Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 787: : Speaking of white as black

That night.

In a dilapidated house in the south that could be demolished at any time.

There are used second-hand broken beds, lying on these beds are men who wear almost nothing.

Originally, these men were sleeping in bed.

But when a middle-aged man walked over with a cigarette in his mouth, all this changed.

I saw a man holding a cigarette, kicking the bed around with his feet, and then took a deep breath, said to all the sleeping men: "Brothers got up, I just received a big order.

"Big order?"

"You got the money?"

"Lao Tzu, my star brushed up in the middle of the night last night, and I just fell asleep, and I was awakened by you. You are so inhumane."

"Head, what live is this time, let's cheer for which star?"

"Is there a new movie released recently by Brother Chen?"

I saw the ruined men lying on the bed, grabbed their hair and sports pants, and then sat on the bed and asked the man who was holding a cigarette.

Under such circumstances, the man with a cigarette in his face said with pride: "This time I took the job, not to cheer for a star, but to help a star and try to discredit a company in the north."

"Defame Enterprise"

"This is a little bit technical?"

"Erasing the enterprise, you don't have to look at their work at all, just grab a spot and you can get hacked."

"Head, what kind of star is this stupid person who spends a lot of money to discredit our company?"

One by one ruined the men, curiously looking at the man holding the cigarette.

I saw the man with a cigarette in hand, he still put the cigarette in his hand on the ground, and crushed the remaining cigarettes with his own compromise: "There are some things, I do n’t say you do n’t ask about it. In short, this time it happened After that, Lao Tzu will not treat you badly, everyone can get a thousand people's experience. "

One thousand dollars!

This is definitely a big order among the tasks they have performed in the past.

Because their naval forces, discrediting one person, or cheering on a star, usually two or three days, at most it is just a week of effort.


"Head, what do you say we do?"

I saw each one of them, looking at his boss.

This made the leader of the Marines complacent: "This time the other party asked us to discredit the other party and could no longer get up, so everyone took out the ability to look at the house."

While speaking, the commander of the navy took another folder.

And in the folder, some subsidiaries of Yejia Group were marked, as well as some introductions of such companies.

This group of sailors could not care who Ye Xiaohu was, so they read through the content one after another and looked for what they thought was a loophole.

"I found it."

"I will go to the Yatian forum."

"I go to Konglong Forum."

"Then I'll go to the news headlines!"

"We gave it to Weibo."

I saw the fighting spirit of each navy was high, and the combat effectiveness was very sturdy.

All of a sudden, all major forums and webpages were filled with various water horns.

They used various methods to wipe out the Yejia Group under the control of Heiyexiaohu.

People who didn't know Ye Xiaohu and Yejia Group knew the existence of Yejia Group at this moment.

But this reputation is not a good reputation, but a reputation that smells like home.


Early the next morning.

Liu Yifei, who made a fire through the Yejia pure water advertisement, created one and painted a nice dress.

Because today a film director came to her to discuss a new film and let her act as a female lead.

This is a good thing that Liu Yifei dreamed of. It was already untouchable. Now because of Ye Xiaohu's advertisement, the other party took the initiative to come to the door.

This shows how hot Liu Yifei has been in the past few days.

But from the morning until ten noon, I still didn't see the film director.

This made Liu Yifei feel a little dumbfounded, so she took out her phone, and after hesitation, she finally called the movie director: "Director Gong, please ask where you are and when can we talk?" Talk about the script. "

"What other script are you talking about?"

Hearing Liu Yifei ’s words, the film director opposite said impatiently: “I originally thought you were a new generation of pure jade girl, which just meets the requirements of our company, so I plan to invite you to act as the female lead of this company ’s script. It ’s really disappointing me to think of your private life like this, and in order to be able to shoot advertisements and take the initiative to send people to unspoken rules. "

Unspoken rules?

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Liu Yifei was confused and said: "Director Gong, what do you mean?"

"To this day, are you still pretending to be crazy and selling silly?"

Hearing Liu Yifei ’s reply, Director Gong was dissatisfied and said: “Forget it, I ’m too lazy to continue to take care of you. If you do n’t believe it, you can go online and take a look.”

Doodle doodle.

After Director Gong said, no matter what Liu Yifei thought, he hung up his phone directly.

"So what happened?"

Liu Yifei whispered, then quickly opened the mobile browser, and searched for his name.

The result is not pictures of Liu Yifei, not some advertisements that Liu Yifei has photographed, or TV shows. On the contrary, some pictures of Liu Yifei's first entry into various occasions, even on those occasions, interacting with those men.

Of course, these are not the deadliest. What really surprised Liu Yifei was her contact with Ye Xiaohu, which was also exposed online.

"What generation of pure jade girls?"

"Let me see, this is someone who can do everything."

"And I heard that this person is not patriotic and often publishes words that violate the national theme."

"Huh ~ ~ For some money and fame, it's really abhorrent to sell to accompany black heart entrepreneur Ye Xiaohu to sleep."

"Liu Yifei, get out of the entertainment industry."

In a word, just like the tip of a needle, it plunged into Liu Yifei's inner world fiercely, which made Liu Yifei, who had just returned to confidence, almost collapse.

So Liu Yifei remembered Ye Xiaohu and took the initiative to dial Ye Xiaohu's phone.

As a result, Liu Yifei heard Ye Xiaohu preemptively speak before he could speak.

"Do you already know about the Internet?"


"Then you come here."

Ye Xiaohu across the phone sighed: "There are just a few things, I want to explain to you, and at the same time prepare to fight back against the smears of the navy."

(End of this chapter)

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