Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 827: : Evolution of the Chinese People's Congress

When Ye Xiaohu returned to the city, a group of spectators watched the scorching battle in the venue of the China League Game World Cup, and they all talked about it.

"Damn East Peninsula game player."

"It seems that my Chinese team will lose again."

"There is only one assistant left. When will China China win the championship?"

"Since there is a league game, we have not won the East Peninsula masters in West China."

In the world league competition, China Team against the East Peninsula.

As a result, during a team battle in the halftime, the four main members of the Huaxia team were eliminated by the players of the Eastern Peninsula team, leaving only one assistant, retreating while fighting.

However, judging from the battle situation, the members of the China Team may be destroyed at any time.

When the spectators saw the situation lopsided, they felt sorry for the teams they supported.

The result was in support, when it was about to be killed by members of the Eastern Peninsula team.

I saw this assistant and avoided it at a super fast speed.

And his counterattack when he was dying, actually took away a remnant hero of the Eastern Peninsula team.

"This will do?"

"I rely, is this still a residual blood aid?"

In the stunned situation of Chinese game fans, this auxiliary controller showed his god-level operation.

Continue to walk around the opponent, avoiding the encirclement and killing time and time again.

As a result, the masters of the Eastern Peninsula, time and time again, did not keep the film armour that he killed.

One master after another of the Eastern Peninsula was so inexplicably killed by him.

"Five kills."

"And five consecutive kills."

In this way, a counterattack was staged.

No one understands what is going on, even the auxiliary controller is now dumbfounded, because he just felt cold all over, and then became so powerful.


Inside a hotel room.

A woman dressed up in a very fashionable way, said to her man, "Husband, you are so **** today, you must give it a try!"

"Relax, I will give it a boost."

The man smiled triumphantly, and rushed directly to press his wife under him.

A big battle, after three or five minutes of chaos.

The man was finally exhausted, panting and unsustainable.

"Why are you doing this again?"

Perceiving her husband's performance, the **** woman said dissatisfiedly: "If you do this, the old lady will change a man tomorrow."

"you dare."

The man roared and threw himself up again.

Although he knew his body, it was already unsustainable.

But he didn't want to be ridiculed by his wife, he wanted to try it once.

At this time, a mysterious force fell on his neck, which gave him a spirit that seemed like an endless force.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

The direct man was rushing to kill, and soon his own wife was killed.

After seeing three years of marriage, his wife was satisfied for the first time and fell beside herself, unable to open her eyes. The man couldn't help but be confused: "When am I so powerful?"


The same thing, the same day.

Various miracles are shown in various places in China.

The Huaxia football team defeated their rivals against the sky and won the group preliminary match.

The Huaxia Basketball Team also killed the Quartet to make the world's number one basketball team submit.

Huaxia's Go masters even kept the famous computer dogs for the killing of the armor, which once made the designers of the computer dogs mistakenly think that there is a problem with the computer.

Many people feel their bodies and inexplicably become stronger.

There are even people who live in arsenals or near the military, choose to go to hospitals in towns and take an effective medical examination to determine whether there are any problems with their bodies.

As a result, the doctor examined many people and found nothing. On the contrary, they found that myopia in the past, or the legs and feet were not flexible, and some people with minor problems have all recovered to health.

This day can be called China Miracle Day.

However, he did not notice that at this moment on the Kunlun Mountain in the northwest of China.

Cracks appeared on the cloudless sky.


Suddenly someone pushed hard from the other side, and then a blank object in the sky was pushed down from inside.

Immediately afterwards, a young man walked out of the void with two men, a man and a woman.

After they came out, the crack above the void was sealed again, and everything returned to tranquility.


I saw the young man headed by these three men. He just came out of the void and immediately looked around: "Why did the Bafang Locking Spirit Array suddenly fail in advance?"

"Bafang Lock Spirit Array, after all, is a big formation, which needs a huge heaven and earth aura to support."

The elderly man next to the young man thought a little and stood up and said: "And Westerners, learning my Chinese technology and arranging such an array, then there must be some loopholes."

"Brother Chen is right."

The old woman on the other side also stood up and said: "And the time from our budget is not much different from the present."


The young man nodded and said to the two old people on the left and right: "My medicine Wanggu was the first person to find a crack and come out of the crack. So we have to take advantage of other forces and have no chance to come To unify China as soon as possible so as to seize those resources. "

"The young master is right."

"Young Master is wise."

The old man and the old woman nodded together, and then said to the young man: "This will let our spokesperson in the world immediately rush to the Kunlun world to guide you for the young master."


The young man nodded and ordered the old Ou on the left: "This matter will trouble Grandma Qinglan."


The old lady Qinglan accepted the task with pleasure: "Young Master, rest assured ~ ~ I will help you to finish the beautiful and beautiful."


After Qing Lan responded, she disappeared directly in front of the person.

After she left, the young man turned to the old man next to him and said, "Grandpa Qingge, please go out for a walk and bring the masters of this world to see me."


The old man Qingge responded and left.

After the two of them left, the young man who stayed alone could not help reaching out to stir the hair, then looked at the surrounding environment and said: "While there is still time, I will first experience the atmosphere of the real city Let ’s take a look at what the current people have achieved. "

After seeing the young man discerning one direction, the whole person jumped from the sky like a Dapeng bird and went straight to a town thousands of miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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