Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 772: : See the head

?? "What kind of person is that?"

"I don't know what a big man is, anyway, he will be cleared as soon as he comes."

"It looks like it is coming to the resort for a holiday."

"But I heard that all the resorts in Xiaohu Lane are senior national cadres, and ordinary people are simply not eligible to stay in this resort."

"There is indeed this rumor."

Near the Yejia Farm National Retirement Center, old farmers in Yejia Farm looked at the men in black with sunglasses in the pension center.

These men in black are all security guards. I saw them one-on-one, and they seemed to be ordinary people.

Just as many old farmers watched the show, a figure they knew came out.

"That seems to be Grandma Hua."

Hua Yingxiu had been in Yejia Farm for a while before, so the old farmers in Yejia Farm basically knew Grandma Hua, so they greeted Grandma Hua from afar.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?"

Grandma Hua also responded briefly, and then continued to walk with an elderly man in a state-level veteran veteran recuperation center.

"You seem to have a good relationship with the employees here?"

The old man next to Grandma Hua smiled at Grandma Hua and said: "It seems that this time we should be able to successfully complete the task."

"Relax, definitely."

Grandma Hua smiled slightly: "Xiaohu is not a person who doesn't care about the big picture, not to mention that this is just a trivial matter."


The old man next to Grandma Hua nodded recklessly and continued to follow Grandma Hua.

As a result, just after appreciating the building complex, I saw Ye Xiaohu coming out of the car, so Grandma Hua greeted Ye Xiaohu, saying: "Xiaohu, come over quickly and introduce me to you."

"it is good!"

Ye Xiaohu walked quickly and said, "Grandma Hua, how come you came in person, do you want to go on vacation?"

"Why, old lady I can't take a vacation?"

Grandma Hua teased Ye Xiaohu and said: "The comrade Zhongmou next to me is the one on vacation this time. You have to take good care of him in the next few days."

"no problem."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and accepted Grandma Hua's mission.

So Ye Xiaohu turned around and was ready to greet the people who came to vacation.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu glanced at him, and he was startled in his heart: "Chief ..."

"You don't need to be the chief, so much more?"

Comrade Zhongmou smiled slightly: "You can call me Comrade Zhongmou, or you can call me Grandpa Zhongmou, because my sister and Hua are of the same generation."

Comrade Zhongmou, Ye Xiaohu did not dare to climb high.

So Ye Xiaohu smiled and said: "Grandpa Zhongmou."


Comrade Zhongmou nodded and said to Ye Xiaohu: "I remember Brother Chen said that when he came to your farm, your farm did not have these things. I did not expect that you can really build it in a short time. A huge and comfortable recuperation center for old cadres. "

"Grandpa Zhongmou, you have worked hard for the country one by one, then we juniors will naturally try our best to work hard for your health."

Ye Xiaohu patted his own way: "So after getting Grandpa Chen's instructions, I arranged for people to work overtime and development, and now finally on track."

"very good."

Comrade Zhongmou was very satisfied with the tone of Ye Xiaohu's words, so he walked forward: "Go, take advantage of my difficulty to come out on vacation for a few days, take a good look at this cadre recuperation center, otherwise maybe next time you might come. "

"Please on your side."

Upon hearing Comrade Zhongmou's words, Ye Xiaohu immediately took him to appreciate the cadre rest center.

At the same time, in order to promote Yejia Farm, Ye Xiaohu took Comrade Zhongmou and visited Yejia Farm.

Especially fish farms, vegetable gardens, fruit gardens, etc., etc., can provide these old cadres with leisure and entertainment, to pass the time.

When Ye Xiaohu and his party walked to the Lingxiao Hall, Comrade Zhongmou actively asked Ye Xiaohu, "You have a good office building, don't you know which master's design?"

Ye Xiaohu briefly introduced the principle of the Lingxiao Baodian, and then said to Comrade Zhongmou: "It was not designed by the master, it was all designed by my own light."

"I didn't expect that your kid is still an all-rounder."

Comrade Zhongmou looked at Ye Xiaohu with surprise and praised, "Yes, what is the project being constructed on the other side of the hillside?"

"Winter project."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at the place where Comrade Zhongmou said: "Winter is coming soon, so next we have to prepare for the winter project, build some ski resorts, and winter entertainment facilities."

"Have a vision."

Most northern vegetable growing bases will be closed in winter.

But Ye Xiaohu could think of constructing a ski resort in winter and continuing to use his own land to make money. This behavior made Comrade Zhongmou appreciate it. I saw him patting Ye Xiaohu on the shoulder and said: You have such a visionary cadre ~ ~ I do n’t know if you are interested in working in government departments? "

"I'm not suitable for being an official."

Ye Xiaohu smiled broadly and refused: "However, if the country needs help, then I am Ye Xiaohu's incumbent."

The core national leaders, who come to invite themselves in person, then Ye Xiaohu always has to give an attitude.

And Ye Xiaohu is very affectionate to the country.

"Just like your words."

Comrade Zhongmou nodded in satisfaction, then returned to the cadre rest center.

At this time, the chef in the cadre rest center has already prepared lunch.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu and his party sat down directly and tasted the food prepared by Yejia Farm.

"I'm really curious, how exactly did you cultivate such delicious vegetables and poultry."

Comrade Zhongmou took a bite and asked Ye Xiaohu: "If your technical methods can be spread to the whole country, it is undoubtedly a good thing for the country and the people."

"I think too, but it really can't spread across the country."

Ye Xiaohu smiled bitterly: "Whether it is Ye Jiacai, or poultry, livestock, fish, fruit ... are secretly cultivated through a special element. This element is not easy to train, so I can only Scope provided. "

"That's fine."

Although the state leaders have the following people, some of the Yejia dishes brought in, but they cannot be enjoyed every day.

Under such circumstances, Comrade Zhongmou also knew the value of Ye Jiacai.

So he gave up the idea of ​​popularizing Yejiacai, and at the same time asked Ye Xiaohu: "I came to Yejia Farm today. In addition to inspecting the cadre rest base and taking a few days of vacation by the way, there is a task. I want to ask Xiaohu to come out of the mountain. Go to Sun Island. "

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