Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 770: : Changshou Dan succeeds

Ye Xiaohu.

Male: 22 years old.

Repair: half-step infant success.

Cultivation exercises: Heavenly Court mysterious exercises, earth golden body tactics.

Equip: Big Sword (Heavenly Sword is uniformly equipped with fairy sword), Five Elements Heaven and Earth Seal (Heavenly Handyman configuration magic weapon), Nine Yuan Bracelet (self-made magic weapon), Flaming Gold Gourd, Common Bundle of Fairy Rope (Heavenly Laborer Configuration Magic weapon), floating island Space (obtained from the ancestral house underground, the specific is unknown).

Supernatural power: flame golden body, earth golden body.

Assets: One Yejia Farm, a large shareholding in Xian Hospital, and a large shareholding in Shenshen Hospital, Jiangnan and Great Britain Yejia Farm Branch, Yejia Tobacco Factory, 300 million in working capital.

Ye Xiaohu counted the things he got, one by one, he couldn't help but feel proud.

"It has only been a year or so since I returned to the earth. Now I have not only repaired my life back to infancy, but also helped my family and villagers get rid of poverty."

Checking his own statistics, Ye Xiaohu inevitably said: "Under my high consumption, I still accumulated 300 million of working capital. If Xian Hospital, Shen Hospital and Yejia Farm, Yejiayan If the factory continues to develop, it can definitely continue to grow, so 1 billion, 10 billion, 100 billion ... are not dreams. "

Unconsciously, Ye Xiaohu discovered that he had changed from a normal small farmer to a proper billionaire, and launched an attack toward the position of the richest man.

Although this goal is somewhat ambitious, it can already reach the edge.

"Now that the problem of food and clothing has been solved, then the longevity pill can be refined next."

After checking the data, Ye Xiaohu had a detailed understanding of his situation.

So Ye Xiaohu put his consciousness into the floating island space and summoned the things he needed one by one.

I saw only one ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, five-color Poria, marigold, lark ... placed in front of Ye Xiaohu.

Stroking his chin, Ye Xiaohu stared at medicinal herbs and said: "Changshou Dan, although it can't keep my parents immortal. But it can extend my life for thousands of years. The time of thousands of years is enough for me to resume cultivation and even reach the sky. Level, so as to find more fairy medicines and refine the elixir of real immortality. "

With a clear plan, Ye Xiaohu immediately began to prepare.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu placed the medicinal materials he summoned in different positions according to different types and refining order.

When it is convenient for Ye Xiaohu to refine it, there is no need to distract from it.

After everything was arranged properly, Ye Xiaohu immediately used the flame gold body to condense a flame: "Under the control of the flame gold body, I can use the real fire to refine the pharmaceutical agent. The chance of success in refining the pharmaceutical agent It is higher than the past native method. "

With magical power, it is convenient to do anything.

This made Ye Xiaohu very satisfied, and refined the panacea, which was also handy.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu used the supernatural power of supernatural powers to extract the medicinal herbs and put them aside.

Most of these medicinal materials are relatively easy to extract.

Only the longevity fruit, because of its special medicinal properties, is a little more difficult to extract.

But Ye Xiaohu is not an ordinary person after all, once worked for Laojun above the heavenly court.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu has rich experience in refining Changshoudan, so it is relatively easy to refining, and there is no difficulty in refining the medicament.

After so long and lasting for three or four hours, the last medicinal material was finally refined.

So Ye Xiaohu manipulated the nine-turn magic needle, the recipe for fusion.

The medicinal liquids extracted one by one are fused by a special method.

Because of the different medicinal materials, there are some differences in the process of fusion.

According to Ye Xiaohu's experience, the fusion medicinal material is mainly longevity fruit, supplemented by ginseng, because these two flavors are specially used to prolong life.

So Ye Xiaohu first divided the liquid medicine into two parts.

One is marigold and the other is ginseng.

Wait for the two parts to be fused, and then fuse them together.


When the two potions were fused together, the whole Lingxiao Temple shook.

Even above the sky, a dark cloud appeared, exuding a terrible thunder breath.


"How come the original good day suddenly became lightning and thunder, and there was only a dark cloud?"

The old farmers of the farm looked at the situation above the sky one by one, and felt somehow.

Only Huang Jiaojiao, who was recuperating, stared at the dark clouds above the sky, thinking for a while, then turned to Ye Xiaohu's place where alchemy was closed.

As a result, she found that Ye Xiaohu could not walk in the place where alchemy was closed, and suddenly understood what was going on, so she stood quietly in front of Ye Xiaohu gate and guarded Ye Xiaohu.

"Actually caused Dan Jie?"

Ye Xiaohu didn't really care about what happened outside.

He had received the last moment of condensate Chengdan, so he frowned with dissatisfaction and said: "But an initial thunder disaster, dare to threaten me Ye Xiaohu."

I saw Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, with one hand he continued to urge immortal qi and refine Longevity Pill.

Summoned the big sword with one hand, and threw it toward the dark cloud and said, "Let me go."

The great sword is worthy of being the fairy sword forged by the heaven, directly daring to the sky, and plunging into the dark clouds.

And under the control of Ye Xiaohu, the black clouds were turned upside down.

A moment later, the dark black cloud, and no raindrops fell, was scattered by Ye Xiaohu.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu's law changed.

All liquids stop rolling, and instantly fuse together to form a drop of water.

Seeing such drops of water, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but smile from the corner of his mouth: "It's done, Changshou Dan finally succeeded. Although only nine grains were forged due to the influence of the equipment and the Dan Tribulation, it is enough for now.

Ye Xiaohu reached out his hand and directly collected nine longevity pill into the pill bottle he had prepared.

Then took a long breath and relaxed: "Next, as long as you help your parents refine Longevity Pill, then you can solve a big pity in your heart."

After making up his mind, Ye Xiaohu opened the closed door with satisfaction, glanced at the guard at the door, Huang Jiaojiao said, "How is your body?"

Huang Jiaojiao calmly said: "I have basically no problem with your boss for your treatment."

"This time you have the merit to guard the farm ~ ~ So I will teach you a copy of it."

Seeing Huang Jiaojiao get rid of the status of Missy and working seriously for herself, Ye Xiaohu picked out a good exercise from his memory and taught it to Huang Jiaojiao: "After you go back, take care Cultivation will become a great weapon in the future. "

"Thank you boss."

Although Huang Jiaojiao didn't know the name of this exercise, but she knew that it must be very powerful, she asked: "Can I ask Laban, can this exercise be passed on to my father?"


Is great in Huang Jiaojiao's eyes, but in Ye Xiaohu's case, this exercise is basically a good thing, so it does not prevent Huang Jiaojiao from passing on to others.

So Ye Xiaohu said goodbye to the delighted Huang Jiaojiao, and took the longevity pill made this time directly, and quickly returned to Yejiayanglou.

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