Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 861: : 2 Lengzi's happy life

In addition to the ten largest cities and the dark abyss, Kunlun Realm also has a magic forest.

This place was originally called the fairy bird forest, but it was the place where the gods of Kunlun Realm were created to admire the fairy beasts.

It was only that the Kunlun Realm was captured, so the disciples and Daotong who created the Kunlun Realm could only retreat step by step. Finally, after retreating to the fairy bird forest, they established a firm foothold and created the Magic Road City. The process of struggle in the top ten cities.

At this moment in the magic city, a magnificent room.

"Holy Son, Son, you have come."

"Holy Son, you need to get up early to practice."

"Holy Son, if you don't come out again, then we are going to go in!"

"Holy Son, have you heard our call?"

Several women outside the room made a tempting voice, persuading the people in the room.

As a result, no one reacted in the room.

In such a situation, several women outside the room could not help but glance at each other, then pushed open the door of the room directly, and took a deep breath and walked in.

"Go out."

No matter what they thought they came in, they heard a man's roar: "I said, no one was allowed to come in without my permission."

"But Son, if you can't get out of bed, Lord Devil will be very unhappy."

Hearing the words of the Son, the woman who walked in outside could not help but smile bitterly: "If Lord Devil is not happy, then we will all suffer."

"Devil, devil, you only have devil in your eyes, don't care about my feelings as a holy son."

The man in the room wanted to resist.

But he knew that he could not resist.

Because this place is the realm of demons, and he is nothing more than the embryo of a devil, he will be taken away by the devil someday.

Under such circumstances, the man couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Well, first accompany me to fight for 300 rounds, then wait for Lao Tzu to get up."


Several women glanced at each other, and then faded their clothes.

When the white jade was flawless and there was no trace of them, they shyly opened the sheets one by one and fell into the arms of the man on the bed.

If Ye Xiaohu sees this scene, he will be very surprised.

Because in the bed sheet, the angry son just now was actually in Ye Xiaohu's memory, the always frank and rarely angry stunned son.

It's just the Erzunzi, which is obviously different from the past.

When the first woman came to him, he immediately pressed the woman under him like a beast.

A great battle lasted a whole hour.

After an hour, Erzeng struck a breath, and then got up from the bed, and with the female woman's help, he laid out his clothes and walked out of the room to the place where he practiced.

"Look at your system?"

This matter is already noon, so when seeing Erzengzi breathing out, the man standing outside the door could not help but growl: "If you delay cultivation, how can you afford it?"

"What to call?"

Hearing the other party's roar, Erzunzi dissatisfied said: "There is the ability, you come to be this son, don't let me be a son!"


The man outside the door wants to teach Er Lengzi a meal.

But he also knows that Erzongzi said it well. He ca n’t replace him, and he ca n’t be a holy son, so he can only sigh helplessly. Happily complete the inheritance? "

"Don't talk nonsense, I know what I should do."

At this moment Erzunzi had already wanted to open it. Since there is no way to change it, he can only enjoy himself and enjoy the last time.

Anyway, in the end, why is it all dead, so why not play in time before death?

It's just that Erzunzi misses his hometown, his parents, Ye Xiaohu, Yejia Farm, and Ye Xiaohu's parents, but ... maybe he can't go back and he won't see them anymore.

Then, with tears in his eyes, Er Leng Zi seriously cultivated the magical deeds for the first time.


"Are you coming soon?"

"It should not be wrong. Our previous positioning was not far away in front."

"Just now there was a huge mushroom cloud, I believe there must be some strange treasure born."

"It's not necessarily, maybe it's a great power to retreat and practice in this place, so I got a huge aura mushroom cloud."

A team of ten people is walking forward step by step.

Every one of these ten people has practiced. Among them, the person with the highest level of cultivation has already reached the half-track level, and the weakest person also has the peak of the master.

If such a team is placed on the earth, then it is definitely a lineup that sweeps across the Eight Wastelands.

But their current behavior, they must be cautious every step of the way, and dare not make any rash actions, because in the wild, there are many monsters and haunts, and even encounter demons.

"Be careful, there is a monster of the early Dao species in front of you."

The leader of the squad, the one who was the highest, made a mute gesture, then pointed to the front, and muttered softly: "Old rules, I went up to lure, you are ready to kill. Once the monster comes, Immediately release the killing trick and kill the monster. "

Everyone nodded, and then dispersed ~ ~ to make a fighting stance.

Seeing that his team members are ready.

The captain of the squad, from his pocket, took out an armor set on his body to ensure that he would not be killed, and then jumped out with a weapon and cut a sword on the monster in front.


The hair of the monster immediately stood up, and looked at the human being who provoked himself, then roared and rushed directly.

Wang Chengxiang's captain did not get entangled with it.

Almost as it counterattacked, the captain of the team immediately turned around and ran back.

The captain of the squad ran and hit back against Ge, hitting the monster behind him.


As a result, the monsters collided fiercely, knocking the captain of the team on the spot.

But in this way, he also opened a space with the monster, and saw the team leader shouted loudly: "Don't be stunned, you can attack."

Swish swish.

The other members of the squad took up their weapons and released their spells.

And they obviously have great combat experience, so when wielding magic weapons, they all cooperate with each other.

Therefore, the spells and magic weapons they released quickly suppressed the monster.

At this time, the captain of the squad that had left before, carrying a machete, ran back again, and jumped into the air, slashing on the monster's head, cut the monster on the spot, and then fell to the ground, violent Gasping: "Quickly deal with the aftermath, take away the valuables on the monster, and then we leave this place to avoid being discovered by other monsters."

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