Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 908: : The distraction has been completed, the immortal is in sight

Inside the inn.

The children of Nangong Town, with the help of Ye Xiaohu's healing medicine, have awakened from the injuries.

"Xiao Liu, how is yours?"

"Well, and it's still a great advancement, it has skyrocketed a lot."

"Me too, and I am confident that even after a month, I will break into the Dao planting period."

"So do I."

The children of Nangong Town are all filled with joy.

But they also know that, according to their talents, if they develop a little bit, cultivation will never progress so fast.

So after communicating with each other for a while, they asked Nangong Xingrui one after another: "Young Master, you see when Senior Ye leaves the customs."

Nangong Xingrui glanced at the place where Ye Xiaohu was closed, and could not help shaking his head: "I don't know either."

"But the Green Dragon List Conference is about to start."

Hearing Nangong Xingrui, Xiao Qi couldn't help but worry: "Senior Ye has always wanted to participate in the Qinglong Bang Conference? If he hasn't left the border, I'm afraid I will miss it."

"Miss, just miss it."

Nangong Xingrui smiled bitterly: "This time, we should not participate in the Green Dragon List Conference, but should leave immediately, otherwise let the masters of Daoxiancheng know that it is the predecessor Ye who killed them, then it must be undead in the future. Endless situation. "


Xiaoqi knows that Nangong Xingrui is telling the truth, one city to one person, then Ye Xiaohu has absolutely no chance of winning.

Just when they were emotional, a roar came from Ye Xiaohu's closed place.

Nangong Xingrui and others moved their eyes and saw a cloud of smoke drifting out of Ye Xiaohu's closed room, which made them look at each other one by one, not understanding what was going on.

At this moment, however, Ye Xiaohu's room was very ruined, with scattered furniture everywhere.

Inside these furniture, Ye Xiaohu squatted down on the ground, picked up a grain of Elixir, and put it in a medicine bottle, vomiting: "Damn, it wasn't controlled for a while, and it was actually fried. Fortunately, Lao Tzu was properly prepared, and finally succeeded in reversing, refining a few pellets of magical pill. "

Ye Xiaohu felt very satisfied when he looked at the medicine bottles, and each of them turned into a unique light-emitting **** pill.

"With these metaphors, my cultivation can be restored to the split-phase, so that I can walk sideways within the Kunlun Realm."

According to information obtained from Ye Xiaohu, the literally strongest within Kunlun Realm, the highest cultivation base is the peak of distraction period, which is already a limit.

Even if there is a higher level of immortal cultivation, then cultivation will not be much higher than Ye Xiaohu.

At least in terms of Ye Xiaohu's current cultivation, if he meets a higher level of cultivation, he can safely leave this place.

Having made up his mind, Ye Xiaohu first cleaned up the surrounding things, then sat cross-legged, and sent a pellet of Divine Pill into his mouth for silent refining.

Hua Shen Dan is worthy of being an immortal medicine. As soon as he entered Ye Xiaohu's mouth, he immediately transformed into a little medicine and began to transform Ye Xiaohu's body.

However, the transformation direction of Huashen Pill is different from ordinary pill.

The common panacea is mainly to transform Ye Xiaohu's flesh. Other aspects are just piggybacking.

The main transformation direction of Huashen Pill is the spirit of the soul, and some body parts such as the brain are the places where piggyback transformation is carried out.

This is a diametrically opposite way of transformation, but it has the same effect, which is to urge Ye Xiaohu's cultivation together.


With the help of Huashen Pill, Ye Xiaohu reunited in order to return to the human world, the already broken soul world.

However, Ye Xiaohu's spirit world is really too large, so re-condensing is more troublesome.

If Daozi's Taoist protector now enters Ye Xiaohu's spirit world again, Ye Xiaohu only needs one look to destroy Daozi's Taoist protector.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

I do n’t know how long it has elapsed. When Ye Xiaohu ’s spirit world stabilized and there were no cracks, Ye Xiaohu woke up from the setting and spit out a sigh of air: "It ’s done, and finally returned to the distraction state. , Then Cheng Xian is just around the corner. "

Ye Xiaohu is different from ordinary people, his flesh and spirit are fairy level.

So as long as there are enough resources and heaven and earth aura, then he is very easy to restore the fairy.

Now that the body's second tempering and the second-degree condensed soul space are completed, then there is only one level left, which is to challenge the Heavenly Tribulation again. This is the only level that Ye Xiaohu is worried about.

However, there is still a period of time before the challenge to Tiancai. Ye Xiaohu believes that he can find more resources to assist himself in completing the final challenge.

Before that, Ye Xiaohu needed to go to the Green Dragon List Conference, find the master of the Demon Church, and ask about the coordinates of Er Leng Zi.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, walked out with Huashen Pill, and waited for Nangong Xingrui, who was waiting anxiously at the door, and said: "Let you wait for a long time."

"Senior Ye, you are out."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu, Nangong Xingrui and others breathed a sigh of relief: "Senior Ye, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Ye Xiaohu divided the Shenshen Pill in his hands to Nangong Xingrui and others, saying: "You each have the Shenshen Pill, and then find a place to retreat and practice."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Nangong Xingrui and others were dumbfounded, and I don't know why.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu could only shrug his shoulders and said, "Since I took the Huashen Grass, I knew I was destined to be an enemy to the Kunlun Realm. So you can't follow me anymore. The scourge of death. "

Nangong Xingrui shook his head and refused: "But Senior Ye, we are not afraid."

"No ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu firmly said:" You don't understand, a real war broke out, and the cultivation of you at the level of Tao and Dao is of no use at all. Even a little aftermath of our battle can kill you, so you just follow me and just die. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Nangong Xingrui and others laughed bitterly, because they could not find any reason to justify, and they had no choice but to accept the fact: "We understand, Senior Ye, you must survive."

"Relax, the person who can kill me is not born in the world and the Kunlun world."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and took the initiative to hug Nangong Xingrui, and sent them one by one to Lanyue Inn.

Then after hitting a piece of water alone, and bathing and changing clothes, Ye Xiaohu changed into modern clothing from the earth, gave up the complex ancient suits within the Kunlun world, and then walked with satisfaction to the venue where the Qinglongbang Conference was held.

(End of this chapter)

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