"If I am not mistaken, this monster should be a blue golden lion."

"Blue Golden Lion, I know, it's on our team out hunting list."

"The body of this golden lion is full of babies. Look at its fur, it can be made into a defensive armor. And their nails and teeth can be made into a magic weapon. As for their eyes, It can also be made into a spiritual magic weapon. Even their flesh and blood can be sold within ten cities and become high-priced products. "

"Then we made a lot of money, but I know that this kind of blue golden lion is very difficult to capture. And when they encounter them, they often release a terrible spiritual power, which will cause harm to people."

The members of the hunting squad were talking while cleaning up the golden lion.

At this moment, a relatively quiet member of the hunting team suddenly thought of something, so he said to the captain of the team: "Captain, there is something wrong with the situation."

"what happened?"

The captain of the hunting squad, the only one who didn't do it, when he heard the words of his team members, he jumped up from the spot immediately and said, "What happened?"

"Captain, you also know that I always like to watch things, remember the content above?"

"What's this?"

"So I remember things and information on the hunting list very clearly."

The quiet hunting team member smiled bitterly: "If I remember correctly, then the golden lion should not be a monster acting alone. When it appears, it is basically a male and a female."


Hearing the quiet players, everyone stood up and tightened their nerves to observe the surrounding environment.

As a result, they observed a circle, and did not find the second blue golden lion, and then dissatisfied to the Wenjing team members said: "Xiao Qi, you must have read a lot of books, so there are some doubts and ghosts, how can there be a second in this neighborhood Only the golden lion? "

"There must be."

Wen Jing ’s Xiaoqi insisted on her own judgment and explained to everyone: "According to the records on the hunting list, the blue golden lion travels together. Among them, the lioness rests on the site and nurtures the offspring to protect the site. The male lion Responsible for going out, hunting and fighting. If I did n’t make a mistake, what we hunted just now should be a lioness who is not good at fighting. "


The captain of the hunting squad, after listening to Wen Jing Xiaoqi, immediately told the squad members: "Quick, no matter what Xiao Qi said is right or wrong, you should immediately check the body of the golden lion and determine its gender."


The people quickly acted, and as soon as they were identified, they quickly determined the gender of the blue golden lion.

The lioness is no doubt.

After getting this answer, the captain of the hunting team hurriedly said: "Don't be stunned, hurry up and take the thing that was just hunted down, let's leave this place immediately."

The crowd hurriedly took action, put away the things in the blue golden lion, then turned around and left.

But they had just gone out in less than ten steps, and they could feel the wind.

A member of the squad next to the tail of a crane did not understand what was going on, but was thrown down by a blue golden lion.


The golden lion was polite, pierced the chest of the team member with a paw, and then lifted the sky to let out the anger in his heart.

"Damn, there really is a blue golden lion."

Seeing the appearance of the second blue golden lion, the captain of the hunting team quickly commanded: "Don't panic, immediately form a response. Just now we can kill the lioness as soon as we kill it."

Hearing the captain's cry, everyone calmed down a little and came to the captain one by one, forming a weird formation.


The golden lion male lion roared and rushed towards the hunting squad.


While running, the front paws of the blue golden lion are constantly growing, and one paw is taken down, directly covering the hunting team inside.


"Break it with a spell."

The captain of the hunting squad was in danger. Obviously he should have experienced a similar crisis before, so he immediately ordered the players to fight back effectively.

The members of the hunting team, one by one, carried out spell attacks according to the command of the captain.

Under their union, the giant claws of the blue golden lion were really blocked, which gave everyone a glimmer of hope.

Just when they thought they could win this time and prepare to fight back.

Xiao Qi, who had been very quiet, suddenly thought of something, so she quickly reminded: "Everyone be careful, the blue golden lion has a killer tool, and the hair on its body can turn into flames and rain.

"Why didn't you say it early?"

Hearing Xiaoqi, the captain of the hunting team complained to her.

But before he finished complaining, he saw the golden lion on the opposite side, showing a cruel smile.

Immediately afterwards, the blue golden lion giant claw hair, which was originally blocked by them in the air, melted a little and fell from the void.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Falling on the ground, whether you are dry grass or green grass ... all ignite in an instant.


"My hair, my hair burned out ..."

"No, my armor is on fire."

"Damn, how can this flame not be extinguished?"

At the beginning, the people were still resisting the giant claws, but when the flame fell on them, they were forced one by one, and they began to frantically withdraw their mana and clean up the flames on themselves.

Seeing this scene, the captain of the hunting team asked Xiao Qi: "Xiao Qi, how many books have you read, do you know how to extinguish these flames?"


Xiao Qi just wanted to answer, and saw a golden glow in the corner of the eyes of the blue golden lion.

Obviously, the blue golden lion was worried that Xiao Qi knew his weaknesses, so with the wisdom of the blue golden lion, he directly increased his attack power, and another Qingtian giant claw, again captured the magic of resistance.


The spell that everyone resisted was already weakened, and it was attacked by another giant claw of the blue golden lion. The remaining resistance was shot on the spot.

At the same time, the blue golden lion walked proudly forward, one paw each, and shot the members of the hunting team dead.

The captain of the hunting team who saw this scene ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ couldn't help but roar with rage: "Xiaoqi, you run quickly, I'll stop him."

I saw the captain of the hunting team, rushed forward fearlessly.

Seeing the charge of the captain of the hunting team, the blue golden lion sneered, and then roared.

Hearing his roar, the captain of the hunting team immediately stopped in midair.

Seeing this scene, the golden lion was very satisfied, so he walked slowly and opened his mouth, ready to eat the hunting team captain.

But just when it was about to bite the target, it was found that the body of the captain of the hunting team flew backwards a little bit, and gradually got out of its talented magical control area.

Then a very strange person appeared in the sight of the blue golden lion and the hunting team members.

I saw the man who appeared suddenly, with a distinctive emphasis, said to the captain of the hunting team: "Dude, as long as you promise to do me a favor, then I can help you solve the stupid lion."

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