Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 765: : 2 whereabouts of Lengzi

"The leader is dead and wants to run fast!"

"Ye Xiaohu is a demon who kills people without blinking. We must not fall into his hands, otherwise we will definitely die."

"Hurry up, I don't want to die yet."

"I want to refresh my heart, I don't want to fall into Ye Xiaohu's hands and become a piece of ground meat."

The remaining masters of the Demon Church saw Ye Xiaohu ignore the corpses of Ouyang's broken army, and walked towards them step by step, so they fled towards the mountain.

Ye Xiaohu never looked at them from beginning to end, as if looking at a group of insignificant people, and passed them calmly.

"Sorry, Mom and Dad, Xiaohu makes you tired."

Although the parents did not suffer any damage, the uneasy factors such as fright and panic in the past few days also made them both thinner.

This made Ye Xiaohu feel very disappointed, so Ye Xiaohu kneeled directly in front of his parents and said: "You punish Xiaohu."

"Good boy, this is not your fault."

Ye Xiaohu ’s dad shook his head and stroked Ye Xiaohu ’s cheek, saying with great paternal love: “If it ’s not for you to come back, if it ’s not for you to kill that bad guy called Ouyang Pojun, then my mom and I will come They will also be shrouded under their threat, and they will not panic all day long. "

Ye Xiaohu knew that Dad was right. If he did n’t come back from heaven, then Ouyang would become the first person in the world after breaking through the army. By then, the life of the Chinese people might be harder than in the past.

Because Ouyang's broken army and others are a group of lawless bastards, they will not manage the country and seek welfare for the people.

Knew that it was the same thing, but Ye Xiaohu couldn't get past this level.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu ’s mother came over and helped Ye Xiaohu up: “Xiaohu, do n’t regret it, why do n’t you tell me and your dad, where did you go in the past five years, why five Is it so powerful to come back after years? "


In the past, Ye Xiaohu did not want to confess his heart with his parents. That was because Ye Xiaohu was not able to recover enough at the time, so his combat effectiveness was insufficient.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu worried about her affairs and caused unnecessary trouble for her parents.

But now Ye Xiaohu's combat power, in China, where the fairy is not, has already won the first person.

Especially the battle between Ye Xiaohu and Ouyang's broken army, once spread, it will immediately become famous in the world and become a giant in all ancient martial arts circles. Naturally, no one will provoke his parents.

Therefore, this time, when parents asked, Ye Xiaohu naturally knew everything, and simply introduced the past things, and summed up: "But Xiaohu misses his parents, so he insisted on returning to the earth."

In order to avoid the worry of his parents, Ye Xiaohu ignored the arrangement of the Jade Emperor and secretly returned to the world and was injured for this.

"Just come back."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's narrative, Ye Xiaohu's father hugged Ye Xiaohu directly in his arms and said, "Now that you are back, then our family will never separate again."

"Well, it's not separated."

Ye Xiaohu also nodded seriously and hugged with his parents.

The family hugged for a few minutes and wiped the tears in the corners of each other's eyes. Dad Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but melancholy said: "Unfortunately Erzongzi is not here, otherwise we must thank him.

"Yes, what about Erzong?"

Originally, Ye Xiaohu's dad didn't say that, after the family had finished speaking, Ye Xiaohu had to ask.

But since Dad offered it, Ye Xiaohu immediately asked: "Huang Jiaojiao didn't say that he was captured by Ouyang and his army with you?"

"Jiao Jiao is right."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s inquiry, Ye Xiaohu ’s father shook his head and said, “In the beginning, the three of us were always taken by Ouyang Pojun, and they were not separated. But a day ago, there was a man wearing an ancient robe and sitting on his waist The person with a token came to Ouyang to break the army to discuss something. As a result, after discussing the matter, he passed by the place where the three of us watched, and looked at his head for a moment, then his mouth suddenly grew. "

"Yes, I also saw this scene."

At this time, Mother Ye Xiaohu interjected and said, "What did the person say in the era of the imperial cultivation of immortality, and he could actually see a genius like Er Leng Zi who was born with such bones and bones. Take Erzongzi away, it is said to be brought back to his teacher. "

"Sure enough to worry about anything, just come!"

Ye Xiaohu sighed quietly. Although Erzongzi was mellow, the talent of Xiuxian was very outstanding.

Originally, Ye Xiaohu planned to build a foundation for Erzengzi after having enough medicines.

But Ye Xiaohu didn't come back, but let other people know his eyes, and dug the treasure house in Erzengzi in advance.

But the person who took Er Lengzi had a close relationship with Ouyang's broken army, and seemed to be a teacher. This made Ye Xiaohu worry about Er Lengzi.

So Ye Xiaohu stretched out his hand and pulled out a quaint token from the floating island space: "The father and mother you saw, what token did he carry, what is the difference from this token, are there many similarities? ? "

"You also have a piece?"

"It's exactly the same."

"No, there is still a difference, that is, the position of the token tip, one is the fierce beast vulture, and the other is the white messenger of peace."

"It seems there is such a sculpture."

Ye Xiaohu's parents carefully recalled and told about the similarities and differences of the two tokens.

After listening to their narrative, Ye Xiaohu was basically determined, and could not help but sigh: "It was really a person from the Kunlun world, and took away the stunned son. It seems that after training Changshou Dan, I will go to Kunlun world in person. That's it. "

Ye Xiaohu ’s dad asked, “Where is Kunlun?”

"Judging from the current information ~ ~ It should be the only world of cultivating celestial beings that retains the spirit of heaven and earth after the age of cultivating immortals."

Ye Xiaohu frowned and explained: "So I have to prepare enough, and then go to Kunlun world to save Erzunzi back."

Ye Xiaohu ’s mother said worryingly: “We have seen Erzunzi since we were young, so you must save Erzunzi completely.”

"Relax, I will definitely."

Ye Xiaohu simply promised, and said to his parents: "But before that, let's go home first."


Ye Xiaohu's parents nodded to each other, so they helped each other and walked down the mountain step by step with Ye Xiaohu's company.

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