Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 809: : 5 Shadows That Can't Die

"His mother, it hurts me."

The person who climbed up in the grave was an old ninja who was killed by Ye Xiaohu.

But he was resurrected on the pillar of earth, which made Ye Xiaohu a little surprised.

While Ye Xiaohu was paying attention, the old Ninja above the Pillar of Earth looked at Ye Xiaohu and said: "Boy, you are really strong, and I am alone, indeed not your opponent."


Ye Xiaohu looked at the people above the pillar of earth, and then thought a little: "My sword just now, has clearly smashed your door, your bones, your meridians, but you can't die. It seems You Ninja Group, have not been in vain in recent years, have you researched a lot of ways? "

"The monks of our Sun Island country are not your ancient martial arts cultivators in China. They are self-styled and do not know progress."

The old Ninja above the Pillar of Earth said with a sneer: "One day sooner or later, the land of China will be conquered by our Sun Island country and become part of our Sun Island country."


Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders, then pointed at the old Ninja and said: "Is it up to you to lose?"

"Yes, you are better than me."

Ye Xiaohu's words made the old Ninja undeniable. He saw that he raised his voice and said: "But the old man can't die, how can you beat me?"


Almost when he burst into a scream, the whole person's body rushed straight down, and another fist of the earth, chiseled hard towards Ye Xiaohu.

Ye Xiaohu didn't treat him politely and turned to a sword flower.

Once again, he sent the old Ninja back to the Pillar of Earth, and then said with disdain: "Although I don't know now, how did you get the undead body. But you die like this and resurrected again and again What's the point? "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s inquiry, the old Ninja reborn on the Pillar of Earth could n’t help but say heartily: “Stupid Chinese, have n’t you found it? After my constant consumption, the vitality in your body, It also takes a minute and a second. The trade-off will continue, and one day the old man will kill you. "

"Is this your purpose?"

Ye Xiaohu whispered in a low voice, while sensing his body.

It is indeed found that the energy in the body is consumed in a little bit.

However, for this consumption, for Ye Xiaohu, it is completely awful, and there is no need to worry about it.

But at such a critical moment, Ye Xiaohu could not stand quietly in place, waiting to be tortured by the old ninja.

So Ye Xiaohu carried the big sword and greeted the pillar of earth for the first time: "I do n’t believe that you can kill. Since you are raised from the pillar of earth every time, then I Ye Xiaohu will take the earth. The pillar is ruined, and I will see how you are resurrected. "

"you dare."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the old man above the pillar of soil quickly exclaimed.

And after another resurrection, he directly pounced on Ye Xiaohu, blocking Ye Xiaohu's footsteps.

But the result was obvious, because no matter how many times he was resurrected, it was not Ye Xiaohu's place.

Therefore, after the resurrection, the reborn Ninja old man said in several other directions: "A few of you damn, are you just watching the old man's pillar of earth being destroyed?"

"Haha, Grandpa Tu, I always thought you were great. I didn't expect that at such a critical moment, we still need the help of those of us!"

"Old Master Tu, this time it was not that we made the decision without permission, but that you called us and only a few of us appeared."

"After watching the drama for a long time, I can finally come out to fight."

"This battle seems to be more difficult, but I can cut off the head of this Chinese person personally, I believe I can brag for hundreds of years."

"Don't talk nonsense, get rid of him quickly and don't give him enough time to affect our taboo."

I saw the Five King Pillars, and a ninja appeared on the other pillars.

One of the five kings in the east stands a hot woman with an icon of the element of wind embroidered on her chest.

There is also a woman on the Five Kings Pillars in the West, except that the woman is half a year old and has loose skin. But her eyes are bright and bright, giving a terrifying deepness, and at the same time embroidered with jade elements on her chest.

On the top of the Southern Five Kings Pillar, there is a man with an explosive head. The dark skin does not want normal humans. He has solid muscles and is surrounded by lightning.

Above the Five King Pillars in the north, there is also a man, wearing a green costume, even above the head, there is a green plant to survive, obviously he represents a wooden element.

"Huh, if the old man is 20 or 30 years younger, he can definitely hang him."

The old man of the Ninja above the Pillar of Earth groaned helplessly: "That is, the old man is weak and not as strong as in the past, so he can be a hero in front of the old man."

"Grandpa Tu is bragging again."

"It's like this at your peak."

"In twenty years, we will be better than you."

"At that time, it's estimated that Grandpa Tu will have to settle down."

Obviously, the relationship between the five shadows is not very harmonious.

But it is also understandable that there are already many forces and organizations within the Ninja Group. These forces and organizations have their own teams with each other, and naturally there will be various contradictions.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk nonsense, it should be the time to fight together."

The old man of the Ninja on the Pillar of Earth saw Ye Xiaohu's boss not far away in front of him, and knew that he could no longer endure, so he fell from the sky with hatred, and rushed to Ye Xiaohu again: "Everyone is still in awe ~ Hurry up and shoot together. "


This time, everyone did not hesitate to help each other.

Because they knew that once the pillar of Ninja Master died, the power of the five king pillars would be weakened by a quarter, and their fate would be even more miserable.

So they tried their best to resist, but the result was sad.

Because Ye Xiaohu's battle has reached the level of adversity, it is not that they can contend one-on-one.

So after fighting for a while, Ye Xiaohu killed them one after another.

"So it turns out."

As a result, Ye Xiaohu discovered the mystery of the Five King Pillars this time, and could not help staring at the pillar of earth, slowly raising the grave to say: "It turns out that you are not really immortal, and continuous death will also consume the elements in your body. Power! "

(End of this chapter)

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