Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 638: : Help me check my personal

After hitting Fei Wang Yuelong, Ye Xiaohu didn't care about him.

I saw Ye Xiaohu turned around and watched being embraced in his arms, and even some over intimate Qian Xiaoxian said: "How are you, Xiaoxian, did you scare you just now?"


When Ye Xiaohu shot, Qian Xiaoxian already recognized Ye Xiaohu's identity, so she looked at Ye Xiaohu and said: "Thank you for arriving in time, otherwise I will be rude to Wang Yuelongguang's **** today."

"Actually, I've been here long ago, but I don't know how to identify him and his relationship with you, so I'm not embarrassed to shoot."

Ye Xiaohu first apologized, and then asked Qian Xiaoxian: "You are not in Zhongjing to accompany Grandma Hua, why did you come to Yangluo City?"

"I don't know why, I always feel some depression in the family, it seems that there is a time to be born."

Qian Xiaoxian laughed hard, and then explained to Ye Xiaohu: "And some people looked at me with complex eyes. At the time, I did n’t know what was going on, but I knew I needed to breathe, so I will come to Yangluo City and join my relatives. "

"But now I finally know what's going on. I turned out to be the family's bargaining chip, a chess piece made by the two parties."

Qian Xiaoxian smiled bitterly, looking pale: "If I knew this, I might as well go abroad directly, so that they would never find me."

Hearing Qian Xiaoxian's words, Ye Xiaohu knew that it was irritating, not Qian Xiaoxian's deep expression, so Ye Xiaohu patted Qian Xiaoxian's show and said: "It is no longer an evil old society. There is no matchmaker, the marriage contract of the parents' life, so you can stick to your own opinions. "

"But grandma and my father won't listen to me."

Qian Xiaoxian smiled bitterly: "Xiaohu, you live in the countryside and don't know the situation of our political families."

"It's okay, if Granny Hua forced you to marry him."

I saw Ye Xiaohu pointing at Wang Yuelong with a confident expression: "You will come to me when the time comes, I will help you solve this trouble."


"Of course it is true. There is never any falsehood in what I said.

Ye Xiaohu patted his chest, assuring Qian Xiaoxian.

The reason why Ye Xiaohu said so is because he has a good relationship with the Qian family and has a good impression of Qian Xiaoxian, so he will come forward and stand up for Qian Xiaoxian.


Qian Xiaoxian still had some hesitations, but Ye Xiaohu directly interrupted her worry and said: "Okay, don't you want to come to pick someone up? You still have to see if the person you want to pick up has arrived. That scum missed. "

"Will not."

After being disturbed by Ye Xiaohu, Qian Xiaoxian smiled slightly and temporarily suppressed the worry in his heart: "Because the person I want to pick up is you, Ye Xiaohu!"

"Pick me?"

Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, then woke up and said: "The pick-up person Hua Taisui said in WeChat is your Qian Xiaoxian? I said, I haven't seen the person who picked me up after holding the sign What. "

Think carefully, Ye Xiaohu will be relieved.

After all, with the relationship between the Qian family and the Hua family, it would make sense to spend too old to ask Qian Xiaoxian to take the lead.

And Qian Xiaoxian knew Ye Xiaohu, naturally no need to raise a sign.

"Well, Brother Taihuan Sui really wanted someone to pick up a card to pick you up, but I just replaced the employee when I had nothing to do."

Qian Xiaoxian nodded, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Yes, since you have arrived, then shall we rush to the hotel now?"


After flying for half a day, Ye Xiaohu was also a little tired, so he said to Qian Xiaoxian: "So let's go out."

"it is good."

Qian Xiaoxian led the way, and Ye Xiaohu followed him with a salute.

At the same time, Wang Yuelong, who had fallen on the ground for a long time, looked at the backs of Ye Xiaohu and Qian Xiaoxian and shouted: "Don't go, you two, we are not finished today."

"Uncle Ben has no time to spend with you at the airport."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at the airport staff who was rushing, and walked forward while facing Wang Yuelong: "If you are not convinced, then you can go to me, and Ye Xiaohu is waiting for your revenge at any time."

When the words fell, Ye Xiaohu and Qian Xiaoxian ignored Wang Yuelong.

"Ye Xiaohu?"

After nagging Ye Xiaohu's name, Wang Yuelong stared at Ye Xiaohu's back, saying: "You wait for me, the shame you brought me today, I will definitely find it back."

At this time, some airport staff came hurriedly and asked what Wang Yuelong had given birth to, and provided emergency treatment for Wang Yuelong.

However, Wang Yuelong is also a hard bone, so no matter how the airport staff asks him, he said that there is nothing wrong, just some small squabbles, which makes the airport staff helpless and can only help the master Wang Yuelong after a little deal ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Let Wang Yuelong leave.

I saw Wang Yuelong swaying his body, walking step by step to the door of the airport, and sent a message to a WeChat account.

Soon after, a few people walked over quickly and surrounded Wang Yuelong to ensure Wang Yuelong ’s body safety before he was relieved. The leading person actively asked Wang Yuelong: "Da Wang, what is the matter?" One thing, why are you being beaten like this, but do n’t call the police and let the police handle it? "

"If the fight between men and men, if I find someone to help solve it, wouldn't Qian Xiaoxian look down on me Wang Yuelong?"

Wang Yuelong spit out a bit of blood hoarsely, and then said to the man standing beside him: "Uncle Zhang, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"Please help me?"

Seeing Wang Yuelong being so polite, the middle-aged man who came to greet Wang Yuelong could not help but stunned slightly: "You Wang Dashao grew up from a young age, but I saw you for the first time willing to ask for help. This really surprised me. Now. "

"That's different."

Wang Yuelong shook his head, and then recalled Ye Xiaohu's picture in his mind, then took a deep breath and said to the middle-aged man standing beside him: "Uncle Zhang, I hope you can help me investigate. Ye Xiaohu, who left with Xian, what was his identity, where did he come from, and what would he do when he came to Yangluo City. "

"Ye Xiaohu?"

The middle-aged man with the surname Zhang was slightly surprised, but still obeyed Wang Yuelong's instructions: "No problem, but before that, Wang Dashao, you should take a look at the military hospital with me."


ps: Qian Xiaoxian's identity, someone remembered it, so I added one more this morning.

(End of this chapter)

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