caused people in Jiuyou Fairyland to temporarily fall into a passive state.

Seeing this scene, Nan Shaozhu, who had felt a lot of pressure, suddenly felt a lot easier.

But this scene fell into the eyes of Guiyoutianjun, but it made him feel very angry and annoyed. Obviously he didn't want to see the situation reversed.

If those people really betrayed, even if they can win the Nine Serenity Realm, I am afraid it will cause a lot of deaths and injuries.

But if they don't betray, then the people in the Nine Serenities Domain can die less.

After all, these people are outsiders, not the core of their Nine Serenities.

So Guiyou Tianjun took a deep breath and said to Nan Shao when he was fighting: "Nanshan Yun, do you think I will lose this way?"

I tell you, that is your own fantasy, because I will not put the Nine Serenity Fairy Domain, nor will I lose to you in the Southern Celestial Realm.

There is only one winner today, and that is my Nine Serenity Fairy Territory, which is my ghost You Tianjun, so you can die. "


When the words fell, Guiyou Tianjun punched fiercely toward the South Master, and the collision between the two released a deafening roar.

But after this collision, Guiyou Tianjun also got a chance to recuperate, so he looked back and said, "Drug King Taoist, don't watch anymore. If you continue to watch, then maybe we'll get bad Now. "

At this moment, Guiyou Tianjun completely lost the idea of ​​keeping the bottom cards and competing with the young master Nan.

He wanted to settle the battle directly and completely resolve the young master Nan.

Under such circumstances, the drug king Tianjun collapsed and continued to hide, and he must stand up to help him deal with Master Nan Shao together. "The Nine Serenity Realm has really fallen. The two of you and the ghost and the ghost are too wasteful. This is just a war, and you are still ambushing the Nan family. As a result, the Nan family knelt down and begged for mercy. Too disappointed."

Yao Wang Tianjun was originally planning to take a look at it, and then find a chance to give Nan Shaozhu a kill.

But now that Ghost You Tianjun has exposed the hidden things, he can only helplessly walk out of the dark cave, and directly kill the South Master Master: "But nothing, anyway, I also paid for you Of course, we must contribute to you, otherwise you should say that I will not contribute. "

"Damn it, medicine king Tianjun, you dare to mess up and destroy my grudges in Nantian Daochang and Jiuyou Xianyu. It's really abominable."

Nan Shaozhu, who has been following the changes in the situation, naturally saw him coming out and killing his own drug king Tianjun, so his face was black and smelly: "Do you, the people of the fairy medicine fairy field, also want to participate in this two of our great fairy Is there a grudge between the domains? "

"Don't wear a high hat for me, my medicine Wang Tianjun only represents myself, it doesn't represent the whole fairy fairy field at all."

The medicine king Tianjun was a disciple of the top 20 celestial beings, so he immediately put a lot of pressure on the young master.

I saw him step by step to the South Young Master, and did not hurry to say: "What ’s more, if you really have the skills, then you can go to my fairy doctor fairy field trouble, I believe they are happy to send you home, go find them Trouble."

Immortal medicine immortal domain is too powerful, so their opponents are few.

If the people in the Southern Celestial Realm really take the initiative to come to the door, it is definitely a fortune boy.


Hearing the words of Medicine King Tianjun, Master Nan Shao could not help but scream ~ ~ hastened the idea of ​​the duel ghost Youtianjun.

Because he knew that he could take out the ghost ghost Tianjun and the medicine king Tianjun alone.

But if the two of them stand together, they are the strongest of the two Tianjun triple peaks.

Although Master Nan Shao didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that he was not a rival of Guiyou Tianjun and Yaowang Tianjun.

Therefore, in order to survive, in order to lead Nanjia and his allies to victory, Master Nan must defeat the two talents in front of him.

Under such circumstances, Master Nan Shao couldn't help but scream, and the breath on his body was raised to a new level, which immediately became different from his previous breath.

Immediately afterward, Master Nan couldn't help but flush his face, angering the medicine Wang Tianjun and Guiyou Tianjun, and at the same time screamed: "Today, even if I die in Nanshan Yun, I will drag you two **** off. Hell, let you accompany me, go to the mansion with me, try it for a while, **** punishment after death. "

(End of this chapter)

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