
Inside the room, Chen Zhirui exclaimed.

Because she found herself waking up, she was lying on a bed.

And there was a man on the bed, looking at himself with a playful look.

Although Chen Zhirui is the king of the Longhuang special forces, a new generation of soldiers.

But for the first time in her life, she encountered such a thing.

Under such circumstances, she was immediately shocked to struggle to resist.

"Your body is weak, it is best to lie down for a while."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, then stared at Chen Zhirui: "And we just lie on a bed, nothing special happened."

"It's you, Instructor Ye?"

Hear Ye Xiaohu's voice, then see Ye Xiaohu's face clearly.

Chen Zhirui immediately knew Ye Xiaohu's identity, so she looked at Ye Xiaohu differently: "Why are you?"

Ye Xiaohu puzzled and asked, "Why can't it be me?"

Chen Zhirui said darkly: "I always think you are decent, and my grandfather treats you so well, and has always said good things to you, but why do you do this?"

"what did I do?"

Ye Xiaohu has some grievances, he really does not know what he did.

"To this day, you haven't admitted it yet?"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu not admit it, Chen Zhirui said sadly: "You look at my clothes yourself."

"You need clothes?"

Ye Xiaohu still had some puzzles at first, but when he saw Chen Zhirui's clothes, he could only smile bitterly: "You listen to me, all this is a misunderstanding."


Chen Zhirui sneered: "What kind of misunderstanding will I be stripped of my clothes?"

"But the fact is that you were stripped of your clothes."

Ye Xiaohu smiled bitterly: "Don't you really remember what happened just now?"

"whats the matter?"

Chen Zhirui looked at Ye Xiaohu in a puzzled way: "I just remember that I acted with the sharpshooter and others, and was eventually discovered by the Ninja Group. After a war, we were caught by the traitor Shenlong. Later I was sent to a prison to be held, and then I After drinking a glass of water, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was in your bed, and you stripped off your clothes. "

"Do you believe me?"

"How do you make me believe in you?"


Although Chen Zhirui did not believe in himself, Ye Xiaohu had to explain.

Because Ye Xiaohu is close to Chen Lao, he really doesn't want to embarrass Chen Lao.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and said: "You and listen to me, you have just been controlled by the enemy."

"I am controlled by the enemy?"

Chen Zhirui shook his head and said, "Impossible, why didn't I notice it at all?"

"That's because you are controlled without the knowledge of the ghost. And the other's cultivation level is higher than you, so you will not be aware."

Ye Xiaohu did not hide anything, so he briefly introduced causality.

After the narrative, Ye Xiaohu summed up: "If I am not wrong, you should quote some special water after going out with Shenlong, so that your mind is confused, and the nine-tailed fox can take advantage. , And control your body. "

"Nine-tailed fox?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's explanation, in fact Chen Zhirui has already believed in seven or eight points.

But she still had doubts, so she continued: "So why am I in your bed?"

"Obviously the information of the Nine-Tailed Fox is insufficient, or it may be inaccurate."

Ye Xiaohu said abruptly: "So it misunderstood us as a couple, so the design wanted to make you charm me and look for opportunities to kill me. Unfortunately, he estimated that your relationship was wrong and I was Sealed. "


"No falsehood."

Chen Zhirui looked at Ye Xiaohu's serious expression, then fell into thought.

After a long silence, he said: "I believe what you said, but what are we going to do now?"

"Find a way to return home."

Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders and said: "There are still some things in my country, and I am going to travel afar, so I have to return to China as soon as possible to arrange properly. And this time, I have helped you to complete the task."

"I know."

Chen Zhirui nodded and got up from the bed and said: "You go out and help me get the bag."

Ye Xiaohu puzzled: "What time is it, what are you going to do?"

"I don't care about clothes, do you ask us to go back to China?"

Chen Zhirui stood up and pointed to his ragged pants: "Are you going to make me go home?"

"I know."

Looking at the excited Chen Zhirui, Ye Xiaohu didn't dare to argue any more, for fear that Chen Zhirui would go crazy.

So Ye Xiaohu turned to help Chen Zhirui take a bag, and brought it back to Chen Zhirui.

Under such circumstances, Chen Zhirui quickly changed clothes and returned to the crowd.

"Huh, really, after the spring breeze, the girl became a woman and became more charming."

"Congratulations to Captain Chen Zhirui, I hope you will be in harmony with Instructor Ye Xiaohu for a hundred years."

"Instructor Ye, Captain Chen Zhirui, how long has it been since you two did not have sex, how did you just work so intensely, and we can't get rid of the illness."

The warriors of the Dragon King Special Forces gave a playful laugh.

In this way, Chen Zhirui was very embarrassed. I didn't know how to explain it, so I only gave Ye Xiaohu a glance.

In such a situation, Ye Xiaohu can only say the hard way: "Enough, if you do n’t want to go back to the country, then I can arrange for you to have a training experience in the Sun Island country. Very interested in playing with you. "

"Don't. Never ..."

"Instructor Ye, we dare not."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's threat, everyone shook their heads quickly.

Because they are not fools, knowing that there is only one way to stay.

Under such circumstances, they will not continue to die!

"Okay ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Stop talking nonsense."

Chen Zhirui coughed slightly and then pointed at the sharpshooter: "It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Everyone should act immediately, and follow the line we discussed before, and return home immediately.


Hearing Chen Zhirui's instructions, the people became serious and acted according to plan.

At the same time, for the sake of safety, Chen Zhirui also contacted the motherland in a secret way to ensure that no other problems would be encountered on the way back.

When everything was planned, the crowd took advantage of the night to bid farewell to the overseas Chinese who helped them hide their identities, and secretly rushed to the port near Lanchong.

Soon, a steamer appeared in their sight.

After Chen Zhiru walked over to briefly communicate for a while, to ensure that there was no problem, he took Ye Xiaohu and others on board and embarked on a journey back home.

(End of this chapter)

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