Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 930: : 2 blunders with 1 month left

This is a place in Kunlun City that has spent countless years and has been cultivating.

Today's demon camp is heavily guarded, and there are masters from time to time.

"I don't know what happened to Lord Devil?"

"Master Devil is not here, we old guys, don't you feel that there is nothing to do one by one?"


"I haven't seen it for so many years. Such a brilliant genius. If you can really train him, don't talk about breaking the boundary, just talking about the confrontation with Kunlun Ten Cities."

A group of veterans of the Demon Sect sat together while tasting tea and talking about the devil's strength and talent.

At this time, a deacon hurried in and greeted several people in the house: "Several elders, the leader asked you to go over immediately. He has something important to discuss with you."

"The leader wanted us?"

After hearing the deacon's words, several demon elders were stunned, and then stood up together.

"The leader wanted us?"

"Don't know anything?"

"Let's go quickly!"

I saw a few of them looked at each other and walked forward together.

Xu Shou.

They came to the demon headquarters, inside a majestic pagoda.

This pagoda was obviously not created by these immortals, because the inside contains all kinds of magical powers, but it is a rune of immortals.

After entering the pagoda, several elders stagnated.

Because this pagoda is the site of the leader and the devil, only two of them can enter and leave freely, and others can only stop at the first floor. This is a symbol of status and status.

"Master, we are here."

The elders standing on the first floor shouted towards them.

Hearing their cries, a person's footsteps sounded, and then they saw the invincible leader of their own mind, and came down with a broken spirit card.

Seeing this spirit card, several elders of the Demon Church curiously said: "I would like to ask the leader, which one of my masters died?"


The demon lord spit out these two words coldly, and the elder grunted at the words of the leader: "Devil, a familiar name."


At first he didn't want to understand, but when he calmed down and thought, he immediately understood the importance of the word devil, so he shocked and grew his mouth and said: "Master, do you say that devil is dead?"


The demon lord put the fragments of the token in front of everyone and said, "Just now, the devil's spirit card shattered, and it was a shatter that penetrated the soul. I struggled with the power of nine cattle and two tigers Retaining his soul, I can only watch the last piece of his soul breaking apart in front of me. "


Hearing what the demon priest said, it was hard for everyone to believe: "What the **** is going on, isn't the devil inside the ruins of Kunlun? In that place, how could someone kill him?"

"Is it within the ruins of Kunlun, there are some secrets we don't know?"

Another elder gave a different answer: "Did the devil touch the prohibition result when he broke the boundary?"

"If this is the case, then I will quietly pick a new generation of devil."

The demon leader said with a wry smile: "From the situation when the devil's memory is fragmented, it seems that some people have shot and killed the devil directly."


Hearing the words of the demon leader, everyone froze for a moment: "Who can kill the devil within the ruins of Kunlun?"

"An unknown person."

The demon leader shook his head and said with a puzzled face: "I am not very clear about the specific situation. But from the devil's memory, that person should not belong to any party, even from an unknown world. But there is one thing I can be sure that this person is related to our Son. "


"That guy from the earth?"

The elders looked at the Demon Sect Master in surprise: "Did there be any hidden forces, knowing that we have the means to return to the earth, so we shot and killed the devil, and tried to **** the Son?"

"I don't know the exact situation, but I know that the cooked duck can't be allowed to fly."

A glimmer of coldness flashed in the eyes of the demon priest: "So I decided to train the Son at all costs, and after a month, I personally took the body of the Son and became a new generation of devil."


Everyone looked at the demon leader, and they were a little shocked.

But they thought it over again, because the demon cult leader, like them, has reached the limit of talent, and it is impossible to continue to break through.

If you want to complete the breakthrough, then you can only regain your life and return to the world of cultivation with a better talent and body.

This mystery is not new in the Demon Church, so everyone can accept it, so they nodded and said: "Teacher, you can rest assured that we will complete the task and allow the Son to bear your soul after a month. "


The demon lord waved his hands, repelled the elders, and then looked at the devil's token fragments alone.

Cry for a while, laugh for a while, the expression is extremely strange, but no one saw it.


"Kunlun Palace ~ ~ We are here."

"Last time, there was a lack of breaking stones, so we were forced to leave, but this time we must pass."

"Everyone should pay attention, don't make any loopholes."

"Everyone be more careful, you are about to reach a level."

Within the ruins of Kunlun, Ye Xiaohu and others entered a palace.

According to Han Junlei, this place is the Kunlun Palace, the ruins of Kunlun, and the true core of the Kunlun world.

Ye Xiaohu is like an invisible man, walking slowly in front, as if he doesn't care about anything.

But Long Yi beside him is a man who can't help himself.

So Long saw a bright gem above the stone road next to it, and couldn't help but rushed over to dig it out, then faced Ye Xiaohu Road: "Master, look, I found a dragon stone for you . "

Before Ye Xiaohu spoke, he saw that Han Junlei and other people's faces changed a lot, as if they were taking laxatives, and they looked at the dragons one by one and said angrily: "If you want to die, then go to death yourself, don't get tired We people. "

"Who are you talking about?"

"Just say you."

"you wanna die."

Just as Long Yi and Han Junlei's gunpowder smell became stronger and stronger, a thunderous sound appeared around them, which made their expressions dignified.


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