Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 871: : Sleep and sleep

"Grandpa Bai."

"Uncle Bai."

Seeing the arrival of the old man named Bai, the father and son of Nangong Tianlong hurriedly presented a big gift.

This shows the lofty status of the old man named Bai in the Nangong family.

"No outsiders are present, and neither of you needs to be so polite."

The old man named Bai waved his hand, helped the couple of Nangong Tianlong and raised them, and then said to them: "Boss, your decision to break up just now was too reckless. If you break up, wouldn't you give the family a chance to let Do they break down one by one? "

"Uncle Bai, there are some things that have come to be changed."

Nangong Tianlong sighed and explained slowly to the old man named Bai: "Now our Nangong family has reached a dead end. If we do not make changes, then the whole army is likely to be destroyed in the future. Rather than doing so, it is better to take the initiative to change , Sow some seeds first and let the incense of the Nangong family pass on. "

"I understand."

Hearing the words of Nangong Tianlong, the old man with the surname Bai said brightly: "You want to take advantage of the full house and have not integrated the forces, and unintentionally deal with my Nangong house, first drive the second child out and let them live in another place, So as to keep the flame of the Nangong family? "


Nangong Tianlong nodded and said: "Although the second son is more self-willed, his nature is not bad. I believe he can find a place where he can pass on the flames of the Nangong family."

"Is the situation already so crisis?"

Hearing Nangong Tianlong ’s words, the old man with the surname Bai could n’t help but frown, “Did the old **** of the Manchu family just break through into the realm of infants? If it does n’t work, I ’ll find a chance to sneak into the Manchu base camp and take the old bastard. Just kill it. "

"Uncle Bai, if it is really that simple, do you think I will lose to Manzhenshan?"

Nangong Tianlong sighed, and then pointed to the distance with his finger.

Seeing this scene, Uncle Bai couldn't help but say: "Boss, do you mean that the Manchu family has been recognized by Nanpai City?"

"I'm not sure, but in the recent period, the masters of the Manchu family have increased a lot. And the owner of the Manchu family has made a breakthrough almost every year, thus reaching the point of being comparable to me."

Nangong Tianlong smiled bitterly: "Such a huge change, it is absolutely impossible for them to cultivate and subdue step by step, so the only answer can only be that the Manchu family has the secret support of the Nanpai City."

"If this is the case, then the situation becomes worse."

Nangong Xingrui, who listened carefully to the side, finally understood the seriousness of the matter after listening to his father's introduction, so he quickly asked: "Shall we also go to Nanpai City?"

"no need."

Nangong Tianlong decadently sat on the chair and said: "When I noticed the wrong, I have already sent someone."

"How is the result?"



"Otherwise, how could I be so desperate."


In the meeting room, the next moment was silent, leaving only the breath of the three of them.

a long time.

Nangong Tianlong was awakened from a state of dumbness, and then said to Ningong Xingrui and the old man named Bai: "So now we can only give in and try to let them see our sincerity. I hope they can read it in our Nangong Home, in the past, without killing the Manchus, we were not forcing our Nangongs. "

"Only so."

Nangong Xingrui and the old man named Bai looked at each other and smiled bitterly only to accept the fact.

At the same time, Nangong Tianlong said to Ningong Xingrui: "Yes, who is the predecessor you brought back, Xingrui, why would he be with you?"

"When I was hunting, I met the blue lion, and I just met Senior Ye who just got out of the border to help, and I was able to return safely."

Nangong Xingrui briefly introduced the situation and then concluded: "So I promised Senior Ye to help him get an identity token."

"Since there is life-saving grace, Xingrui, you should do this quickly."

Nangong Tianlong simply instructed Nangong Xingrui. Nangong Xingrui nodded immediately and turned around to handle Ye Xiaohu's identity.

After he left, Nangong Tianlong said to the old man named Bai: "Uncle Bai, after all, Xingrui encounters relatively few things, so in your opinion, what is the identity of Mr. Ye and why is he close to Xingrui?"

"Although I wait for the immortal to be immortal for a long time, but it does not mean that I will lose my identity, so there must be some problems with this person's identity."

The old man with white surname frowned for a moment and said, "But I think he has good intentions, and he should not be a person in the Devil's Dao, but more like a person in the Dixian stream. Although he doesn't know why he is close to Xingrui, as long as things are not exposed, Then there should be no major problems. "

Nangong Tianlong breathed a sigh of relief and then said with satisfaction: "I have peace of mind with Uncle Bai."

"Relax, if there is any accident, I believe I can contain him."

Uncle Bai patted his chest and assured Nangong Tianlong.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Tianlong was a little relieved, because Bai Shunai was the first master of Nangong family. He assured himself that he must be sure to deal with it.

So Nangong Tianlong discussed with the old man named Bai the follow-up protection of the Nangong family, and then turned around and left the discussion hall to deal with the aftermath of the separation.


The other side of Nangong Town.

In the residence of the Manchu family, the owner of the Manchu family had just dealt with the sincere person, and he heard the report of his subordinates, and was shocked to pick it up from the chair and said, "What do you say, the Nangong family is separated?"

"Homeowner, this news is true."

The confidant who came to report the news ~ ~ said with a serious face: "The subordinates have repeatedly confirmed two or three times, and basically can confirm that the elder Nangong Emperor of the Nangong family was injured and expelled from the family, He has left Nangong Township. "

"How did that happen?"

Man Zhenshan was ashamed, because the matter had exceeded his estimate, only to see him whisper: "To separate, to leave ... Should the injured Nangong Tianlong go?"

"Father, it is not the time to discuss who should leave the Nangong family."

Man Zhenshan's son, Man Yun grabbed a murderous face and said: "Please ask my father to allocate some manpower for me to kill Nangong Emperor and his party."

"Not urgent."

Hearing Man Yunduo ’s words, Man Zhenshan shook his head and rejected his proposal: “Since the Nangong Emperor Dragon has lost, then it ’s a group of bereavement dogs that ca n’t lift the storm, so let ’s go with him. Now our primary goal It is to investigate how Nangong Tianlong won in the end, otherwise I would have trouble sleeping and eating. "

(End of this chapter)

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