Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 886: : Invitation letter for auction

Lanyue Inn.

Because Ye Xiaohu showed superhuman first-class strength, the owner of Lanyue Inn, no matter how dissatisfied, dared not drive Ye Xiaohu and his party away.

So Ye Xiaohu and his party cleaned up the battlefield and went back to the suite they rented.

"Senior Ye, what should we do next?"

After today's events, Nangong Xingrui has understood the truth that if he finds any one of them, then it is unreliable.

Only if you are truly strong can you protect yourself.

Otherwise, like today, without Ye Xiaohu's strong assistance, it is estimated that they would have died without a burial place.

Nangong Xingrui thought carefully and added a sentence: "Otherwise, let ’s go back to Nangong Town first and discuss with my father. Let ’s move out of Nangong Town and turn to other cities to avoid Nanpai City Zhangjia . "

"Avoid, why should you avoid them?"

Ye Xiaohu originally wanted to have a sip of clear tea, but after hearing Nangong Xingrui's words, he immediately stopped his hands and said, "People like them, come and kill me one by one."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Nangong Xingrui was choked, and I didn't know how to explain it.

At this time, Xiao Qi, who had been responsible for handling post-war affairs, walked in from the outside and said: "Young Master, Senior Ye, there is a person called Youlong Auction House, who wants to invite us to participate in the auction."

"I just came to Nanpai City, and I have no plans to auction things?"

Ye Xiaohu stunned slightly: "But Xingrui, what do you want to auction?"

"Neither am I!"

Nangong Xingrui was also confused, and saw him looking at Xiao Qi: "Youlong Auction House is a big auction house. It stands to reason that they will not give us an invitation letter for the auction of a family in a rural town!"

"But the signature on the invitation letter is indeed Young Master and Senior Ye!"

Xiao Qi handed over the invitation letter, Ye Xiaohu and Nangong Xingrui glanced, and they wrote their names.

This made Ye Xiaohu a little puzzled, but did not continue to speak.

After all, there is the name of Nangong Xingrui on the invitation letter.

Under such circumstances, Nangong Xingrui took a closer look at the words on the auction invitation and said, "What else did the person who came to send the auction invitation say?"

"The person who came to send the invitation letter also said that this auction is a grand event in the Kunlun world for thousands of years."

Xiao Qi recalled it carefully, and then said seriously: "And also said that there are various medicinal materials and magic weapons in the auction, which can help the cultivator to break through, or enhance the combat effectiveness. But what is specific, I did not remember for a time , But he said that there are records on the invitation letter. If you are interested, you can take a look at it yourself. "

"I get it, go ahead and get busy!"

Nangong Xingrui waved his hand, let Xiaoqi go down and busy, and then looked at the content of the auction invitation letter alone.

I saw Nangong Xingrui watching, and nagging for Ye Xiaohu: "A pair of mandarin duck rings, one millennium ginseng, one blue **** jade, one **** of grass, and ..."

Nangong Xingrui wanted to continue reading, but it was at this time that Ye Xiaohu jumped up suddenly and interrupted Nangong Xingrui's words: "What did you just say?"

"A pair of mandarin duck rings?"


"That's a millennium ginseng?"


"Lan Shenyu, Huashen Grass, Gypsophila ..."

"Yes, it is the magic grass."

Ye Xiaohu's eyes lit up, and he won the auction invitation. After taking a closer look at the contents above, he saw the picture of Hua Shencao.

This nodded Ye Xiaohu in satisfaction, and then said to Nangong Xingrui: "How much money did you bring?"

"Probably one million Kunluns."

Nangong Xingrui thought about it: "If it is not enough, then I can still sell some things, probably about 1.5 million Kunluns."

"1.5 million is not enough."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at the auction price of Huashencao, the starting price is one million, so the transaction price is absolutely terrifying.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu thought about it and said, "I will give you some herbs, and you will arrange for people to take them out and exchange them for Kunlun coins. I will shoot something at the auction."


Nangong Xingrui saw Ye Xiaohu's so serious expression and quickly agreed to Ye Xiaohu's account.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction.

So from his own floating island space, he summoned some of the medicines he cultivated and handed them to Ningong Xingrui: "Don't get together, spread out the sales, so as not to let the interested people pay attention to your actions."

"Senior Ye, you can rest assured that we will still do well."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's instructions, Nangong Xingrui quickly guaranteed it, and then took the medicine that Ye Xiaohu handed over to her and walked out: "Senior Ye ~ ~ You just wait for our good news."

As soon as Ningong Xingrui left, Ye Xiaohu sat alone in the room, and tasted the tea murmured carefully: "Hua Shencao, but the fairy grass that could not be easily cultivated in the heavenly court. I saw it within Kunlun Realm. "

"But it's understandable. After all, the Kunlun world was also a cave house in the heavenly court. So what kind of medicinal herbs are planted in that courthouse are acceptable."

Putting the tea cup down, Ye Xiaohu touched his chin and thought: "But people in Kunlun Realm obviously don't know Huashencao, so the auction price set by Huashencao is extremely low. If this is replaced by When in heaven, I am afraid that the auction price can be more than ten times, or even more. "

God of grass.

Not only can it help the monster to complete the transformation as soon as possible.

It can also be used to refine medicine and make it into a kind of magic pill.

Once it is refined, it can help the practitioner to complete the step of distraction as soon as possible, so as to enter the realm of distraction.

Even above the heavenly court, there are some heirs of immortals. After taking the Huashen Pill, they directly changed from an ordinary cultivator to a next immortal.

Of course, because of the limited potential, the heir of that fairy, in the end, can only be the level of a fairy.

But for the heir of the fairy, this is already satisfying.

Standing up from the chair, Ye Xiaohu walked directly back to his own convenience, and sat cross-legged, entering into a state of cultivation: "When I auction to Huashen Grass, I will supplement some materials to make Huashendan, At that time, I will be able to return to the realm of distraction, so who will Ye Xiaohu be afraid of within Kunlun Realm? "

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