Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 851: : You sing me to debut

After the Forbidden Nine Swords are unified, they are really huge.

So that Ye Xiaohu had no room for hiding, and was directly hit by Sun Shengchen.


Ye Xiaohu was banned from the Demon Nine Swords and slammed into the ground without any movement for a long time.

"do you died?"

"It's okay to die, otherwise this Ye Xiaohu is too evil."

"If not watching him grow up step by step, I would even suspect that he is not a human being, but an ancient giant demon turned into a human being, mingling in our world."

"I feel the same way, so even if he died in front of me, I would not have any regrets because he is a rule-breaker."

Ye Xiaohu did not know his life or death. The people standing next to Wang Fangfang looked at Ye Xiaohu's missing location one by one with emotion.

At this moment, they have forgotten what Ye Xiaohu saved them in the past.

For them, Ye Xiaohu is a person who breaks the rules.

Because of Ye Xiaohu's power, they have no resistance and can only obey obediently.

In the past period of time, the Jianghu School, including the Laojun Palace and the Protoss Fu Family, could only sigh when facing Ye Xiaohu.

But Ye Xiaohu, who was pressing on them now, was finally carried away, and they could take a breath.

"Are you still human?"

But some people stood beside Ye Xiaohu and said, "Don't forget, Ye Xiaohu used to save you in the past, otherwise you will all be killed by the master of the Yin Yang Gate."

Hearing this person's words, these masters of the Jianghu School sent their heads down one by one, and I didn't know how to refute them.

Because they know that this is the truth.


Seeing the changes of these people, Sun Shengchen floating in the air was very dissatisfied.

"A small miscellaneous fish, also want to contaminate me this pot of soup?"

Sun Shengchen, aware of this, directly returned his sword.


Jian Qi will kill the people who Ye Yehu refuted on the spot, and then Sun Shengchen turns and floats back, facing Wang Fangfang: "Well, now Ye Xiaohu is dead, and no one can stop us together."

"Woo ..."

However, hearing the words of Sun Shengchen, Wang Fangfang actually shed tears.

"Are you excited?"

"Are you happy?"

Seeing Wang Fangfang's expression, Sun Shengchen felt good about himself, thinking that Wang Fangfang felt happy for himself.

So Sun Shengchen held out his hand in joy, trying to pull Wang Fangfang.

"Master Sun, be careful!"

However, the masters of the Jianghu School who stood beside Wang Fangfang looked at Sun Shengchen behind him at this moment and quickly reminded: "That Ye Xiaohu does not seem to be dead."

"How can it be?"

Hearing a reminder, Sun Shengchen sensed behind his back.

Sure enough, he felt a breath of life, so he quickly turned to look behind him, and immediately saw a familiar figure.

"Hello, seeing me appearing unintentional and unhappy?"

I saw Ye Xiaohu floating while taking care of his clothes.

Soon after all the dust on his body was cleaned, Ye Xiaohu grinned to reveal the white teeth inside, with a beating expression on his face: "Is it a little surprised to feel that I am alive?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Sun Shengchen said in some dream language: "My Nine Swords of Forbidden Demon have never survived since the Nine Swords were cast, unless ..."

Sun Shengchen suddenly thought of something, so he fixed his eyes on Ye Xiaohu Road: "You are not a Taoist level cultivator, but like me, you are also a cultivating master in infantry?"

"Aren't you stupid!"

Hearing Sun Shengchen's words, Ye Xiaohu pouted: "However, you don't feel it, are you a little late?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the Jianghumen masters on the ground were unable to vomit one by one.

They originally thought that Sun Shengchen had basically won the ticket.

Because he has huge cultivation practices, backed by the Kunlun Kingdom Medicine King Valley, and countless magic weapons and immortals.

But for now, Ye Xiaohu is no worse than him, and it seems stronger.

Just when they regretted that they should not have turned to Sun Shengchen completely just now.

Ye Xiaohu has flashed and appeared beside them.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Taking advantage of their unresponsive opportunity, Ye Xiaohu passed a few punches directly and opened the person who watched Wang Fangfang.

Then unlock Wang Fangfang's seal, and put her safely on the other side: "You and rest here for a while, after I solve Sun Shengchen, arrange someone to send you home."

After the words fell, Ye Xiaohu directly painted a blockade with Wang Fangfang to protect Wang Fangfang from threats.

After confirming that there was no problem, Ye Xiaohu returned to the void and faced Sun Shengchen directly: "Come on, now we can do our best."

"This unscientific."

Watching Ye Xiaohu approaching step by step, Sun Shengchen murmured in a low voice: "How can you, a mortal, improve cultivation so fast in such a world of thin aura?"


Sun Shengchen suddenly thought of it, and then a flash of hot light flashed in his eyes, saying: "Unless you find Xianrendongfu ~ ~ taking elixir."

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Ye Xiaohu said with a cold voice: "A person who is about to die, even if you let them know this?"

Ye Xiaohu summoned, and the big sword returned to his hand.

Immediately after carrying the big sword, Ye Xiaohu came directly to Sun Shengchen's side, and a sword shone to Kyushu, slashing towards Sun Shengchen on the spot.

Sun Shengchen noticed Ye Xiaohu's sword move, and Sun Shengchen turned around and ran on the runway: "Ye Xiaohu, don't be rampant. When I return to the Kunlun world, I will report this to my father, and he will come to catch you in person.

"Can you run?"

Ye Xiaohu did not chase anxiously, but instead stared at the masters of the rivers and lakes.

Then turned around and returned to Wang Fangfang, and said to Wang Fangfang: "I will send you away in a moment, please go back and tell my family, so that they don't have to worry about me, I will come back soon."

After the words fell, Ye Xiaohu directly pressed a rune on Wang Fangfang, and then sent Wang Fangfang out of Kunlun Mountain with one palm.

After solving Wang Fangfang, Ye Xiaohu returned his hand again.

In the palm of his hand, all the masters of the Jianghu martial arts present were slapped to the ground by Ye Xiaohu, and all their cultivation practices were abolished, making them an ordinary person.

"Although you are wrong first, it is not easy for you to practice, so you will be left with a life. When I come over, if you still hear that you are doing something wrong, then you will not be spared."

Ye Xiaohu threatened the masters of the Jianghu school, so that they did not dare to trouble their family members at will, turned around and followed Sun Shengchen's back to Kunlun.

G_cup actress idol first shot A_V won the championship to watch online !!: meinvlu123 !!

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