Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 806: :under the mount Fuji

On the mountain road of Mount Fuji.

A tourist bus slowly moved forward.

In the car, a group of people prepared various colorful flags and looked quietly in front.

In front of them, there is a gentle female guide who is introducing the culture and colors of Mount Fuji.

"About 11,000 years ago, a large amount of lava began to erupt on the western side of the ancient Fuji. These lavas formed the new Fuji that is the main body of Mount Fuji."

"New and old Mount Fuji has formed a beautiful landscape."

"Mount Fuji is also the first peak in Sun Island and one of the symbols of Sun Island."

"Mount Fuji has eight peaks, and each peak has a different view, which makes people feel relaxed and happy at a glance."


The tour guide introduced a little bit, and the tourists from China also listened quietly.

Soon the bus traveled to one of the peaks of Mount Fuji.


This is the highest peak among the eight peaks of Mount Fuji, and it is also the destination of this tour bus.

I saw the tour guide pointing at the white mountain of Mount Fuji, and said seriously: "After parking for a while, everyone visits the scenery on the white mountain, remember not to leave, so as not to encounter any danger."

Many tourists nodded and understood.

At this time, the tourists who had not spoken very much raised their heads gently, and then looked at the tour guide: "Sister tour guide, I heard that some people have seen traces of ninjas around Mount Fuji."

"Are you here to find a ninja?"

The tour guide's sister glanced at the boy who asked the question, and some stunned.

Because the boy who asked this question was not a group member from China.

But in the middle of the road, join the group members of their tour group.

After coming up, there were no more than eight words in total.

I have been very dull, reading through the books of different Sun Island cultures, and occasionally looking at the scenery outside the window.

So suddenly he heard his doubts, and the tour guide ’s sister was slightly surprised: “If you are really looking for a ninja, then I advise you, this is not very true, nor is it possible. Because that is just a legend, never No one has ever seen a real ninja, just like the gods in our Chinese continent, they are all illusory. "

"Is it illusory?"

The boy who was halfway on the road slightly disappointed: "Sister tour guide, I don't care if there are ninjas in this world, I just want to take a look at those ninja legends."

"OK then!"

The tour guide's sister smiled distressedly, and finally only accepted the boy who asked the question.

Because the boy who asked the question, but spent a lot of money, she did not offend to buy this tour route.

So in this atmosphere, the bus continued to move forward.

I do n’t know how long the specific time has passed. The coach finally stopped on a mountain road, so the tour guide sister greeted everyone and walked down the road: "This is Baishan Mountain, there are some ancient temples above Baishan Mountain, and there are some strange buildings and forest monsters Stone. From now on, you can climb by yourself or watch by yourself, but please pay attention to observe the local rules, if there is anything you do n’t understand, you can come to me to ask and I can answer you at any time. . "

"Guess girl, don't worry, we know this."

"Mount Fuji! After so long in Sun Island, I can finally take a stroll to Mount Fuji."

"Husband, take a picture for me and send it to the circle of friends when the time comes, so that friends and classmates will be envious and jealous."

"I can finally visit the famous mountains of the Sun Island country and draw a beautiful picture."

Tourists walked happily towards the front.

Or take pictures, wave sketches, or enjoy, or nod your head ... in short, all kinds of expressions.

But when a group of tourists looked down, the tourist guide's sister found that the tourist boy who came up later did not appear around, which made her slightly surprised.

So she turned into the car and glanced at the questioning boy who got in the car.

It turned out that the boy's luggage was no longer in the car.

And where the boy was sitting, the window was opened.

This made the tour guide's sister puzzled and asked the driver: "The boy who got on the bus, did you see him get off?"


The driver's master shook his head and said, "If you don't say it, I forget that there is still someone in the car."

"But he's gone?"



"Look for it quickly, and ask other people by the way."

When the tour guide's sister and master quickly rushed out of the car and asked about the boy who got on the bus.

The boy in the car had been carrying a backpack and was walking on Baishanyue.

I saw the boy who asked the ninja, gradually away from the tourist bus, and watching the surroundings of Baishanyue: "It is worthy of one of the eight peaks of Mount Fuji. The aura here is really strong. However, my China is blocked by the West, why the West Would you like to leave Sun Island? "

"Could there be any secret cooperation among them?"

The boy's brows were just frowned, and he said with a headache: "In a Sun Island country, there are so many peak samurai cliques, which shows the importance of heaven and earth aura to the practitioners. So I must dare to go to the Kunlun world, Take the lead in opening the barriers that block China's blockade. Only in this way can we ensure that China's practitioners can advance by leaps and bounds. "

If there are ancient Chinese martial arts cultivators here, then he will surely recognize that this boy who walked away from the tourist bus, after the destruction of the samurai group, was a Ye Xiaohu who shot the ninja and investigated the destination to find out the destination alone.

Just to save time and hide his identity, Ye Xiaohu hides inside the coach.

"Now I only have three elements ~ ~ The remaining few elements, how can I find them?"

I saw Ye Xiaohu thinking about how to find the remaining five elements.

This makes Ye Xiaohu a headache. After all, the elements are not ordinary herbs and can be found casually.

Just as Ye Xiaohu was thinking, the scenery in front changed.

"Hey, there is a formation here?"

Originally, Ye Xiaohu locked with his own soul and locked a secret place in Baishanyue to walk.

Ye Cheng wanted to go for a while, Ye Xiaohu found that he actually appeared in the mountains outside, almost another place in the world, could not help frowning: "It seems that the Ninja Group has some skills."

Just as Ye Xiaohu was nagging, a familiar face appeared on a high platform not far away, and he greeted across Lao Yuan: "Year Instructor, please wait there, I let the sharpshooter stand in front of them. To greet you, otherwise this place will be difficult to walk, it is easy to fall into the trap. "

(End of this chapter)

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