Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 919: : The plot of the demon


Ye Xiaohu has been searching for the devil all the time, but never found it.

The original news from the Prophet's Temple said that the devil would go to the Blue Dragon List to compete for the top position.

But when he won the top spot, he even caused a lot of trouble, but he still didn't see the demon appear, but in desperation Ye Xiaohu had to enter the Kunlun ruins first.

He had just heard about Devil's news when he came in. He had to say that this is destiny!

Ye Xiaohu's heart moved slightly, so he quietly raised his head and looked at the speaker.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu saw ten people at a glance. The ten people seemed to be a small team, with different occupations, and they were also guarding each other while traveling.

Obviously, it is not safe among the ruins of Kunlun, on the contrary there will be many dangers.

"of course."

The captain of the ten-member team said with a smug face: "Don't forget, we demons were originally people of the Kunlun world. This place, this world, the grass and trees here, were originally our demons. The place to teach. It ’s just that the group of scums came in from the earth and drove us back with a few blows, so we had to let out most of the core secrets of the Kunlun world. But ... many secrets in the Kunlun world In this place, we have control and entry methods for the Demon Church, which is not comparable to the Kunlun Ten Cities. It is also the reason why our Demon Church has been able to contend with them in these ten years. "

Hearing the captain, the other team members nodded.

Because they are the core disciples of the Demon Religion, several generations above have been natives within Kunlun Realm.

It's just that because of the invasion of Kunlun Ten Cities, they also lost their territory and cultivation ground, so they were full of hate in their hearts.

"Those so-called sons of Kunlun's Ten Cities, I'm afraid they can't even dream about it. Can these small people enter the ruins of Kunlun?"

"Well, it ’s weird that they can know? If it were n’t for our demon retreat, let them catch their tails, so if they let them break the enchantment and put a core disciple in every year, they would n’t be able to discover the Kunlun ruins place."

"But since we can freely enter and leave the ruins of Kunlun, why aren't we all killing those geniuses from Kunlun's ten cities in this place?"

"That is, can't we cut off the inheritance and growth of Kunlun City?"

A team member looked at his captain in confusion, not understanding why.

Hearing his inquiry, the captain of the team, Hao Linxun, said with a deep face: "This is what you do above, naturally you have your own ideas. However, I guess that what plan seems to be implemented on the above needs people from the ten cities of Kunlun. The demon transports blood and cracks. "

"Crack what?"

The player was still confused: "Is there anything in the ruins of Kunlun that our demon can't crack?"


The captain of the team, Hao Linxun, shook his head, and then said to the left and right players: "But I believe that such days will not be too long. This time, Lord Devil, let us follow him to do things, we must be sure to crack the wait A long level. "

"Crack the level?"

One person stood up and said: "Could it be said that the breaking stone we are looking for this time is one of the things that break the formation?"


Hao Linxun nodded, approving the team ’s guess, and then said: "Now Master Devil will hand over such an important task to us, so we must complete the beautiful task and bring back the broken stone to Master Demon. Do n’t let Demon Do you understand the disappointment? "

"Yes, we will not let Master Devil down."

When everyone heard the command of Master Devil, they were all excited one by one. Obviously they had fanatical worship of Devil.

Because this generation of devil is the only one who has led them to contend against Kunlun Ten Cities since they were called Devil Realm.

Such a performance allows the devil's statement to be stuck in the hearts of the demons.

"Okay, now that everyone understands the importance of this matter, so what are you waiting for and act quickly."

Hao Linxun shouted, and then led the entire team to move on.

At the cry of Hao Linxun, everyone went forward together.

Soon they passed by where Ye Xiaohu was, so Ye Xiaohu left a mark of their own soul on them.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu can control their whereabouts at any time and know where they are.

After no worries, Ye Xiaohu touched his chin, and then looked at the back of Hao Linxun and others, and said with a deep face: "What the Devil is thinking, what do you want to do with the broken stone?"

Before entering the ruins of Kunlun, Ye Xiaohu also thought that the ten cities of Kunlun completely occupied the ruins of Kunlun.

But he never imagined that the Demon Church could enter the ruins of Kunlun anytime and anywhere, and planned things for thousands of years here.

This made Ye Xiaohu feel that the map of the demon must be not small.

"what is it?"

"Where do you need to break the boundary stone?"

"Something like the breaking stone can be used everywhere. But as its name suggests, breaking the boundary is the best."

"Does the Demon Church want to break the realm?"

"But where are they going?"

Ye Xiaohu's brain kept spinning, thinking about every possibility.

Suddenly, Ye Xiaohu raised his head, his eyes lit up, and thought of a possible mutter: "The Demon Cult can get Erzunzi to Kunlun through the spokesperson on earth ~ ~. This shows that they have mastered one that can The means of communication with the earth, or the weak areas of the two realms. "

"However, no one has left Kunlun Realm, or some people have entered it, but they can't walk vigorously. This shows that the secret law controlled by the Demon Church must not be complete."

Ye Xiaohu walked back and forth a few steps, and the thinking in his mind became more active. I saw him affirmed: "That is to say, the demon may use the breaking stone to build a passage to the earth within the ruins of Kunlun, And it will be opened soon. At that time, they can preemptively conquer the earth and seize the resources of the earth to counter the Kunlun world. "

If Ye Xiaohu is from the ten cities of Kunlun, he will immediately leave the ruins of Kunlun and report the world to his teachers and elders for immediate research and response.

However, Ye Xiaohu was not from the ten cities of Kunlun, so after analyzing and understanding the specific content, Ye Xiaohu calmed down and said: "The Kunlun Realm is becoming more and more unstable, so the practitioners in Kunlun Realm will return to the earth soon, so I had to take advantage of them before they could return to the earth in large numbers, and then go back to Erzongzi, and then arrange it earlier. "

(End of this chapter)

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