Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 796: : Samurai Group

In Sun Island, ancient martial arts are divided into two factions.

One is the fact that the faction is a ninja. The Sun Island national ancient martial arts cultivator in this drama secretly learned some of China's top ancient martial arts, and added some of his own understanding, thus becoming a ninja.

Another faction is the ancient warrior group.

The people of this samurai group are basically the same as the ancient martial arts practitioners in China. But they are better at using katana, karate, jiu-jitsu, and so on.

Ninjas have quite high demands on practitioners, but the Sun Island Country Samurai Group, almost everyone in the Sun Island Country, can become such a samurai.

Therefore, in the Samurai Group, there are many training bases up and down the Sun Island country.

Among them, Yanghe Valley Training Base is the most important secret training base of the Samurai Group.

According to the past habit, there should be many samurai seedlings in the Yanghe Valley Samurai Training Base, doing various cultivations.

But today in the Yanghe Valley Samurai Training Base, all the samurai who came to study were all sent home.

Only the seniors of the Samurai Group gathered in this place one by one, and hid quietly in a dark corner.

"The ninja clan's wastes only know all the conspiracies and assassinations all day, and they dare not prove that they can contend with the practice of ancient Chinese martial arts."

I saw a burly samurai group element samurai, and said with dissatisfaction: "This time, our samurai group must be ahead of the ninja group and take the garbage from Huaxia first, so as to win in front of the emperor. A good reputation and status. "

Since ancient times, the Samurai Group and the Ninja Group have been fighting each other.

So as long as the samurai group is given a chance, they must crack down on the ninja group.

"Yes, I agree with the White Warrior."

A man in the Sun Island country wearing a flame rune said with an angry face: "Especially last time, their ninja group actually used our samurai group to arrest some special forces of China. This is something that I can't stand. Yes. So after waiting for the task this time, we must find the evaluation of His Majesty the Emperor to suppress the Ninja Group. "

"Yes, we will win this time."

"This is our once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to suppress both the Ninja Group and Huaxia."

Several titled samurai of the Sun Island country issued smiles with pride.

But in the face of such a situation, a white-bearded man sitting in the center of many samurai, gently opened his eyes and looked at the men around him: "But don't you find it strange? Why did the Ninja Group this time Acting so slowly, but let us seize the opportunity? "


The white warrior who spoke first did not care: "I guess the Ninja Group must know our plan, only they want to take advantage of the fisherman."

"White Warrior, your analysis is good."

The leader of the samurai group nodded and said cautiously: "We samurai group, but this time we put out all our efforts. Under such circumstances, the ninja group still decided to sit on the hill and watch the tigers, don't you think there are some problems in this?"

"something wrong?"

The five big and three thick white warriors said in a puzzled way: "Dare to ask the leader, what are you doubting?"

"I suspect that the person we are dealing with is probably not easy to deal with."

The leader of the samurai group, Youyou sighed: "Although I don't want to admit it, since the end of World War II, the samurai group of our Sun Island country has been declining. So far, the ninja group can already firmly press us. So Some judgments of the Ninja Group are actually more advanced than ours. Therefore, I suspect that the Chinese people may have reached the point of threatening the Five Shadows. "

"No way?"

Hearing the words of the warrior leader, a warrior couldn't help but stunned: "Master, will this be too exaggerated?"

"It's not very exaggerated, after all, the other party is a genius that China has not encountered for a hundred years."

The Ninja Group has some superficial information about Ye Xiaohu, and the Samurai Group naturally has similar information.

But none of the intelligence described how Ye Xiaohu actually fought.

Under such circumstances, they didn't understand Ye Xiaohu's actual cultivation behavior in detail, so they would have similar judgments.

A Bushido: "What shall we do next?"

"Now I have reported this action to His Majesty the Emperor. So this action is imperative."

The leader of the Samurai Group said solemnly: "Under such circumstances, we can only hope that the other party's cultivation practices are inferior to the five ninjas. At the same time, we must add more weight to our preparation."


Hearing the leader of the samurai group, many samurai nodded one after another, saying that they knew what to do next.

So everyone immediately took action and quickly prepared various ambush methods to prepare a fatal blow to Ye Xiaohu.

I waited for hours like this, but I didn't see any outsiders coming.

This made a warrior frown: "It's strange, what the **** is going on, why did the **** of South China's husband haven't brought a target to this day?"

"Hunan Huafu is a Chinese man after all, he will not defect?"

Another warrior said worriedly: "If he defected and leaked our plan, I am afraid that everything we have done before will be lost."


The leader of the Samurai Group shook his head and said: "South China's first husband grew up in our Sun Island country, and has cultivated the samurai spirit of our Sun Island country. It has already become a part of our Sun Island country. Not to mention the relatives and children of South China's first husband We are in the samurai group. If he is a husband from South China and dares to betray our Sun Island country, then what he is waiting for is his wife. "

"Then calculate the time ~ ~ The two sides have already connected, and it should be the secret base of our samurai group?"

The white warrior hesitated: "Boss, do you think we need to contact South China's husband now to see where he is?"


If it was before several disappeared, then the leader of the Samurai Group would definitely not agree to this choice, because that would bring danger to the South China team.

But now that a long time has passed, the leader of the Samurai Group is not careful.

So he took out his phone and dialed the call of South China Yifu.

As a result, he was not connected for a long time. While he was impatiently waiting, a melodious ringtone came from outside the base.

Immediately after, a figure, shaking the phone away from the base of the base, greeted the samurai of the samurai group.

(End of this chapter)

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