Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 932: : Accidental discovery

Ye Xiaohu and his team have two purposes.

One is to break through the space and find a way back to earth.

Another idea is to find the main hall of Kunlun Palace and take a look at how the Kunlun Immortals at that time cultivated and left something in this place.

Relative to returning to earth, the second goal is the goal that Han Junlei and others most desire, because everyone hopes to become stronger.

"where is this place?"

The earth dragon who followed Ye Xiaohu all the way, suddenly saw the picture in front of him, and couldn't help but be shocked and said: "Strange, why do I feel so familiar with this place?"

"Are you familiar?"

Ye Xiaohu's eyes lit up and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Most strange beasts will inherit the memory of the ancestors, which is a method of inheritance of the monsters.

The fact that Long Yi can be left in the ruins of Kunlun by Kunlun immortals must be the ancestor's recognition of Kunlun immortals.

In other words, there may be memories of some Kunlun immortals in the memory of the dragon.

I saw Ye Xiaohu walked to Long Yi and said to Long: "You close your eyes now and feel the familiar power carefully, and at the same time let go of your body control."


If at first, Ye Xiaohu was violently conquered, the dragon was only surrendered.

After passing through the Kunlun Pass and resisting the pictures of the Nine Sky Sky Thunder, Long Yi has already truly surrendered to Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, Long Yi never resisted Ye Xiaohu's arrangement, so he closed his eyes with peace of mind.

At the next moment, Ye Xiaohu pressed his right hand deep into Long Yi's head and felt Long Yi's memory carefully.

"Spirit search for me."

In the past, Ye Xiaohu used this kind of magic to explore the past and inheritance of the fairy beasts in Tianting.

Therefore, the exploration of Long Yi's memory is completely familiar, and soon found the memory of Long Yi's memory about Kunlun Palace.

But the memory at the beginning was Long Yi's own memory.

This part of memory is obviously not very important.

So Ye Xiaohu went deeper, and quickly found a part of the core content, which surprised Ye Xiaohu: "found, you really have a relationship with Kunlun Xian."

Ye Xiaohu let go of his hand, and Long immediately asked curiously, "Master, am I related to Kunlun Xian?"


Ye Xiaohu nodded and said: "If I am not wrong, you should be one of the four holy beasts where Kunlun Xian sat down."

There are four sacred beasts in the heavenly court, so after some gods created the world themselves, they will also imitate the situation of the heavenly court and cultivate their own four sage beasts.

However, each of the four great beasts of the heavenly court is a fairy-level monster, not something that ordinary fairies can cultivate and conquer. Under such circumstances, Kunlun cents gave up fairy-level monsters and cultivated their offspring.

The ancestor of Longyi is one of the four sacred beasts selected by Kunlun Immortal, the descendant of the sacred beast of the blue dragon in Kunlun.

"Am I the Four Great Beasts?"

Long Yi was also dumbfounded. He still knew what concept the Holy Beast was.

So after hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, he didn't know how to respond for a while.

"Not bad."

Ye Xiaohu said to the dragon: "Come with me."


Long Yi didn't know what Ye Xiaohu was going to do, but he knew that following Ye Xiaohu would never be dangerous, so he followed behind Ye Xiaohu.

Soon they came to a stone pillar, and Ye Xiaohu pointed to one of the stone pillars and said: "See if there is that stone pillar."


Long Yi looked at it carefully and then puzzled: "Is there anything different about this stone pillar?"

Ye Xiaohu calmly said: "You will know if you eat it."

"Eat ... eat?"

Long Yi grew his mouth and said: "Master, don't joke, although I am an earth dragon, I don't eat stones!"

"Do you want to eat?"

Ye Xiaohu glared at him and said, "If you don't eat, then I will take away the stone pillar and give it to the dogs in the house!"


Long looked at Ye Xiaohu, and then at Shizhu.

He could feel that the stone pillars were a little different, but he didn't know where they were different.

But Ye Xiaohu let him eat, then there must be some secrets.

So Long took a deep breath, spitting tears, and pressed down the psychological uneasiness and fear: "I eat, I will eat this."

Long Yi passed Ye Xiaohu's side, walked tremblingly to the stone pillar, and changed his body, then opened his mouth and bit directly towards the stone pillar.


The stone pillar is very big, but after facing the big one, it still looks very small, so it is directly swallowed by Long Yi.

"my stomach……"

But after swallowing the stone pillar, Long Yi ~ ~ actually fell to the ground and struggled violently.

He felt that the stone column that entered his stomach was like a jack, falling continuously, pulling his internal organs and making his heart and liver broken.

"Master, save me, I'm going to die ..."

Long Yi kept wailing, but Ye Xiaohu did not help, but said calmly: "Don't be afraid, now cast your natal magic powers and refine the stone pillars in your body, only then can you survive. , Otherwise you have only one way to go. "

Seeing that Ye Xiaohu didn't take action, Long Yi could only obediently obey the orders, refining the stone pillars in his body with his own fate.

After seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu smiled with satisfaction: "I didn't expect the Kunlun Immortal, but actually got a hint of holy beast to write, and sealed in the stone pillar."

"Now the dragon has swallowed the entire stone pillar. If the blood of the holy beast is refined again, it may not be cultivated as a great advance, and there are signs of returning to the ancestor. In that way, maybe one day in the future, he can really plan to become Holy Dragon Beast. "

Ye Xiaohu has raised fairy beasts, and naturally knows the characteristics of fairy beasts and their meaning.

So Ye Xiaohu didn't ignore Long Yi's safety, but let Long Yi swallow the stone pillar for his future.

However, in order to ensure that Long Yi can refine the fossil column, Ye Xiaohu arranged a secondary formation around Long Yi's body, so that he can help him refine the fossil column.

After completing this type of action, Ye Xiaohu continued to walk toward the depths of the main hall of the Kunlun Palace with satisfaction, while observing the surroundings, and seriously thinking: "Kunlun Immortal has always been a mysterious guy. At that time, he often did some weird things. So I was very curious, he was in Kunlun Realm, he secretly created something in the end. "


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