Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 865: : Crisis of the Nangong Family

? "Why have I never seen him in the town?"

Man Zhenshan stopped Ye Xiaohu, and walked around Ye Xiaohu, carefully observed one side, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Where is your identity token, take it out and show me, I want to identify Tell me about your identity to prevent it from being mixed into the town by masters of the magic road. "


Ye Xiaohu just wanted to defend himself, and he saw Nangong Xingrui come out and said, "Are you really my Nangong Xingrui sword?"

As Nangong Xingrui shouted, the survivors of the hunting squad took out their weapons one after another, and the front of the mountain was full of real mountains.

"Senior Ye Xiaohu was brought by my Nangong Xingrui. You actually have to check his identity. Is this challenging me?"

Nangong Xingrui's face is like frost, and his face is murderous and said: "If you want to fight against me with Nangong Xingrui, then I will complete you."

"Have it?"

Man Zhenshan shook his head indifferently: "I'm just devoted to my duties. It's an extraordinary period now. Not only are there masters of magic, but also many abandoned wandering schools, they are also trying to find ways to mix in the big cities. The comeback is on, so I have to be more cautious about Manjinshan, so I can defend Weinangong Town. "

"With the ability, if you drive my Nangong family out of Nangong Town, then you are considered to be powerful."

Nangong Xingrui looked at Manzhen Mountain with disdain: "If you don't have that ability, it's best to thank Lao Tzu for letting go, don't stop Senior Ye Xiaohu from entering the city."

"Forgive yourself."

Man Zhenshan said: "If he can't prove his identity, then I must deal with Nangong Town's regulations. If Nangong Xingrui is not satisfied with you, then you can go and discuss it with Nampai City, I believe Nan The seniors of Paicheng will be very interested in your arrival. "

Seeing Manzhen Mountain is about to push, Ye Xiaohu is ready to shoot, and he taught him a hard meal.

But after seeing Ye Xiaohu's movements, Nangong Xingrui on the side quickly leaped and walked out from the side, stopping in front of Ye Xiaohu: "Senior Ye Xiaohu is the new guest secretary I found in Nangong's house. His new Identity, when I return to the family, I will arrange someone to come and handle it, and I wo n’t show you now. "

"New guest secretary?"

If a family wants to grow, then it needs to constantly cultivate its own power.

It was through this means that the original Manchu family finally had the opportunity to turn over today and oust the Nangong family.

If Manzhen Mountain prevents the Nangong family from soliciting new guests, then it is equivalent to cutting off the hope of the Nangong family. If it spreads out, I am afraid that several families in the Nangong town will be upset.

If they unite and fight against Manchu together, then Manchu will indeed be more dangerous.

After weighing it again and again, Man Zhenshan finally made a decision: "He can enter the city, but he must have the guarantee of your Nangong Xingrui. If he causes any trouble in the city, there will always be your Nangong family aftermath."

"Relax, I understand this."

Nangong Xingrui snorted, and then ignored Manchu Mountain, and took Ye Xiaohu and his party directly into Nangong Town.

After Ye Xiaohu and his party left, a genius boy with a family walked over to Man Zhenshan and said, "Uncle, just let them go?"

"If you don't let them go, should you keep them for dinner?"

Man Zhenshan grinned bitterly, then said to his genius nephew: "Do n’t stop guarding the gate with me here, hurry up and go back to the mayor ’s office and say to the owner , And brought an unfamiliar, Xiu Qing as an unknown guest secretary. "


Manchu genius disciples immediately turned around and left the gate after being commanded by Man Zhenshan.


There was no outsider, so Ye Xiaohu asked Nangong Xingrui: "Thanks to your help, otherwise I will need a lot of trouble to enter the city."

"This is nothing."

Nangong Xingrui smiled bitterly: "Senior you rescued us from the attack of the blue golden lion, so we guarantee you to enter the city, it's no big deal."

"One yard owned by a yard."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and continued to ask: "Well, who is that Manzhen Mountain, and what does he mean to change the Lord?"

"Manzhen Mountain is the opponent of my life."

Nangong Xingrui smiled bitterly, and then explained to Ye Xiaohu: "We Nangong Town used to be called Jianjian Town and belonged to a force called Jianjianmen. But the master of that force was killed and injured when a monster was invading the city.

So in this case, our Nangong family united with the Manchu family to seize the sword town, and pressed the Manchu family to become the master of the sword town, and renamed it Nangong town.

But since then, the Manchu family has always been holding out evil intentions, always wanting to overthrow the rule of our Nangong family, and constantly recruiting troops in secret. I didn't expect that after so many years of hard work, they really made their house full. "

"It turns out that ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu nodded, saying that he understood, and at the same time he said to Ningong Xingrui:" Since they have captured Nangong Town with the whole family, why didn't they change the name of the town and drive your Nangong family away? Go out? "

"Our Nangong Town is not comparable to the top ten cities, and its defense is very weak. If our Nangong family is expelled from the country, then we lack the masters of our Nangong family, the Manchu and their allies, and we are not confident to protect Nangong city."

Nangong Xingrui obviously knew the market very well, so he introduced to Ye Xiaohu in detail: "So although they overthrew our Nangong family, they did not dare to kill them, otherwise our Nangong family really left, surrendered to other towns, so wait for the demon When the beasts strike, they will be buried in Nangong Town when they are full. "

"Demon Beast?"

Ye Xiaohu puzzled: "Why are you so afraid of monsters, do they often attack the city?"


Nangong Xingrui recognized: "The monsters will not easily attack the top ten cities, because the top ten cities are difficult to capture. But they are basically separated by three, and they will invade our small towns built around the top ten cities."

"No wonder, you are so careful."

Hearing Nangong Xingrui's explanation, Ye Xiaohu gradually got a general understanding of Nangong Town.

Just like this group of people, while communicating, came to the site of the Nangong family.

"Young Master, you are back."

Nangong Xingrui came back, the Nangong family guards smiled happily, so they quickly turned around and ran away, and shouted at the same time: "The young master is back, the young master is safe and unharmed."

(End of this chapter)

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