Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 889: : The first auction item

Three days later.

The auction held by the Youlong Auction House has finally arrived.

So all the people who were properly prepared rushed to the Youlong auction house.

Because this auction is too grand, there are too many people participating, so ordinary invitations for auctions cannot bring too many men and family members to participate.

Under such circumstances, the children of the Nangong family must stay in the Lanyue Inn, and only Nangong Xingrui and Xiao Qi followed Ye Xiaohu to the auction.

"Young Master, Senior Ye, look at that man over there. He looks so fierce!"

"Young Master, when can our Nangong family, like them, domesticate such a tough monster?"

"Senior Ye, look at what that person is doing, why do I feel that he is terrible?"

"This time when I go back, I must explain to my companions what the Nanpai City has seen and heard, and make them envious and jealous."

Xiaoqi tweeted all the way along the way.

Ye Xiaohu had to answer him once in a while, and then kept his eyes closed to refresh himself.

Because there are too many ordinary invitations, Ye Xiaohu and his party need to wait in line and cannot directly enter the venue, nor do they have any boxes.

"Little Lord……"

At this time, Xiao Qi saw something strange again, so she was going to ask Nangong Xingrui and Ye Xiaohu.

But when he spoke, Ye Xiaohu's voice suddenly came around him: "Be careful."


At the next moment, Xiaoqi felt her body and suffered a huge impact, and directly flew back four or five meters.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohu, who always stood beside him, assisted in time to stop Xiaoqi who was flying backwards.

After Ye Xiaohu shot and stabilized Xiaoqi's body, he frowned and said, "You didn't apologize for hitting someone?"

"Huh, Uncle Ben ran into it, but what can you do with me?"

The speaker is five big and three thick, and is more than two meters high, making people talk to him.

I saw him looking up proudly, "When did Jue Luosong of Beiquan City give an apology?"

Feeling Luo Song?

When he heard the name, everyone in the room took a breath.

Even those who originally stood next to Ye Xiaohu have given way, fearing that they will be brought by the conflict between Ye Xiaohu and Ju Luosong, which will affect their subsequent bidding.

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, said with disdain: "If you don't apologize today, then you don't want to walk past me."

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

Jue Luosong, who is more than two meters high, rubbed his hand directly, and his eyes full of desire to fight said: "If you want to find death, then I will complete you."


When you say it, you do it.

I saw Luo Song roaring, waving an iron fist directly, and punching Ye Xiaohu with a fist.

"It's over."

"This man from a small place in the country is estimated to be dead."

"Death is also deserved. Who asked him to do something bad, must he provoke the murderous madness of Shang Luo Song?"

"In recent years, anyone who has provoked Luosong has never seen anyone leave without safety."


When everyone was not optimistic about Ye Xiaohu, Jue Luosong's waving iron fist finally hit the controllable range.

Seeing that Ye Xiaohu was about to hit, Ye Xiaohu shot like lightning, and grabbed the iron fist of Ju Luosong: "With your power, is it worthy to shoot with me?"

Ye Xiaohu grabbed Ju Luosong's arm directly, pulled the strength of the mountain and river, and threw it towards the outside.


Jue Luosong's desperate resistance still had no way to control his body.

As a result, a generation of young masters Luo Song, so no face was thrown out by Ye Xiaohu.

Fortunately, when Jue Luosong was about to land on the ground, a figure flew out like lightning and caught Jue Luosong's body, and pointed at Jue Luosong: "Jue Luosong, you are too disappointing me."

"His Highness Boxer."

Hearing the icy voice beneath him, Luo Song looked embarrassed and said: "All of them just belonged to the next moment, and the subordinates will now help you get rid of the kid."

"no need."

The people under Jue Luosong directly put Jue Luosong's body in order, and at the same time, he sorted out his clothes and said: "The auction will start soon, and there is no need to waste time on them."


Although Ju Luosong was not reconciled, he finally gave in after hearing the command of the boxing champion.

So Ju Luosong waited for Ye Xiaohu and others, and then followed their young master boxing champion, and stepped directly into the auction.

Looking at Jue Luosong's back, the people around were surprised.

"A boxing champion?"

"The young master of Beiquan City, that is the most promising person to become a king of boxers, did not expect him to come today."

"Normal, after all, this auction will be the Blue Dragon List. After all, the young master of Beiquan City will naturally come to try his luck. If he finds a suitable weapon, his fighting power can be improved. Several times, to the point of terror. "

"No matter how much, the kid who offended the Luo Song, I'm afraid it's going to be a big mold. When this auction is over, I guess the people of Beiquan will never let go of him.

"This is self-inflicted and unviable, everything is found by themselves, so when it comes to the auction site, everyone is still far away from him."

If an individual stays away from Ye Xiaohu, Ye Xiaohu will be happy.

Without their hindrance, Ye Xiaohu passed the inspection of the Youlong auction house and entered the auction site smoothly.

I saw Ye Xiaohu holding his own auction card ~ ~ found the chair.

After Ye Xiaohu sat down, Nangong Xingrui and Xiaoqi were on either side of him.

At this time, geniuses who were famous in Kunlun Realm came from all directions.

In addition to the former young master boxing champion of Beiquan City, there are the golden body Luohan of Buddha City, the fairy of Fairy City, the Dao of Dao Xiancheng, the sword of Jianxian City ...

Everyone is a role that can make Kunlun City change.

If it weren't for this time, the Green Dragon List, also announced in the Nanpai City, it would be difficult to see so many geniuses in one breath.

"Welcome you to come to our Longyou Auction House for an auction."

When Ye Xiaohu and his party were ready, on the high platform in the center of the auction, an elderly old man came out from the background and introduced in front of everyone: "Here I announce that this auction The official start, please ask the staff to take the first auction item. "

(End of this chapter)

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