Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 883: : Cold-blooded iron Buddha

"Tie Fo Tuo really turned to the Zhang family."

"This is a cruel and hard-working person. Once he shoots, he is basically ruthless."

"Why, do you think you are Tiefo Tuo, you are from Zhang family, can you be lawless here?"

"That is, this is a Nanpai city, a place where there is a king's dharma. If there is no command from Wu Chengzhu, why do you do anything wrong here?"

Some people are dissatisfied and others complain.

But in the seriousness of Tiefo Tuo, this is all provoking him.

I saw Tie Fotuo's tiger staring at him, and then said coldly to them: "If Lord Wu is not satisfied, then let him tell me that I will obey. But now Lord Wu has not come to me, you I must do as I said, otherwise there will be no amnesty. "

"You want to rebel ..."

The owner of Lanyue Inn shivered with his fingers at Tiefo Tuo and said, "I'm going to the relevant department to sue you."

"Sue me?"

Tiefo Tuo glanced at the owner of Lanyue Inn, then walked over step by step.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing the action of Tiefo Tuo, a hint of fear was born in the owner of Lanyue Inn.

But before he could respond, he saw Tie Fu Tuo sprint forward, came directly to him, and reached out to grab the head of the owner of Lanyue Inn.


Without any accident, Tiefo Tuo showed his cold blood, and the head of the owner of Lanyue Inn was crushed on the spot.

"It's a murder."

"My God, Tiefo Tuo is really too dark."

"No, I can't carry it in this place anymore."

"It's really bad luck. How can I live with someone who offended the Zhang family and offended Tiefo Tuo?"

The customers in Lanyue Inn, after seeing the means of Tiefo Tuo, have left Lanyue Inn one after another, and even the luggage was not taken away, which shows how panic they are.

After they left, Tiefo Tuo waved with his hand: "Rush in for me and pull out the Nangong family. I want to talk to the Nangong family."


The men brought by Tiefo Tuo immediately rushed directly into Lanyue Inn like a tiger and wolf after receiving his orders.

But the first person was beaten out just after he walked in.

Then Nangong Xingrui led some children of Nangong family, slowly came out of it, and said to the iron Buddha Tuo: "Are you from Zhang family?"

"Not bad."

Tiefo Tuo narrowed his eyes and glanced at Nangong Xingrui: "Are you Nangong Xingrui or Ye Xiaohu?"

"Nangong Xingrui."

Nangong Xingrui took a deep breath, he knew there were some things that could not be avoided.

From the moment Zhang Yuankui died, there were some things already **** with him and their Nangong family.

Under such circumstances, Nangong Xingrui can only have a headache: "The death of the young master of your family is indeed an accident. Our Nangong family has already met with Wu Cheng, and reached an agreement with the master. We will give your family some compensation under the guarantee of Lord Wu Cheng in exchange for peace between you and me. "

"Don't scare me with Lord Wu Cheng."

Tiefo Tuo didn't show any sympathy, only to see him step by step toward Nangong Xingrui: "In my eyes, killing people to pay for their debts and paying back money is a matter of justice. So if you killed my young master, then I will destroy your Nangong family It's just a matter of course to go up and down the door. "

"you dare."

Hearing the words of Tiefo Tuo, Nangong Xingrui's expression was fierce and said: "You dare to destroy my Nangong family's door, which is tantamount to provoking the authority of Wu Chengzhu, because our Nangong family is the owner of Wu Chengzhu."

"That's something between you, what does it have to do with me?"

Tiefo Tuo smiled coldly: "Not to mention Wu Chengzhu did not inform me that you are his vassal."

As soon as the voice was recorded, Tiefo Tuo shot like a lightning and immediately grabbed Nangong Xingrui.

"Young Master, be careful."

Seeing this scene, an **** who always stood beside Nangong Xingrui rushed out of the crowd and was standing beside Nangong Xingrui.


Almost when he was standing next to Nangong Xingrui, Tiefo Tuo's killing trick had arrived.

This loyal guard, without any response, was shot by Tiefo Tuo on the spot.

When he landed on the ground, there was no breath.

"Old Seven."

Nangong Xingrui called the name of the dead guard, and then looked at the iron Buddha Tuo sadly: "You are so fierce, are you not afraid of encountering retribution?"

"What is retribution, I never care. I only care about whether I can complete the task assigned by the owner."

Tiefo Tuo sneered, then rushed to Nangong Xingrui again.

"Everyone is in formation."

Seeing that Tiefo Tuo did not listen, he continued to shoot.

So Nangong Xingrui hurriedly greeted, and let the guards of the family unite with themselves to form an array, in order to resist Tie Tuo Tuo, waiting for the rescue of Lord Wu.

But before Tie Tuo Tuo came, it was obvious that some arrangements had been made, so the Tiger Guards of Nanpai City would not come so quickly.

"Also understand the formation, a little meaning."

Seeing the actions of Nangong Xingrui and others, Tiefo Tuo could not help but nodded slightly: "But any kind of formation, in front of absolute strength, is vulnerable."

Tiefo Tuo roared, condensing the strength of the whole body in one punch, and fiercely hit the periphery of the formation arranged by Nangong Xingrui and others.


Without any accident, the huge power of Tiefo Tuo defeated the formation of Nangong Xingrui and others.

Bang Bang Bang.

Some Nangong family guards who were repaired to the lower level were shocked out on the spot and died directly on the spot.

Nangong Xingrui and others also left a trace of blood in their mouths, and their internal organs were boiling. Apparently, they just couldn't bear the blow of Tie Tuo Tuo just now.

"You are too weak to be beaten."

Tiefo Tuo licked the blood on his fist, and then said excitedly: "It's really no challenge to kill garbage like you."

"But that's fine ~ ~ Complete the task earlier, go back to practice earlier."

Tiefo Tuo moved his wrist and walked to the nearest Nangong guard.


Without any fancy, stepped directly over, and stepped on the spot to the guard.

One after another, guards died one after another.

This scene made Nangong Xingrui's liver and gall blaze, and saw him roaring: "Zhang Yuankui was killed by me. You have the ability to kill me alone. What's the use of killing them innocent people?"

Tie Fu Tuo smiled coldly: "Relax, it will be your turn sooner or later."

Tiefo Tuo iron and blood go one step forward, and a person will die.

Seeing that Tiefo Tuo was about to kill Nangong Xingrui, Tie Fotuo felt a cold killing opportunity and locked his body, which made him dare not move.

(End of this chapter)

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