Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 880: : A man named Ye Xiaohu

"Young Master, look at the person who set up the stall, it seems to be a master of Dao class."

"My God, I didn't come to Nanpai City. I don't know how many masters there are!"

"Look at that place, almost all the medicinal herbs are extremely precious, and I have never been willing to buy them in the past."

"There is also that magic weapon. If I can buy it, the combat effectiveness can definitely be increased several times. Unfortunately, the price of this magic weapon is too high, it is not something I can buy at all."

After entering Nanpai City, Xiaoqi and others who came to Nanpai City with Nangong Xingrui and Ye Xiaohu, looked at the surrounding objects, and the people walking by, constantly exclaimed.

Obviously they were also the first to Nanpai City, so they were very surprised by everything in Nanpai City.

However, Nangong Xingrui had been to Nanpai City several times in the past, so I was not so surprised at what was in Nanpai City.

"Enough is enough, Nanpai City is one of the ten cities in the Kunlun world. Of course it is different from our Nangong Township. But we go out, after all, it represents the identity and status of Nangong Township. Affect the status and identity of Nangong Town. "

After scolding Xiaoqi and others, Nangong Xingrui turned and looked at Ye Xiaohu Road: "Senior Ye, are you the main city of Nanpai City with us, or go to the inn first?"

"I'll go to the inn first."

Ye Xiaohu was not interested in meeting with the city owner, but Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to ask Nangong Xingrui: "By the way, do you know where there is an organization to inquire about the news? I want to find someone through this organization."

"Find someone?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu not going with himself, Nangong Xingrui was slightly disappointed.

However, he also knew that Ye Xiaohu would not always follow his own, so Nangong Xingrui quickly adjusted his identity and status, so he faced Ye Xiaohu: "Senior Ye, if you want to buy news, then you can Explore the news through the Temple of Prophet within the Southern School. "

"Temple of the Prophet?"

Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, because the Prophet's Hall was above the heavenly court, a force forged by a little fairy.

But he didn't want to marry the sect built by this little fairy after many great forces disappeared.

However, after being slightly surprised, Ye Xiaohu calmed his mind and said: "Since that is the case, then I will go to the Prophet's Hall and we will be in the inn at night."


Nangong Xingrui agreed with Ye Xiaohu's proposal, so he took the initiative to part ways with Ye Xiaohu.

After seeing Ye Xiaohu heading to the Prophet's Hall, Nangong Xingrui took Xiao Qi and others to the main palace step by step.

On the way to the main palace, Xiao Qi asked Nangong Xingrui curiously: "Young Master, if there is Senior Ye, we will become more powerful in the process of negotiating with the main master."

"It doesn't make sense, because Senior Ye will not stay in our Nangong's house forever. So even if we have heard Senior Ye and won the appreciation of Nanpai City, how can we manage ourselves after Senior Ye leaves in the future?"

After briefly introducing the situation, Xiao Qi and others nodded their heads and acquiesced in Nangong Xingrui's analysis.

Under such circumstances, they quickly came to the city's main palace, and after submitting the application through the identity token, Nangong Xingrui and others were summoned by the city's lord.

Inside an open, gorgeous hall.

After Nangong Xingrui and others walked in, they faced a rather majestic man in front of him: "Younger Nangong Xingrui, meet the great Nanpai City Lord."


Which Chengcheng wanted to face the majestic man, after hearing Nangong Xingrui's words, he immediately sneered with dissatisfaction: "The old man is just the steward of the city's master, how dare you call it that way?"


Hearing the explanation of the majestic man, Nangong Xingrui and others directly knelt on their knees, suddenly sweating coldly on their foreheads, obviously they were all forced.

At this time, a man came out of the back room and said very casually: "Lao Lei, you are scaring these little children again."

"City Lord, it's not my old thunder who scared them, but some problems with their eyesight."

The majestic old Lei snorted, and then walked over and stood beside the Lord of the City and said, "Master of the City, they come from Nangong Town, you see how we deal with it."

"Did Nangong Town come?"

Wu Dejun, the owner of Nanpai City, recalled: "I thought that when I was studying art with a teacher, I had a good relationship with someone in Nangong Town, but unfortunately he died in the trial later."

"Forget it, don't mention this sad past."

I saw Wu Dejun's voice change, and then stared at Nangong Xingrui: "You represent Nangong Town this time, so come and see the old man. What is it?"

"Master Qiqicheng, we came to Nanpai City this time only to comply with the wishes of my father and hope to visit Wu's family and become a part of Wu's family.

I saw Nangong Xingrui made up the organized content, and reported in detail: "In order to express sincerity, our Nangong family is willing to hand over 50% of the taxes in Nangong Town to the master of the city."


Hearing Nangong Xingrui's words, Wu Dejun could not help thinking for a moment: "I know, I can accept the loyalty of your Nangong family."

"Thank you, Lord Lord, for your appreciation."

Hearing Wu Dejun's words, Nangong Xingrui said with a happy face: "But there is currently one thing that prevents our Nangong family from playing for the master of the city."

"Are you talking about the Zhang family?"

I saw a gleam of wisdom in Wu Dejun's eyes ~ ~ Then stared at Nangong Xingrui: "You can rest assured, I will tell the Zhang family later that they will not embarrass you Yes, but you Nangong family, also have to do the same, begging them for forgiveness. "

"Yes, the juniors will definitely do superficial work."

Nangong Xingrui was very satisfied with Wu Dejun's assurance, so he agreed to Wu Dejun's request on the spot and left, returning to the inn to wait for Ye Xiaohu to return.


On the other side of Nanpai City, Zhang's mansion.

After the masters of the Zhang family, after day and night, they finally returned to Nanpai City after Ye Xiaohu and others arrived in Nanpai City. .

I saw that they quickly rushed to the Zhangjia family's meeting hall, and introduced the information they found to them in detail: "Master Qizhen, the young master did die, and he died in the Nangong family in Nangong town. In the hands of an unknown **** named Ye Xiaohu. "

(End of this chapter)

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