Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 837: : A magic weapon can kill you

"No wonder, you dare to challenge my medicine Wang Gu, it turned out to rely on this!"

Although Ye Xiaohu didn't admit it, Sun Qingge still looked very cold when he saw Ye Xiaohu's eyes: "But whether you are a descendant of Zhenyuanmen, or you happen to learn this set of attack methods, you are not worth it in front of my medicine Wanggu Mention. "

Zhenyuan Gate, that is the sect inherited from Yuanzi Daxian, the ancestral town of Dixian.

But in the long course of history, it has been gradually eliminated.

The rise of Yaowang Valley from the end of the year was to squeeze out the location of Zhenyuan Gate and become the overlord of one of the ten cities within the Kunlun Realm.

Therefore, Yaowanggu and Zhenyuanmen have long-cherished wishes. If the two sides meet, they must be endless.


Ye Xiaohu and Zhen Yuanzi are good friends. When Tianting helped Zhen Yuanzi to work, Zhen Yuanzi took care of Ye Xiaohu.

Even for Ye Xiaohu's good performance, he was rewarded with a ginseng fruit.

Therefore, when returning to the world, Zhen Yuanzi was also one of the people who helped Ye Xiaohu return, and also asked Ye Xiaohu to find his inheritance in the world to help.

But looking at it now, the inheritance of Zhen Yuanzi in the world seems to have been quickly wiped out by Yao Wanggu, which makes Ye Xiaohu very unhappy. I saw Ye Xiaohu staring at Sun Qingge and said, "How did you treat Zhenyuan Gate? ? "

"You really have something to do with Zhenyuanmen?"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu finally spoke, Sun Qingge said with a smug face: "But that's fine, it's not bad to take you to the Kunlun Realm, and it's good to be a medicine guide with the people of Zhenyuanmen."

Living medicine cited.

This is a very painful job, and one will be poisoned if he is not careful.

In the heavenly court, in the fairy world ... such a method is not allowed to display.

But within the Kunlun boundary, such means are allowed.

The reason is that the experiment done by Yao Wang Gu, no one can organize, because Yao Wang Gu is one of the ten cities in Kunlun world, he is tough and powerful enough.

"I can use a living person as a medicine guide. It seems that I am not merciless."

Ye Xiaohu didn't have much murderous intention, but when Ye Xiaohu noticed that the other party had no regrets, he used living drugs to threaten himself.

This made Ye Xiaohu unable to endure and directly punched Sun Qingge: "Let me lie down!"


Ye Xiaohu's punch used 30% of his strength, which was enough to kill any master of Dao class.

Ye Xiaohu is confident that this punch is enough to kill Sun Qingge.

But when Ye Xiaohu hit Sun Qingge with this punch, he did not repel Sun Qingge.


Ye Xiaohu withdrew his fists in surprise, and at the same time felt the power of his own swing, and found that his power did not weaken, and indeed reached the strength of the master of the Dao class.

So Ye Xiaohu frowned at Sun Qingge and said: "It seems that you have a good body protection magic weapon."

"You still have some insight."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Sun Qingge shook his clothes gently.


Suddenly a colorful glare emerged from Sun Qingge.

The bright light surrounding Sun Qingge made him look very sacred and inaccessible.

Under such circumstances, Sun Qingge said with a smug face: "Do you know? You have a natural weakness compared to our large families and countless forces that have been inherited for countless years. That is, you lack a magic weapon. On the contrary, we are suffering. So even if your cultivation base is high, there is no way to bombard me. "

"Let me recall."

In Ye Xiaohu's mind, a piece of similar magic weapon body suit was played back, and then stared at Sun Qingge said: "If I am not wrong, your dress should be the Nii Tianyi treasure clothes."

"Huh, do you actually know this treasure?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Sun Qingge couldn't help but stunned: "Since you know this treasure, then you should know its terrible, so at this time you don't have to fight, and when to wait?"

"It's just a protective treasure, what's the big deal?"

Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders and walked towards Sun Qingge step by step: "Not to mention that your treasure garment is not a real Tianyi treasure garment, it is just an imitation."

"What about imitations?"

Sun Qingge proudly said: "As long as there is this treasure, my Sun Qingge is invincible in the world."


"Not always."

Seeing Sun Qingge swearing, Ye Xiaohu shook his head and stepped forward.

As he approached a little, Sun Qingge did not resist at all, but instead let Ye Xiaohu approach with an arrogant look.

"Don't say that you are a fake Nii Tianyi Baoyi, even if it is a real Nii Tianyi Baoyi, I Ye Xiaohu can defeat you."

Ye Xiaohu burst into a scream, secretly forged a special boxing technique, and punched Sun Qingge quickly and accurately.


Sun Qingge took a few steps backwards, his face slightly pale: "I have nothing to do, what can you do to me."

"I'm going to take a look. You can bear my punches."

Ye Xiaohu sneered, your defense is enhanced, but your physical strength will not increase.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu knocked on the door and used the fist of the vibration faction, hitting Sun Qingge at the same time, and also shaking the treasure through the fairy force, affecting Sun Qingge's body.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

If we say the first punch, Sun Qingge does not have much pain.

But the second punch, the third punch, the fourth punch ... after that, Sun Qingge's body finally could not bear it.


Sun Qingge spurted out a bit of blood, and then said with a stern face: "How could this be possible, how could your strength be so powerful, that I could shock my body through the Nii Tianyi Baoyi."

"I told you a long time ago that you are an imitation and it is nothing."

Ye Xiaohu burst into a bang, and gathered a fist.

"Don't ..."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu ready to bombard again, Sun Qingge suddenly looked stunned.

He knew that his body could not bear it, so he turned around and ran ~ ~ wanted to pull away a distance to avoid being hit by Ye Xiaohu.

Unfortunately, Ye Xiaohu is not an ordinary person.

So when Sun Qingge turned and fled, Ye Xiaohu had already punched him out.

Ye Xiaohu's iron fist, containing immense fairy power, is like a poisonous dragon drill, madly rushing to Sun Qingge.


Without any mistakes, Ye Xiaohu's iron fist hit Sun Qingge's back.


Sun Qingge spouted a sip of blood, and then the whole body flew up and hit the pillar next to it.

After falling to the ground, he rolled his eyes on the spot and completely died.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that the masters from the Kunlun world can't help but fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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