Magic Gun and others did not know about Chen Zhirui and secretly returned to Ye Xiaohu's residence.

So Shengun always thought that Chen Zhiru was like him, saying goodbye to Ye Xiaohu together, and came to condolences to the wounded brothers of Longhuang Special Forces.

"Brothers and sisters, this time, with the help of Instructor Ye, we finally completed the sacred task that our motherland entrusted to us, and lived up to the expectations of our motherland."

I saw the sharp shot of the sharp gun and said: "Now Jiulong Ding starts, we have helped the instructor Ye Xiaohu and destroy a large number of ninjas. After this incident, I believe that within ten years the Sun Island country will no longer be able to go to China to disrupt it . "

The sharp gun's words immediately became popular with many Dragon King special forces, so everyone applauded.

As everyone knows, Ye Xiaohu's action this time will be more helpful to China.

Because Ye Xiaohu not only killed the Ninja Group, but also the Samurai Group.

As a result, the two pillars of the Sun Island nation were armed with only one weak waste, which could not reach the tabletop at all.

Not to mention ten years, even if it is within fifty years, the Sun Island can recover, it is thankful.

However, the sharp gun did not know the cause and effect, and naturally would not go to Ye Xiaohu to verify it. I saw that he continued: "Now the captain Chen Zhirui will assign the healing medicine to everyone."

The idea of ​​the magic gun is very good, is to use this opportunity to help Chen Zhirui stand up well and enhance Chen Zhirui's status and glory on the opposite side.

After all, the Dragon King Special Forces used to be headed by Shenlong.

Now that the dragons are evil, then they must correct them and establish a new image.

But when he opened his mouth, he found that no one responded to him.

So the sharp gun turned around and glanced, but did not see Chen Zhirui's figure, so he asked a confidant: "What about Captain Chen Zhirui?"

"Hey, you are stupid.

The sharpshooter's confidant said: "Don't you understand it now?"

"What do I know?"

The sharp gun asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Brother Gun, you are ..."

The sharpshooter's confidant vomited, and then added: "Did you not notice that Captain Chen Zhirui looked at the expression of Instructor Ye Xiaohu, full of deep love, and boundless spring heart? ? "

"You mean?"

Although the magic gun has a poor EQ, but after reminding himself, he can't help but wake up suddenly and say: "Aren't you rude?"

"Why is Hu Li?"

The confidant shook his head quickly, and tried to prove his innocence: "Although my surname is Hu, I never swear, because every sentence I say is an example. And don't you notice that our front feet Immediately after leaving, Captain Chen Zhirui followed the foot into Instructor Ye Xiaohu's room? "

The sharp gun frowned: "Perhaps Captain Chen Zhirui went somewhere else?"

"Brother, don't deceive yourself. How big is our secret room? Don't you know me?"

The sharpshooter shook his head and said: "This place is so big, we have removed our rest and healing space, only one room belongs to the instructor Ye rest, and only that place, you can not find the whereabouts of Captain Chen Zhirui."

Everyone thought about it, and felt that there was nothing wrong with this person's analysis.

Even the skeptical sharpshooter could not help but feel a sense of confidence.

"Forget it, it was the private affair of Captain Chen Zhirui and Instructor Ye Xiaohu. We outsiders are not qualified to judge."

"After all, beautiful women like heroes, so Captain Chen Zhirui likes Instructor Xiaoye Ye, and it's no big deal."

"But that's their private affair, so let's do some serious business, let the pills go down first, and help the brothers heal."

Under the leadership of the sharp gun, everyone immediately acted.

At the same time, in the room where Ye Xiaohu rested, a mumble and a stunned expression came out.

I saw Chen Zhirui looked at Ye Xiaohu in disbelief, because just when she came out in a breath.

Ye Xiaohu, who originally closed her eyes and kept a close eye, turned around directly and kissed her lips on her lips, which immediately made Chen Zhirui stunned.

This is her first kiss, she never expected that such a result will be encountered.

"You ... how can you do this?"

Chen Zhirui took a few steps back and tried to open a space with Ye Xiaohu: "How can you secretly kiss me?"

"I'm so bright and good."

Ye Xiaohu smiled indifferently, then stepped forward, and looked at Chen Zhirui predominantly: "You secretly climbed into my bed and exhaled behind me, don't you just want to kiss?"

"Not at all."

Chen Zhirui stepped back and leaned against the wall and said, "I just want to test your concentration and see if you are a good man."

He said so, but Chen Zhirui was thinking about another problem.

Because in her memory, Ye Xiaohu is not a flowery man, how can he suddenly kiss himself so actively?

Hearing Chen Zhirui's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but smile: "So after judgment, what kind of person do you think I am?"

"A person with different appearances," Chen Zhirui said seriously.

"I'm inconsistent?"

Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders and then pointed to Chen Zhirui: "If I have different appearances, what is your Chen Zhirui?"

"What's wrong with me?"

Chen Zhirui pretended to have an innocent expression and said, "I've never fooled anyone ~ ~ Is that true?"

Ye Xiaohu stared at Chen Zhirui, and blocked the escape space of the room, saying: "If it was Chen Zhirui in the past, then maybe I will believe you, because the past Chen Zhirui was a person who was just not at all. But unfortunately, you are not her, so I do n’t have Way to believe you, are you right? "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Chen Zhirui shrunk in the corner and could n’t help but shining his eyes, facing Ye Xiaohu with a venomous expression: “I think I ’m disguised very well, why would you guess that I identity of?"

"No matter how good the disguise is, there are loopholes. What's more, you haven't known Chen Zhirui at all, otherwise you will definitely know that there is no child affair between Chen Zhirui and me. And my relationship with Chen Zhirui's grandpa Chen Lao is very close. . "

I saw Chen Zhirui calmly, then hugged his arm and said calmly: "So your disguise, there is no way to lie to me, or you can quickly reveal your own circle, lest I try to force you to show the original shape . "

(End of this chapter)

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