Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 812: : Cut 5 Shadows

After repeated verification, Ye Xiaohu had an answer in his mind.

I have always dreamed of the power of the five elements that are missing. It is in the Sun Island country, in the Ninja Group.

Only in the previous battle, Ye Xiaohu could only perceive it.

And from the five shadows fighting, can sense the power of some elements.

Ye Xiaohu could not determine where the power of the elements was, and how to obtain these five elements.

But when the five shadows merged together to form a brand new ninja fairy king.

After lacking the suppression of their bodies and element control, Ye Xiaohu finally clearly sensed the power of the five elements and can determine where they are.

So Ye Xiaohu walked towards the Ninja Fairy King step by step, and then said indifferently: "I have to say that I am wise to come to Sun Island this time, and I can get whatever I want."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the combined Ninja Fairy King, with a mixture of five voices, said: "In front of my Ninja Fairy King, you are a human being, how dare you arrogant?"


Today, his strength has soared, and he is still underestimated by Ye Xiaohu.

This made the Ninja Fairy King angry, so he jumped directly and came to Ye Xiaohu on the spot.

"Elemental escape ... tornado."

The force of the wind element, madly condensed, and harvested towards Ye Xiaohu.

Facing this scene, Ye Xiaohu could not help but sneer.

"Good job."

I saw Ye Xiaohu carrying the sword, turning the immortal energy onto the sword, and slashing towards the tornado.


Ye Xiaohu's big sword did not break the tornado.

Instead, a sword slashed it into the void, and struck the secret realm.


The tornado of the Ninja Fairy King, like a spinning top, constantly rotates above the enchantment.

When it was exhausted, it finally drilled a hole in the enchantment.

Zi Zi!

The enchantment was originally a complete body, and with a breakage, it immediately shattered in all directions like a spider web.

Soon the entire enchantment shattered to the ground like ice cubes and became the most primitive energy body.

"My goodness!"

"Do you see what that is?"

"I'm going, the man actually flew in the sky."

"Ninja, that must be a ninja."

Ye Xiaohu's battle with the Five Shadows, in fact, did not last long.

Therefore, some people who haven't had time to flee have seen the picture after the enchantment shattered, so they looked at the ninja fairy king floating in the sky in disbelief.

"Damn Chinese, you actually destroyed our ninja secret space."

Although the Ninja Fairy King is a combined individual, their soul is still the soul of the Five Shadows.

Therefore, seeing Ye Xiaohu destroy the secret realm on which they lived, they suddenly became furious one by one, directly condensing a thunderbolt spear with the power of thunder and lightning, and spurted Ye Xiaohu.

"Thunderbolt condenses the spear?"

"Is he Thor?"

A group of people saw this scene and guessed curiously.

But when they were guessing, Ye Xiaohu suddenly stomped and also flew above the void.

"What the hell?"

"Why is that person familiar?"

"That kid, isn't that the guy who is sitting behind me who says nothing?"

"It turns out to be him?"

People who took a bus with Ye Xiaohu looked at Ye Xiaohu above the void.

Ye Xiaohu naturally saw them when they saw Ye Xiaohu.

It's just that Ye Xiaohu's whole body and mind are now on the Ninja Fairy King, so they didn't take care of them.

I saw a good show carrying his hands, looking at the violent ninja fairy king, and the fierce Lei Zhimao, and said loudly: "Don't struggle, because this time you will die."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's opening, they announced their defeat.

The Ninja Fairy King was angry, and the lightning spear in his hand was dancing wildly.

"Since you are not reconciled, then I will show you the difference in absolute strength."

Ye Xiaohu picked up the big sword again, and made an action of flying a fairy from outside the sky, directly piercing the neck of the ninja fairy king with a sword.


Ye Xiaohu's body moved quickly.

Soon Ye Xiaohu's body broke through the layers of defenses of the Ninja Fairy King and finally came to him.

Zi Zi.

I saw Ye Xiaohu easily hacked over, leaving a mouth on his body on the spot.

If this is over, then Ye Xiaohu's strength will not be shown.

Almost when the thunderbolt spear of Ninja Fairy King returned his hand, ready to fight back, Ye Xiaohu moved another direction and came to the back of his side.

Puff puff.

A few more swords, and left a mouth in the ninja fairy king.

"How can this be?"

Feeling his own attack, he couldn't reach Ye Xiaohu's body at all.

On the contrary, Ye Xiaohu can evade each time, but instead pierce himself with a sword, which makes the five souls in the body of the Ninja Fairy King one by one.

"In this world, nothing is impossible, not to mention that you are too weak."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and then pointed at the sky with the big sword in his hand.

"Now everything is over."

I saw Ye Xiaohu condensing power and sword, and directly split towards the ninja fairy king.

"Do not."

The scarred Ninja Fairy King, aware of the power contained in Ye Xiaohu's big sword, knew he was difficult to resist, so he turned and wanted to run.

But the speed at which he ran up was indeed Ye Xiaohu's big sword opponent?

Almost as they turned around, the big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hand had already overtaken them and split them in half on the spot.

"A murder?"

"No, it should be a murderer, or a god?"

On the surface, a group of mortals murmured when they saw this scene.

Under their mutter ~ ~ Ninja fairy king who was cut in half, gradually became five individuals, and fell from the void one after the other.

Among them, the familiar ninja has been completely wiped out.

Because the person who was killed by Ye Xiaohu just now is his body.

Without the consolidation of elemental power, he could not be resurrected at all.

As for the others who were caught up by Ye Xiaohu one by one, they made up a sword and let them go back to life.

However, this time the resurrection was relatively long, so without their obstruction, Ye Xiaohu easily removed the remaining five king pillars.

In this way, the secret method of the Five King Pillars completely collapsed, so when the other four shadows reappeared.

Ye Xiaohu stepped forward and gave them a sword respectively. At this point, the five shadows all died in Ye Xiaohu's hands. After completing all these, Ye Xiaohu walked deep into the five king pillars and said, "Five elements, I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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