Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 814: : Weird Chen Zhirui

"Instructor Ye?"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu coming, Chen Zhirui sat down on the ground like a relief.

But when she sat on the ground, there was a trace of panic in her eyes.

And her hips are slightly higher.

When Ye Xiaohu stared at Chen Zhirui, Chen Zhirui made a smiling expression, and then shyly said: "Instructor Ye, you are finally here to save us."


Ye Xiaohu temporarily put away the doubts in his heart and said, "Why is the Shenlong in this place? Didn't he withdraw from the Dragon King Special Forces Group?"

"He quit, but he still hates."

Chen Zhirui nodded and explained to Ye Xiaohu: "He was not willing to leave like that, so immediately after the spy of Sun Island Kingdom came to him, he immediately chose to surrender to Sun Island and help the ninjas of Sun Island to make plans and target our dragon everywhere The Royal Commando Brigade, which is why we will fall into the hands of ninjas in Sun Island. "


The Shenlong, pierced with a dagger through his chest, heard Chen Zhirui's words and tried his best to try to open his mouth.

But he just opened his mouth, and was directly pierced by Chen Zhirui with a dagger.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help frowning: "Chen Zhirui, he seems to have something to say just now, why do you want to kill him directly?"

"Sorry, Instructor Ye, I might have been an instinctive act just now."

After Chen Zhirui's eyes flashed a light, he said seriously: "But he has admitted that he is a traitor before, so it doesn't make much sense to continue talking."


Ye Xiaohu looked at Chen Zhirui, did not take this matter to heart, and turned back to the aisle: "Now the situation is extremely chaotic, go back and check the team members, if they are all together."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Chen Zhirui nodded seriously.

I saw that she quickly followed Ye Xiaohu, and the two returned to the place where the jail gun and others were held.

"Captain Chen Zhirui, you're fine."

"Instructor Ye, what about the **** dragon?"

"If Captain Chen Zhirui is in any danger, I must unload Shenlong's bastard."

"Enough is enough. Since Captain Chen Zhirui is not in danger, then Shenlong must have suffered the punishment he deserves."

I saw the sharp gun and others, expressing their opinions one by one.

After hearing their enquiries, Ye Xiaohu said directly: "Let Chen Zhirui explain it to you." After the command was finished, Ye Xiaohu walked aside with his hands behind him and looked quietly around.

"Shenlong is already in trouble, no one has to worry about this issue."

After Chen Zhirui made a simple statement, he said to the sharpshooter and others: "Let everyone check their identity to see if there are any problems, or if there are any missing people."

"The left arm of the flying knife is injured and needs emergency treatment."

"The missile's body is okay, but it has been in a coma stage. I'm afraid it needs some rest."

"Xuan Bing's situation is not very good, I am afraid it needs urgent treatment."

"Steel, Beibei ... have been sacrificed."

It was okay in the front, and when I heard someone killed in the back, I was all stunned.

Although they are used to life and death, they still feel very sad in the face of the death of their comrades.

In such a situation, Ye Xiaohu coughed his voice lightly, and then turned around and said, "They are all my heroic Chinese soldiers and can't stay in the Sun Island country. So you deal with it and cremate them on the spot. The ashes and relics are returned to China and given to their families. "


Ye Xiaohu's command aroused everyone's resonance.

So the survivors acted immediately.

Soon, the unknown heroes who died in battle will be sparked, and their ashes will be installed.

After finishing all this, standing next to Ye Xiaohu one by one, waiting for Ye Xiaohu's further orders.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu turned and asked Chen Zhirui and others: "Where is Jiulong Ding?"

"Jiulong Ding is in Xichuan."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, Chen Zhirui immediately reported: "Because of the betrayal of the traitor Shenlong, our plans were leaked. So when we rushed to Mount Fuji, they had transferred Jiuling Ding to Xichuan."

"I know."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, then said to Chen Zhirui and others: "Now you are looking for a safe place to recuperate temporarily. After I find Jiulongding, let's go back together."

"Instructor Ye, go alone?"

"Instructor Ye is unsafe?"

"We can still fight, let's go with you."

The sharp guns and others walked to Ye Xiaohu one by one, and asked to follow them one after another.

Faced with this situation, Ye Xiaohu was very satisfied.

But going to Xichuan will not be smooth sailing.

Under such circumstances ~ ~ One more person is more burdensome, so Ye Xiaohu rejected their goodwill and said: "There are wounded people who need your care, and now the masters of the Sun Island country have been taken by me. It's almost beheaded. Under such circumstances, I don't think anyone can pose any threat to me. "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, finally thinking of Ye Xiaohu ’s battle, he finally nodded and said: “Then we are waiting for your good instructor Ye Xiaohu.”


Ye Xiaohu bid farewell to Chen Zhirui and others, turned around and left Mount Fuji, heading straight to Nishikawa of Sun Island.

After Ye Xiaohu beat him, Chen Zhirui on the side commanded the sharpshooter and others to say: "Since Instructor Ye ordered us to find a secret place to hide for a while, then everyone should act immediately and don't worry about Instructor Ye."


Hearing Chen Zhirui's instructions, Shengun and others nodded one after the other, and at the same time said, "But where are we going to wait for Instructor Ye?"

"Go to Lanchong County."

Chen Zhirui didn't think about it, so he gave an answer directly.

Hearing the address of Chen Zhirui, the sharp gun slightly worried: "Captain Chen Zhirui, Lan Chong, that place is a place where the masters of the Sun Island country have gathered. And our stronghold in that place seems to have been overthrown by the Sun Island country. Now, will it fall into the encirclement of the enemy? "

"Although that place is very dangerous, don't you smell the most dangerous place, the safest place? Not to mention Lan Chong's proximity to the sea is also one of the most convenient places for us to return to China. And in that place, I still have some strongholds in , It ’s just that you do n’t know, so now follow my orders and immediately disguise. "

After a brief command, Chen Zhirui turned back and said, "After I contacted the stronghold, we immediately went to Lanchong County."

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